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Institute for Learning Innovation and Development

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1 Institute for Learning Innovation and Development
Using online peer assessment tools to provide feedback and promote learning January 2017

2 Peer review Peer assessment formative summative

3 Why use peer review? Increases student responsibility and autonomy
Exposes them to others students’ work Builds their understanding of assessment criteria Develops their self-evaluation skills Encourages deep learning Can generate effective, relevant feedback Can provide more timely feedback Peer assessment Can reduce the tutor’s marking load

4 it is arguable that the act of constructing feedback is more important for learning and development than the receipt of feedback from others Nicol, D (2010) The foundation for graduate attributes: developing self-regulation through self and peer assessment. Published by The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education.

5 What challenges does it present?
Marking criteria need to be extremely clear Students need to develop their marking skills Exemplars of excellent, good and poor work are needed Students may initially lack confidence Students may be reluctant to make judgements There is a risk of favouritism or discrimination Peer assessment Grades and feedback may be considered unreliable Tutors may be seen as ‘not doing their job’

6 Selected resources The University of Strathclyde's PEER project contains useful information and guidance on peer review ( Professor David Nicol's paper developing students' ability to construct feedback forms part of the University of Strathclyde's PEER project Deakin University, Institute of Teaching and Learning guide to peer and self assessment

7 Peer Review and Assessment systems
Blackboard – peer assessment tool Turnitin – PeerMark PeerGrade Peer Review of Teamwork WebPA – tested but rejected iSurvey and Excel TEAMMATES eFolio

8 Blackboard – peer assessment tool
Tutor specifies questions, criteria, marking scheme and dates Tutor chooses number of submissions each student must review, plus anonymity and self-evaluation options Students type answers to one or more questions File upload is possible but problematic Peers use the criteria specified to grade each question Peers can also type feedback for selected questions Students view their grade and feedback

9 Turnitin – PeerMark Tutor creates Turnitin assignment
Tutor creates a PeerMark assignment and chooses the number of submissions each student must review, plus anonymity option Papers can be distributed automatically and/or students can choose The tutor can also assign or exclude reviewers Self-review can be a required option The tutor creates one or more questions – free text or scale Students answer these questions for each submission The tutor can review and edit grades and feedback, and add their own grades/feedback if required The tutor can grade the peer reviews given by students Guides/Turnitin_Classic_for_Instructors/23_PeerMark

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