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CWP: September 25, 2017 Citizen participation in a democracy quiz part 2 Please clear your desk of all materials except for a pen or pencil.

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Presentation on theme: "CWP: September 25, 2017 Citizen participation in a democracy quiz part 2 Please clear your desk of all materials except for a pen or pencil."— Presentation transcript:

1 CWP: September 25, 2017 Citizen participation in a democracy quiz part 2 Please clear your desk of all materials except for a pen or pencil

2 Test Taking Procedure and rules
Absolutely no communicating of any kind (notes, talking, Morse code, hand signals, ASL, etc) or visible cell phones. ---violations will result in a zero in the grade book that can not be made up ---any visible cellphone will result in zero in the gradebook this applies during the entire duration of test taking until the teacher gives the signal. Wave at me if you understand! To avoid the possibility of a test environment violation, read or work quietly on other academic assignments. No exceptions. Violators will receive a ZERO.

3 Political ideology: Pinpoint yourself Politically
Complete the survey by checking the responses that apply to you for each question. Some questions allow multiple responses: read each carefully. We will score together.

4 Reference points... # 3. Dan Brown “Davinci Code”---- controversial book that questions widely held biblical beliefs (very liberal) Michael Crichton “Jurassic Park”--- science fiction challenging the idea of allowing science to go unrestrained (very conservative) #5. Which presidential candidate is/was more aligned with your views? #23. The current Federal Minimum wage is $7.25/Hour. The current Washington State Minimum Wage is $11.00/Hour increasing to $13.50/Hour by 2020

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