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IEEE vTools Voting Ram Sivaraman SCV Membership Development Chair

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Presentation on theme: "IEEE vTools Voting Ram Sivaraman SCV Membership Development Chair"— Presentation transcript:

1 IEEE vTools Voting Ram Sivaraman SCV Membership Development Chair
02/26/10 IEEE vTools Voting Ram Sivaraman SCV Membership Development Chair

2 Voting Electronic Election for sections, chapters, and affinity groups
02/26/10 Voting Electronic Election for sections, chapters, and affinity groups Piloted in 2007 & 2008 using a vendor software In parallel, started internal development to provide customized tool and be cost effective IEEE Product Piloted in 2009 and went into Production Spring of 2010 Now supports all units for elections 2

3 Voting Simple ballot creation Wizard-like interface
02/26/10 Voting Simple ballot creation Wizard-like interface Available on demand vTools.Voting is a Software As A Service accessible via browser. No installation is required. No webmaster involvement needed Secure, Stable. 3

4 02/26/10 vTools Voting process 4

5 Ballot setup and voting process

6 Vtools homepage:

7 Vtools Products

8 Vtools Voting –

9 Login to vTools voting website –
use webaccount username and password

10 Setting up Ballot

11 Setting up a ballot –step 1 – Select Manage your ballots

12 Ballot Dashboard – page displayed when you select “manage your ballots”

13 Setting up a ballot –step 2 – Select Org and template

14 Setting up a ballot –step 3 – fill in basic details of ballot
Top part of page Bottom part of page

15 Setting up a ballot –step 4- candidate information
Enter member #

16 Setting up a ballot –step 5 – candidate information
Add information on other candidates. Add photograph (GIF, JPEG or PNG – 50KB max) Add new position – example PACE Chair Check the box for “Allow write-in candidate for each position)

17 Setting up a ballot –step 6 – adding voter list

18 Setting up a ballot –step 6 – adding voter list

19 Setting up a ballot –step 7 – adding voter list and Activating ballot
Choose and load file

20 Information on Saved and Active Ballots.
Saved Ballots: Can be previewed, edited or deleted. Are not active until the start time of the election. Active Ballots: Are valid for the election period. Cannot be deleted. Can send 3 s (>72 hours between each ).

21 Logout after setting up ballot.

22 Activated Ballot

23 Send Election information to voters
Active Ballots: Are valid for the election period. Cannot be deleted. Can send 3 s (>72 hours between each ).

24 Voting – step 1 After you receive the from election manager: Log into vtools voting (link will be in the or it is

25 Voting status – shows you have not voted yet
– Select “Vote” 01/26/13

26 Ballot Information Click on candidate name to see information on candidate (Information opens in a new window) 01/26/13

27 Select Candidates (or enter name of write-in candidate) and when done click on “Vote”

28 List of choices that the voter made – if you are not going to make any changes, them click on “Complete Ballot” 01/26/13

29 Voting completed – no more edits can be made

30 Voting status – shows you have completed voting

31 Logout out of vTools after you have completed voting

32 Past Ballots – Report Results

33 Information on Past Ballots – once election is over.
Manage ballot: 01/26/13

34 Report Results – step 1- click on report results in relevant past ballot to get to this page

35 Report Results – step 2 – select organizational unit

36 Report Results – step 3- Update new officer information
Select the position you are going to update Enter new candidate information Confirm changes 01/26/13

37 Logout out of vTools after you have updated officer information

38 Contact info Ram Sivaraman – – contains project status, blog, contact information, FAQ, and training information – contact for any questions related to the project

39 02/26/10 39

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