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Classroom Rules & Etiquette

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Presentation on theme: "Classroom Rules & Etiquette"— Presentation transcript:

1 Classroom Rules & Etiquette
Welcome Back To School! Classroom Rules & Etiquette

2 Classroom Expectations: Respect
You will always treat one another with respect. I will not tolerate any one being disrespectful. “I'm not concerned with your liking or disliking me... All I ask is that you respect me as a human being.” - Jackie Robinson

3 Classroom Expectations: Bullying
There will be absolutely no bullying. If I catch any one bullying another person there will be severe consequences. “Caring about others, running the risk of feeling, and leaving an impact on people, brings happiness.” –Harold Kushner

4 Classroom Expectations: Have Fun!
I want each and everyone of you to remember to ALWAYS have fun!

5 Game Time! Time to find out who completed their summer assignments!
The Rules: I will read a question and all of the possible answer choices will appear on the screen. When you see the correct answer flash on the screen, you and your group stand up quick! The Prize: If all of the groups answer correctly, then we will add 15 minutes to recess today!

6 Question #1: What is 1,000 take away 500?
700 400 500

7 Question #2: What Did Jack Find In His Shoe At The Beach?
Ten Dollars A Crab Candy

8 Question #3: What is 12 x 2? 36 24 45

9 Share About Summer! I cannot wait to hear about everyone’s summer!
Please get out a sheet of paper and take the next 15 minutes to write all about your summer! After the 15 minutes, you will share with the class! Ready, Set, Write!

10 Resources quotes.html

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