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Guide to Using Excel 2007 For Basic Statistical Applications

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1 Guide to Using Excel 2007 For Basic Statistical Applications
To Accompany Business Statistics: A Decision Making Approach, 7th Ed. Chapter 2: Graphs, Charts and Tables - Describing Your Data By Groebner, Shannon, Fry, & Smith Prentice-Hall Publishing Company Copyright, 2008

2 Chapter 2 Excel Examples
Frequency Distributions - Athletic Shoe Survey Histograms- Capital Credit Union Joint Frequency Distributions- Joint Relative Frequencies- More Examples

3 Chapter 2 Excel Examples (continued)
Bar Charts- Bach, Lombard & Wilson Line Charts- McGregor Vineyards Scatter Diagrams- Personal Computers

4 Frequency Distributions Athletic Shoe Survey
Issue: Analyze the data from a survey of 100 college students regarding the number of Nike shoes they own. Objective: Use Excel 2007 to develop a frequency distribution for the number of Nike shoes owned by college students. Data File is SportShoes.xls

5 Frequency Distributions-Athletic Shoe Survey
Open the Excel file called SportShoes.xls File contains 100 observations – Last row is 102 – Column E contains the Number of Nike Shoes Owned

6 Frequency Distributions-Athletic Shoe Survey
Enter Possible number of shoes owned

7 Frequency Distributions-Athletic Shoe Survey
Select the area to receive the frequency

8 Frequency Distributions-Athletic Shoe Survey
Select the Formulas Tab Select the indicated pull-down menu (More Functions button) Select Statistical Select Frequency

9 Frequency Distributions-Athletic Shoe Survey
The Array containing “Number Nike” The Array containing the possible choices The Results are displayed Note: The function returns an additional result (The Zero)

10 Frequency Distributions-Athletic Shoe Survey
Press Control, Shift and Enter Do Not press OK

11 Frequency Distributions-Athletic Shoe Survey
And the results are:

12 Histograms Capital Credit Union
Issue: Analyze credit card balances for Capital Credit Union customers using a frequency distribution and histogram. Objective: Use Excel 2007 to develop a frequency distribution and histogram for credit card balances. Use ten class intervals. Data file is Capital.xls

13 Histograms-Capital Credit Union
Notice that this worksheet uses the R1C1 reference style for column and row labels. To change this to the standard reference style (A1), on the Office Button, click the Excel Options button, select Formulas, and then remove the check from the R1C1 reference style check box. Click OK. Open the Excel file “Capital.xls” The file contains 300 observations – The last row is 302 – Column 2 (B) contains the balances

14 Histograms-Capital Credit Union
Use Excel’s “Max” function to determine the largest value

15 Histograms-Capital Credit Union
Use Excel’s Min function to determine the smallest value

16 Histograms-Capital Credit Union
Compute Class Width Compute range as Maximum – Minimum Divide range by 10 to construct 10 classes – 1394 / 10 = Round up to $150.00 Intervals are: $90 to < $240 $240 to < $390 $390 to < $540 Etc…

17 Histograms-Capital Credit Union
Construct the Bins (The upper limits of each class

18 Histograms-Capital Credit Union
Select the Data tab Select Data Analysis Select Histogram OK

19 Histograms-Capital Credit Union
Input Range is Column B Bin Range is Column F – The range of Bins that you entered Select New Worksheet Ply Select Chart Output OK

20 Histograms-Capital Credit Union
Frequency legend This is Excel’s default output. It should be modified for most applications. The first change would be to delete the Frequency legend , change the Bins title to Balances and increase the size of the chart using the resize handles. Bins Title Sizing Handle

21 Excel’s default on a histogram is to include a More category
Excel’s default on a histogram is to include a More category. Remove the More category from the chart. Select the chart, right mouse click, Select Data, Edit Frequency. In the Edit Series dialog box, change Series Values to $B$11 rather than $B$12. Click OK.

22 Histograms-Capital Credit Union
Right click on any of the bars in the Histogram Select Format Data Series

23 Histograms-Capital Credit Union
Set Series Overlap and Gap Width to Zero to format the Histogram as shown

24 Histograms-Capital Credit Union
To put border colors around the bars of the histogram , select Border Color, Choose Solid line, Select the Color arrow, and Choose Dark Blue, Text 2 Theme Color.

25 Histograms-Capital Credit Union
Change the Bins categories to , , etc. and delete the More bins and frequency. Change the Histogram title to Credit Card Balances. See next slide for results of these changes.

26 Histograms-Capital Credit Union

27 Joint Frequency Distributions Capital Credit Union
Issue: Analyze the credit card balances by gender of the card holder. Objective: Use Excel 2007 to develop a joint frequency distribution for the credit card balances by gender. Data File is Capital.xls

28 Joint Frequency Distributions-Capital Credit Union
Open the Excel file called Capital.xls The file contains 300 observations. The last row is 301. Column 2 (B) contains the balances. Column 3 (C) contains the gender codes

29 Joint Frequency Distributions-Capital Credit Union
\ Select Insert Select Pivot Table Table/Range selected automatically Place on New Worksheet 1. Place the cursor in any data cell

30 Joint Frequency Distributions-Capital Credit Union
Drag Gender to the “Drop Column Fields Here” box Drag Gender to the “Drop Data Items Here” box Drag “Credit Card Account Balance” to the “Drop Row Fields Here”

31 Joint Frequency Distributions-Capital Credit Union
Yielding! However we need to group the balance Information and change the Sum of Gender to Count of Gender

32 Joint Frequency Distributions-Capital Credit Union
Place the cursor in any Balance Cell RIGHT click and select Group

33 Joint Frequency Distributions-Capital Credit Union
Starting at: 90 Ending at: 1589 By: 150

34 Joint Frequency Distributions-Capital Credit Union
Right click Sum of Gender Select Value Field Setting to Open Value Field Setting dialog box In dialog box, select Count

35 Joint Frequency Distributions-Capital Credit Union

36 Joint Relative Frequencies Capital Credit Union
Objective: Use Excel 2007 to develop a joint relative frequency distribution for the credit card balances by gender. Data File is Capital.xls Note: See Previous Example for Pivot Table Instructions.

37 Joint Relative Frequencies-Capital Credit Union
Right-mouse click anywhere in the values of the pivot table. Select Value Field Settings

38 Joint Relative Frequencies-Capital Credit Union
Select the Show Values as tab Scroll down and click % of total

39 Joint Relative Frequencies-Capital Credit Union
Now displayed as percentages rather than values

40 Bar Charts Bach, Lombard, & Wilson
Issue: An electronics company is being sued on the grounds that female new hires are paid less than male new hires. The law firm needs to analyze salary data to prepare the case. Objective: Use Excel 2007 to develop bar charts for the starting salary data for males and females. Data File is Bach.xls

41 Bar Charts-Bach, Lombard & Wilson
Open the Excel file called Bach.xls

42 Bar Charts-Bach, Lombard & Wilson
Select data in columns B and C Select Insert Select Column

43 Bar Charts-Bach, Lombard & Wilson
Select 2-D paired columns

44 Bar Charts-Bach, Lombard & Wilson
Which brings up…

45 Bar Charts-Bach, Lombard & Wilson
To change the horizontal axis labels to Years: Select Data Select Edit

46 Bar Charts-Bach, Lombard & Wilson
Select cells A2 through A8 to display years in the label

47 Bar Charts-Bach, Lombard & Wilson

48 Bar Charts- Bach, Lombard, & Wilson (continued)
Issue: An electronics company is being sued on the grounds that female new hires are paid less than male new hires. The law firm needs to analyze salary data to prepare the case. Objective: Use Excel 2007 to develop bar charts for the percent of males and females hired with MBA’s. Data File is Bach.xls

49 Bar Charts-Bach, Lombard & Wilson

50 Bar Charts-Bach, Lombard & Wilson
Select the Graph Select “Select Data”

51 Bar Charts-Bach, Lombard & Wilson
Select Edit Select the data in Column A

52 Bar Charts-Bach, Lombard & Wilson

53 Bar Charts- Bach, Lombard, & Wilson (continued)
Issue: An electronics company is being sued on the grounds that female new hires are paid less than male new hires. The law firm needs to analyze salary data to prepare the case. Objective: Use Excel 2007 to develop a bar chart for the average starting salary of males and females hired with and without MBA’s. Data File is Bach.xls

54 Bar Charts-Bach, Lombard & Wilson
Select Columns G1 – J2 Select Insert Select Column

55 Bar Charts-Bach, Lombard & Wilson

56 Bar Charts-Bach, Lombard & Wilson
To add data labels to the top of the bars: Select Layout Tab Select Data Labels Select Outside End Delete the legend Series1

57 Bar Charts-Bach, Lombard & Wilson

58 Line Charts- McGregor Vineyards
Issue: Analyze the sales and profits data over time. Objective: Use Excel 2007 to develop line charts for weekly sales and profits. Data File is McGregor.xls

59 Line Charts-McGregor Vineyards
Open the Excel file called McGregor.xls The file contains 20 weeks of historic data. The last row is 21

60 Line Charts-McGregor Vineyards
Select The data in Column B Select Insert Select Line Select the 2-D Line with Markers sample line chart

61 Line Charts-McGregor Vineyards
Need to: Change the title (Click title and replace with Sales Trend) Delete the legend Sales (dollars)(click the legend and press Delete) Add x-axis and y-axis titles Remove the gridlines

62 Line Charts-McGregor Vineyards
To add Axis Titles: Select Layout Tab Select Axis Titles First Select Horizontal Axis Title and then Click Title Below Axis – Replace with Week Go through same steps above and click Primary Vertical Axis Title and then click Rotated Title – Replace with Sales To Change Gridlines: Click Gridlines Point to Primary Horizontal Gridlines Click None Resize to fit in the range D1 through L11.

63 Line Charts-McGregor Vineyards

64 Line Charts-McGregor Vineyards
Repeat the process for Profit, changing titles as shown

65 Line Charts-McGregor Vineyards
Rebuild the line chart using both Sales and Profit, changing titles as shown and using Move Chart to move to another page.

66 Line Charts-McGregor Vineyards

67 Line Charts-McGregor Vineyards
To improve the scaling need a 2-axis chart Click the Profit line on the chart On the Format tab, select Format Selection Select Secondary Axis option button

68 Line Charts-McGregor Vineyards

69 Scatter Diagrams- Personal Computers
Issue: Analyze the relationship between PC sales price and the processing speed of the PC Objective: Use Excel 2007 to develop a scatter diagram for PC price and speed. Data File is Personal Computers.xls

70 Scatter Diagrams- Personal Computers
Open the Excel file called Personal Computers.xls The file contains data for 14 PC’s

71 Scatter Diagrams- Personal Computers
Select columns to be graphed (C and G) Select Insert Select Scatter Select Scatter with only Markers

72 Scatter Diagrams- Personal Computers
Use Design tab to move to a new sheet Use Layout tab to add titles and remove grid lines

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