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LIS1510 Library and Archives Automation Issues Basics of XHTML

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Presentation on theme: "LIS1510 Library and Archives Automation Issues Basics of XHTML"— Presentation transcript:

1 LIS1510 Library and Archives Automation Issues Basics of XHTML
Andy Dawson School of Library, Archive & Information Studies, UCL (University of Malta 2008) Andy Dawson

2 What we will be covering today
Lots of practical work! Intro to the systems Search tools comparison practical and mailing lists practical (optional) Basics of XHTML for writing webpages Creating your first web page with XHTML

3 But first… Make sure you can logon to the system!
Get into groups and do the search engine practical! We will discuss the results before/at coffee If you’re not already an user, do the practical (either now or in your own time)

4 Introduction to XHTML What is XHTML? Versions of HTML
HTML, XHTML and XML Content definition vs presentation The concept of tags XHTML functions Editors, converters and other XHTML tools

5 Introduction to the course Workbook
1. Preparatory 2. Fundamental elements 3. Headings and basic layout 4. Stylistics and further layout 5. Lists 6. Links 7. Images (Advanced stuff day after tomorrow)

6 Writing your code Notepad is ok… …but Word is definitely NOT!!!
A standard template Where to get it Saving your work Viewing your work

7 Practical session - creating web pages with HTML
Follow the workbook Try the exercises Ask questions Experiment!

8 Tomorrow… Some notes on internet publishing More practical XHTML!

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