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E-Business & E-Commerce

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1 E-Business & E-Commerce
Submitted By : Patel Hetal Rollno:11(MCA SEM-III)

2 Topics to be Discuss What do we mean by E-Business Five-Era view
Reasons for going E-Business Advantages What is E-Commerce Application of E-Commerce Classification of E-Commerce Benefits of E-Commerce

3 E-Business First to Use the term E-Business was IBM in 1997.
IBM defines e-business as“Asecure, flexible and integrated approach to delivering differentiated business by combining the systems and process by Internet technology”.

4 Five-era views of information systems.
e-business Business progress reengineering Strategic information systems Management information systems Data processing 1960s s s s s

5 Reasons for Going E-Business(online)
Expand Market reach Visibility Responsiveness New services Strengthening Business Relationship Cost Reduction

6 Advantages of E-Business
Global Accessibility and sales Reach Closer Relationship Free Samples Reduced Costs Media Breaks Time to Market Customer Loyalty

7 E-Commerce E-Commerce is concerned with transactions carried out between two organizations,business or individuals on-line using their respective computers which are connected by a telecommunication system

8 Application of E-Commerce
Auctions sites using,an individual buyer and seller can buy and sale goods/services ( Electronic Banking (ex.ICICI Bank) Electronic Searching Education and Learning Marketing Railways/Airlines/Cinema permitting booking tickets on-line and paying for them on-line using Credit cards.

9 Impact is Manufacture Manufacture Manufacture Wholesaler Retailer
Consumer Retailer Consumer Total disintermediation Partial disintermediation Consumer Traditional Distribution chain

10 Classification of E-Commerce
Business-to-Business E-Commerce Business-to-Consumer E-Commerce Consumer-to-Business E-Commerce Consumer-to-consumer E-Commerce

11 Benefits of E-Commerce
Lower Coordination Costs Favor Electronic Market Low computing Cost can Transform and Expand product to make them suitable for the electronic Market Multiple choice preference based shopping Trade off in Market participation Minimized delivery costs Buy & sale anywhere, provide Internat connection Shopping can be done Anytime

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