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AWS Tutorials i2c Lab.

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Presentation on theme: "AWS Tutorials i2c Lab."— Presentation transcript:

1 AWS Tutorials i2c Lab

2 AWS Free Tier EC2 750 hours per month, t2.micro
S3 5GB, 20,000 Get requests, 2,000 Put requests. DynanmoDB 25GB, 25 Units of R/W.

3 AWS Pricing and Student credits
$35 now and $75 in future

4 Three ways to access AWS

5 Web Console S3 – Put, Get EC2 – Create instances
Elastic MapReduce – Create clusters

6 SSH to EC2/EMR SSH tools in Windows: MobaXterm, Putty
Mac and Linux: Command line ssh –i key.pem

7 For CLI and API, you need IAM
1. Create a user Remember your Access Key ID and Secret Key 2. Change the policy of the user

8 CLI Configure IAM S3 EC2

9 API AWS SDK Initial the client with IAM information
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