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EN-GMS Group Meeting S. Prodon – 30.04.2015.

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Presentation on theme: "EN-GMS Group Meeting S. Prodon – 30.04.2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 EN-GMS Group Meeting S. Prodon –

2 Agenda Activités Survey (D. Missiaen)
Application de suivi des contrats Survey (M. Morer-Olafsen) Informations générales (S. Prodon) Pôle Web & Training Administration Office (A. Lambert & E. Perrin) Tour de table Visite robots STI au bât. 927 Déjeuner cafeteria bât. 774

3 CERN News (scientific matters)
First primary argon beam was successfully delivered to the North Area beginning of March First LHC beam on the 4th April ICARUS at CERN  will go to Fermilab by 2018 Combination of ATLAS and CMS data for the mass of the Higgs boson (125 GeV)

4 CERN News (HR matters) Spanish Trainee Programme: same conditions as VIA, selection in progress 2015 Five-Yearly Review in progress: employment conditions, diversity (partnership, support for spouse/partnership employment, family-related leaves, work/life balance), career structure Benchmark jobs definition on-going Approval of the new contract policy: maximum duration of LD contracts from 5 years to 8 years. Initial LD contract still for 5 years.

5 CERN News (HR matters) Summer camp from July 6 to 30 with a capacity of 40 children, aged 4 to 6 years. No more ceilings on GET fellows

6 CERN News (HR matters) Guidelines on “Integrity at CERN – Conflict Interest policy” ( As conflict of interest and fraud could compromise the accomplishment of the Organization’s objectives and undermine its functioning, credibility and reputation, as well as that of its personnel, CERN is committed to their prevention and management. All CERN contributors have a key role to play in the prevention and management of conflict of interest. To ensure that the best interests of CERN are served, and to avoid possible suspicions of bias and partiality in performing their professional duties, CERN contributors are required to recognise situations that could give rise to a conflict of interest or the perception of same. Where it is impossible to avoid such a situation, for example due to the nature of their functions, or in case of doubt, CERN contributors shall promptly disclose to the Organization that they have, or may have, a conflict of interest. The implementation guidelines will assist CERN contributors in understanding and fulfilling this important obligation.

7 CERN News (General) Conclusion of the agreement concerning the granting of the Associate Membership of Pakistan New EDH document for submission and approval of EU project requests Infrastructure Project Proposals 2015: arbitration in Enlarged Directorate on 5 May 2015 Data Protection Working Group: plan in preparation with priority on personnel data Scale of subsistence indemnities for duty travel were adjusted following the appreciation of the CHF

8 CERN News (General) Cost & Schedule Review HL-LHC & LIU beginning of March New phone contract with Swisscom: secretariats will be involved in the distribution of SIM cards, change of the prefixes New procurement e-learning module for “Procurement of supplies at CERN up to 200’000 CHF”

9 EN Department News ATS Specification Committee for Supplies above 200 kCHF Fellow to PJAS: “It is recalled that the transmutation of a fellow into a PJAS is not recommended” Storage for radioactive waste: contact persons have been nominated in the Groups to collect the information Accelerator Consolidation budgets: requests to be made in APT with two reviews per year, new templates for budget requests

10 EN Department News Cost & Schedule Review AWAKE on 28-Apr-15
New EN Forum for Dialogue in preparation EN priorities as dictated by the MTP prepared for each Group CV and EL investigating for a new software in replacement of CATIA but still compatible with CATIA for the integration Rules for interventions on power distribution systems (CV, EL, MEF, HE) Review of the copper and optical fibre cabling activity during LS1 beginning of April

11 EN Department News Transport of the first HIE-Isolde cryo module will take place on Saturday 2nd May Ph. Gayet takes over the ICE-SIC section ad interim following the death of H. Milcent

12 EN-GMS News Arrival of Anna & Marjorie Departure of Françoise
MARS Panel 2015: results presented at ENMB on 27-Apr-15 CATIA workstation replacement: 70 new CATIA workstations to be installed by GS team, 52 old CATIA workstations to be transformed into Desktop PCs CERN Race on 21 May (donation for H. Milcent) Relay team (6 runners : 300 to 800 m each) Nordic walking (2.4 km)


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