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Chenethia Brown 8th Grade ELA

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1 Chenethia Brown 8th Grade ELA
The Writing Process Chenethia Brown 8th Grade ELA

2 Writing Process When writing an essay, you need to make sure you include the following components: An introduction A body A conclusion

3 Introduction Your introduction will consist of the following three components: Hook: catches your readers attention History: background information on your topic Thesis statement: what your essay will be about

4 Hook Strategies We use the following strategies for creating a hook for an introduction: D.R.A.P.E.S. D: dialogue R: rhetorical question A: anecdote P: personal example E: explain S: statistics

5 Dialogue A written composition in which two or more characters are represented as conversing. When quoting dialogue, put the words of each speaker inside quotation marks “” and indicate changes in speaker by starting a new paragraph. Example: “Alex," my mother asked, "what were your activities and pursuits at your middle school today?" "I had a full day of activities, Mother. My teachers were stimulating, and my English class was especially delightful."

6 Rhetorical Question Any question asked for a purpose other than to obtain the information the question asks. For example: “Why are you so stupid?” is a statement regarding your opinion of a person rather than a genuine request for an answer. We WILL NOT use rhetorical questions to begin papers.

7 Anecdote A short and amusing or interesting story about a real incident or person. Example: If I could redo one choice in my life, I would choose not to ride my cousin’s motorcycle. Growing up, I wanted to be just like my cousin Chip, even when he got a dirt bike. When I was seven years old, I asked Chip if I could ride his new motorcycle. My hand revving the throttle, I took off, slid on the pavement, and became trapped under my aunt’s car.

8 Personal Example A personal account of something that has happen to you. It is often dealing with how you feel about something or someone. Example: My desire to become a doctor, and hence the necessity of going to medical school, resulted from the process of elimination. In my prior job as a staff accountant in a public accounting firm, work can be categorized in two groups: tax work and non-tax work. Of the two groups, tax work is more interesting, not because of tax preparation itself but because of the people. I thoroughly enjoyed interviewing the clients, getting to know them, and learning about their family and financial situation.

9 Explain To make known; to make plain or understandable; to give the reason for or cause of; to show the logical development or relationships of

10 Statistics A branch of mathematics dealing with the collection, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of masses of numerical data. Example: Darlington County has an estimated population of 67,031

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