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Networking CS 3470, Section 1 Sarah Diesburg

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1 Networking CS 3470, Section 1 Sarah Diesburg
Exam Review Networking CS 3470, Section 1 Sarah Diesburg

2 Coverage Total: 50 points; 1 min / point
43-45 points based on lectures, assignments, and project 1a 5-7 points based on your ability to apply various principles learned in the class Multiple choice, short answer, and problem solving questions

3 Introduction and Foundations
Definitions Circuit-switched network Packet-switched network Network Gateway Switch

4 Introduction and Foundations
Definitions Addressing Unicast, multicast, broadcast Multiplexing

5 Introduction and Foundations
Short answers Compare and contrast types of multiplexing Synchronous Time-Division Multiplexing (STDM) Frequency-Division Multiplexing (FDM) Statistical Multiplexing

6 Network Performance Definitions Bandwidth Latency
Length and width of a bit Delay x Bandwidth Return Trip Time (RTT) Jitter

7 Network Performance Short answers Find the latency Find the RTT
Find the Delay x Bandwidth

8 Internet Architecture
Definitions Protocols and Encapsulation Fragmentation/defragmentation

9 Internet Architecture
Short answers List Internet Model layers and explain each layer List ISO/OSI Model layers and explain each layer

10 SMTP Short answers What is RFC? What is SMTP?
What commands do you use to send an through the SMTP protocol? What port does an SMTP server listen on?

11 Link Layer Encoding/Decoding
Definitions Encode Decode Network adaptors Baseline wander Clock recovery Bit stuffing Frame

12 Link Layer Encoding/Decoding
Short answers Be able to chart NRZ, NRZI, Manchester Be able to explain the purpose behind 4B/5B Be able to explain why a clock is necessary

13 Error Detection Definitions 2-D Checks Internet Checksums
Cyclic Redundancy Check

14 Error Detection Short answers CRC

15 Reliability Definitions Acknowledgement (ACK) Timeouts

16 Reliability Short answers Stop-and-wait Sliding window

17 Core Ethernet Definitions CSMA/CD Repeater Collision domain
MAC address Runt frame Polling Token Passing

18 Implementing Mutual Exclusion
Short answers Layout of core ethernet Total reach, number of repeaters When will an Ethernet adapter accept a frame? (3 conditions)

19 Network Programming Definitions Socket Client-Server Model Port

20 Network Programming Short answers
Control flow of simpletalk client and server

21 Be able to fill this in… Server socket() bind() Well-known port Client
listen() socket() accept() blocks until connection from client connect() Connection establishment fgets() recv() Data(request) process request fputs() send()

22 Be able to explain what each thing does…
Server socket() bind() Well-known port Client listen() socket() accept() blocks until connection from client connect() Connection establishment fgets() recv() Data(request) process request fputs() send()

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