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Path-Goal Theory Chapter 7.

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1 Path-Goal Theory Chapter 7

2 Path-Goal Theory (House, 1971)
Leaders should motivate subordinates to accomplish designated goals The leader’s behavior should correspond to: the characteristics (needs) of the subordinates and the work setting Northouse - Leadership Theory and Practice, Sixth Edition © 2012 SAGE Publications, Inc.

3 Path-Goal Theory (relational, status, material)
Northouse - Leadership Theory and Practice, Sixth Edition © 2012 SAGE Publications, Inc.

4 (Replaces Figure 7.2) Figuring out the leadership behaviors to increase worker motivation Leadership Behaviors Subordinate Characteristics Task Characteristics Subordinate Motivation Northouse - Leadership Theory and Practice, Sixth Edition © 2012 SAGE Publications, Inc.

5 4 Types of Leadership Behaviors Directive (Task)
Leader Behaviors 4 Types of Leadership Behaviors Directive (Task) Supportive (Relational) Achievement-oriented (Identity) Participative (Process) Measured by the Path-Goal Leadership Questionnaire Northouse - Leadership Theory and Practice, Sixth Edition © 2012 SAGE Publications, Inc.

6 Subordinate Characteristics
High Need for Affiliation Leadership should be friendly and concerned. Supportive Leadership High Need for Structure Leadership should provides psychological structure, task clarity, & greater sense of certainty in work setting. Directive Leadership Especially if the subordinate does not feel capable of the task. Northouse - Leadership Theory and Practice, Sixth Edition © 2012 SAGE Publications, Inc.

7 Subordinate Characteristics
Desire for Control -High: Internal locus of control Leadership should allow subordinates to be in charge of their work & involved in decision-making processes Participative Leadership -Low: External locus of control Leadership should relieve anxiety about outside forces controlling the subordinate’s circumstances Directive Leadership (like need for structure) Northouse - Leadership Theory and Practice, Sixth Edition © 2012 SAGE Publications, Inc.

8 Highly repetitive tasks
Task Characteristics Complex tasks and unclear rules (clear procedure but easily misunderstood) => More directive Highly repetitive tasks => More supportive Ambiguous tasks (not clear how it is to be done) => More participative and achievement-oriented Northouse - Leadership Theory and Practice, Sixth Edition © 2012 SAGE Publications, Inc.

9 Weaknesses Strengths Useful theoretical framework.
Four dimensions of leadership behavior Integrates motivation. Practical model. Emphasizes helping subordinates. Weaknesses Difficult to implement. So many variables makes it confusing. Only partial empirical support . Northouse - Leadership Theory and Practice, Sixth Edition © 2012 SAGE Publications, Inc.

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