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Types of Poetry.

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1 Types of Poetry

2 Figurative Language Poem
Line 1- alliteration Line 2- onomatopoeia Line 3- simile Line 4- hyperbole Line 5- idiom Line 6- personification Line 7- metaphor

3 Poetry Terms Stanza- a grouped set of lines within a poem that follows a set rhyme scheme or structure. Verse- a grouped set of lines within a poem; looks like a “paragraph” and is similar to a stanza, but does not follow any particular structure or rhyme scheme. Rhyming Pattern- shows the pattern in which the lines of a poem rhyme.

4 Rhyme Scheme Some poems have a rhyming pattern, also called rhyme scheme. Rhyme Scheme- shows the pattern in which the lines of a poem rhyme. Rhyme scheme shows the pattern in which the lines of a poem rhyme. Alphabetical letters are used to illustrate the rhyming pattern. Ex: ABCABCABC Each line that has the same letter will rhyme.

5 Rhyming Pattern Example: Roses are a treat, A Violets are blue. B Sugar is sweet, A And so are you! B This poem follows an ABAB rhyming pattern.

6 Types of Poetry Haiku Concrete Limerick Free Verse Clerihew Diamante
These are just a few types of poetry.

7 Haiku Haiku is an old form of Japanese poetry.
It only has three lines. The lines do not rhyme. One important rule… You must have the right number of syllables in each line! Haiku syllable rules: Line One: 5 syllables Line Two: 7 syllables Line Three: 5 syllables Haiku is usually about nature.

8 The birds now sing spring. The grass is starting to green
The birds now sing spring. The grass is starting to green. Winter is over.

9 Concrete A poem that takes the shape of the item it is describing. Must contain at least 6 different describing words.

10 Concrete Example Star

11 Limerick A short, funny poem that is five lines long.
The first, second, and fifth lines rhyme with each other. The third and fourth lines rhyme with each other. *The rhyming pattern is AABBA

12 Limerick Example There was a little girl on a hill, A Who seldom, if ever, stood still; A She ran up and down, B In her Grandmother's gown, B And her brother told her to chill. A

13 Free Verse A poem that does not follow a fixed pattern or rhyme scheme while still providing artistic expression. These poems are just how they sound, free from any type of structure! They are free to look and sound however the poet chooses. In this way, the poet can give his own shape to a poem how he/she desires. However, it still allows poets to use figurative language, rhyme, or rhythms to get the effects that they consider suitable for the piece.

14 Autumn By: Fern (from “Authur” on PBS)
Wind Blowing briskly Leaves fall From The Trees We rake Colored leaves In A Big Pile. And jump.

15 Don’t be Afraid to let your words play on the page Let them line up like soldiers on parade. Let them dash down stairs. fall fast and CRASH on the grasssss. Or skip from rock to rock across a stream. To emphasize a word, make it live alone on its very own line. Add stanza breaks or dashes to make the reader stop – Play with punctuation. Ellipses make words trail off… Parentheses add subtlety (to a sly aside). Indent a line to expand on a thought of the line that came before. Let your words build and explode! them in air. Let linger the Let them slink away s l o w l y till they’re barely even there. Wolf, Allan. (2006). Immersed in verse. New York, NY: Lark Books

16 Clerihew One stanza of four lines that follows an AABB rhyming pattern. Clerihews are silly poems about you, your friends, or a famous person.

17 Little Becky loves to read. For piles of books she has a need
Little Becky loves to read. For piles of books she has a need. Her mother often wishes She’d take a break and do the dishes.

18 Diamante In the shape of a diamond, it does not rhyme and does not use complete sentences. It can be about one or two topics. A Venn diagram is helpful when choosing two topics.  First line- 1 word- Topic (noun) Second line- 2 words- two describing words (adjectives) Third line- 3 words- three action words (verbs ending with “ing”) Fourth line- 4 words- a four-word phrase that connects the two nouns (in the first and seventh lines) Fifth line- 3 words- three action words (verbs ending with “ing”) Sixth line- 2 words- two describing words (adjectives) Seventh line- 1 word- noun

19 3 action words (verb+ing) A 3 action words (verb+ing) B
Format 1 noun A 2 adjectives A 3 action words (verb+ing) A 2 nouns A + 2 nouns B 3 action words (verb+ing) B 2 adjectives B 1 noun B

20 Caring, liking, thinking Innocence, smile, tear guilt
Emotions By Mooil Love Wonderful, beautiful Caring, liking, thinking Innocence, smile, tear guilt Fighting, violating, disgusting Terrible, worst Hatred

21 Flying, looking, killing Eagle, power, fear, rabbit
The Earth By Ivan Mountain High, rocky Flying, looking, killing Eagle, power, fear, rabbit Living, moving, making noise Deep, beautiful Valley

22 Eating, running, drooling Big nose, wet tongue, soft fur, wiggle bum
Little Bear By: Ms. Ally Bear Fuzzy, energetic Eating, running, drooling Big nose, wet tongue, soft fur, wiggle bum Sleeping, snuggling, bouncing Sweet, loving

23 Let’s try! Begin by creating a Venn diagram to compare and contrast two things/objects (use plenty of adjectives and verbs when comparing and contrasting). After completing a Venn diagram, you will use the information to construct a diamond shaped poem. 

24 Two topics Winter Summer (list adjectives, nouns, verbs) Cloudy, cold,
Skating, sledding Snow, jacket Both are fun seasons (list adjectives, nouns, verbs) Sunny, hot Swimming, surfing, diving Pool, bathing suit

25 Swimming, surfing, diving Pool, bathing suit, snow, jacket
Seasons By: Ms. Ally Summer Sunny, hot Swimming, surfing, diving Pool, bathing suit, snow, jacket Skiing, skating, sledding Cloudy, cold Winter

26 Narrative Tells a story in verse. It is like a short story in that it has a plot and characters. Example:

27 Lyric Expresses a single speaker’s thoughts and feelings. Often has highly musical verses. Think Dr. Seuss! Example:

28 Acrostic An acrostic poem is a type of poetry where the first, last or other letters in a line spell out a particular word or phrase. Example: Amazing Loving Life-long learner Yogi wanna-be

29 Figurative Language Poem
You will create a figurative language poem about the item you chose and describe it with figurative language in the following format. Choose a veggie! This is your topic for the Figurative Lang. Poem. Carrot Jalapeno Potato Broccoli Green beans Peas Corn Artichoke Asparagus Line 1- onomatopoeia Line 2- simile Line 3- alliteration Line 4- personification Line 5- hyperbole Line 6- metaphor Line 7- onomatopoeia

30 Figurative Language Practice
Create an original example of each of the following types of figurative language. alliteration onomatopoeia simile hyperbole idiom personification metaphor symbol

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