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Protégé/2000 Advanced Tools for Building Intelligent Systems

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1 Protégé/2000 Advanced Tools for Building Intelligent Systems
Mark A. Musen Stanford University Stanford, California USA

2 Generations of Protégé systems at SMI
PROTÉGÉ LISP-Machine system for rapid knowledge acquisition for clinical-trial specifications PROTÉGÉ-II NeXTSTEP system that allowed independent ontology editing and selection of alternative problem-solving methods Protégé/Win Finally, a Protégé system for the masses ... Protégé/Java The subject of this talk ...

3 Protégé/2000 Represents the latest in a series of interactive tools for knowledge-system development Facilitates construction of knowledge bases in a principled fashion from reusable components Allows a variety of “plug ins” to facilitate customization in various dimensions Still needs a better name ...

4 Knowledge-base development with Protégé/2000
Build a domain ontology (a conceptual model of the application area) Custom-tailor GUI for acquisition of content knowledge Elicit content knowledge from application specialists Map domain ontology to appropriate problem solvers for automation of particular tasks

5 Ontologies are cropping up everywhere!
Structured online indexing (as in Yahoo!) Mediation among heterogeneous databases (as in UMLS) Reference characterization of application domains (for knowledge reuse)

6 An ontology Provides a domain of discourse for characterizing some application area Enumerates concepts, attributes of concepts, and relationships among concepts, thus defining a structure for the application area Defines constraints on relationships among concepts


8 Conceptual building blocks for intelligent systems
Domain ontologies Characterization of concepts and relationships in an application area, providing a domain of discourse Problem-solving methods Abstract algorithms for achieving solutions to stereotypical tasks (e.g., constraint satisfaction, classification, planning, Bayesian inference)

9 Problem-solving knowledge automates specific tasks
Domain knowledge + Problem-solving method Intelligent behavior

10 Heuristic classification in MYCIN (after Clancey)
Feature Abstraction Solution Refinement Compromised host Gram-negative infection Heuristic Match Immuno- suppressed Pseudo- monas E. coli Leukopenia Alcoholic WBC < 2.5

11 Problem-solving methods
Provide terms and relationships for talking about relevant problem-solving behavior (a method ontology) Have a method ontology that defines knowledge roles, which clarify purpose of each element of domain knowledge Assume that required problem solving can be construed as compositions of well-characterized, generic algorithms

12 Advances in Protégé/2000 Much improved
editing of ontologies creation and customization of knowledge-acquisition tools adaptation of system to new requirements But still no automated support for mapping of knowledge bases to problem-solving methods—yet! No more shuffling among different development tools!

13 Generation of usable domain-specific KA tools
Protégé/2000 system takes as input a domain ontology generates in real time a graphical KA tool Developers Tweak KA tool appearance by using direct-manipulation layout-editing facilities Add custom user-interface widgets when complexity of domain warrants more specialized visual metaphors


15 Another way of browsing the constraints
Another way of browsing the constraints. This view encodes a lot of information. The top level tab encodes the type of constraint we are talking about. Left hand side-- across the top are echelons, down the left are unit types. White indicates that it makes sense to talk about the unit/echelon pair. White with a number indicates the number of constraints defined for that unit echelon pair. (yellow indicates slections). Right hand side: A “table-style” view of the instances. A few slots have their values indicated by columns; each instance defines a row in the table. The user can double click on an instance to view it more fully (and, of course, the C and X buttons work just like they do int eh rest of the application).

16 Protégé/2000 Ontology-editing tab
Add additional constraints on classes and attributes Developer can see knowledge organization clearly Easy to edit attributes and facets Classification problems become viewable

17 A sample application tab: Authoring eligibility criteria
Developed for NCI effort to ease information management for clinical trials Uses tab “plug in” to support custom-tailored, knowledge-driven application Demonstrates how our ontology-oriented approach facilitates knowledge reuse and knowledge maintenance

18 The task: Authoring eligibility criteria for clinical-trial protocols
Each clinical trial protocol includes a long list of patient criteria that determine eligibility or exclusion For given types of tumors, certain eligibility criteria can be inferred from well-characterized clinical states Each eligibility criterion must be linked to standard patient data that can be used to determine the value of that criterion

19 The program display is divided into two parts
The program display is divided into two parts. The left hand portion of the screen helps to select eligibility criteria while the right hand portion shows criteria that have already been selected. The initial view of the program shows a diagram of typical Clinical States for breast cancer in the upper left window. Selecting one of the clinical states (in this case State 7) by clicking on it brings up a series of eligibility criterion which are moved to the lists on the right hand side of the screen. Additional criteria that may be associated with a clinical state are shown in the lower left window. These criteria can be moved to the lists of inclusion or exclusion criteria by pressing the appropriate button (inclusion or exclusion) at the lower left hand corner.



22 Linking eligibility criteria to “Common Data Elements”
When a criterion is edited, a new window pops up. The criterion is show at the top of the window and can be edited using standard keyboard commands. At the bottom of the window are common data elements associated with the criterion. To complete the editing process and remove the popup, click the “X” in the upper right hand corner of this window.





27 EligibilityWriter knowledge base
Contains clinical state information and eligibility criteria for Breast cancer Prostate cancer Non-small cell lung cancer Demonstrates that entry of knowledge for each new type of tumor benefits from previously entered knowledge

28 The race to develop plug-ins
GUI widgets for tables diagrams animation File I/O plug ins for interoperability with databases, other knowledge-based systems Tab plug-ins for embedded applications

29 A Protégé-2000 KA tool for entering rules for monitoring nuclear power plants

30 OKBC-compliant knowledge model
Elements of Protégé-2000 User interface OKBC-compliant knowledge model Customizable instance forms Slots as first-class objects Facets standard and user-defined Means to view large data sets Easy browsing Instances Classes and class hierarchy Adaptability Domain- specific tabs Components for building knowledge-based applications Custom widgets

31 Swapping components Each of the Protégé-2000 major components can be
swapped out and replaced with a different one Knowledge model Storage User interface

32 Open Knowledge Base Connectivity (OKBC)
Standard mechanism to access knowledge bases stored as “frames” of classes and attributes Adopted by several well-known knowledge-representation systems (Ontolingua, LOOM) Will allow Protégé/2000 to be used as an ontology- and knowledge-editing system for any OKBC-compliant server

33 Knowledge-base development with Protégé/2000
Build a domain ontology (a conceptual model of the application area) Custom-tailor GUI for acquisition of content knowledge Elicit content knowledge from application specialists Map domain ontology to appropriate problem solvers for automation of particular tasks

34 Protégé-2000 Designed to use OKBC as a universal front end to a wide variety of distributed knowledge-representation systems Generates rapidly highly customizable, domain-specific KA and knowledge maintenance tools for use directly by application specialists Offers access to KA tools and associated application systems as Java applets Is a set of components that developers can easily embed within other applications

35 Current work on Protégé/2000
Enhanced GUI facilities for knowledge acquisition and knowledge browsing Access to controlled terminologies via Lexical Technology’s Metaphrase API Axiom language for defining constraints among instances Plug ins for OKBC and relational-database connectivity

36 Fourth international Protégé users group meeting
July 29 through August 1 Linköping, Sweden Hosted by the University of Linköping See for more details

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