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Outcome Students will describe the relationship between cancer and mitosis by completing a reading and activity.

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Presentation on theme: "Outcome Students will describe the relationship between cancer and mitosis by completing a reading and activity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Outcome Students will describe the relationship between cancer and mitosis by completing a reading and activity.

2 Review Chromosome compacted DNA

3 Scar/ healing How does your body heal wounds?

4 Mitosis Cell Division – making 2 new identical cells
Used only by eukaryotes 2n 2n 2n 2n

5 Mitosis and Chromosome Number
2n  2n same number of chromosomes n = pairs of chromosomes 2n = diploid After mitosis how many chromosomes will be in the following cells? Humans 46 Horses 64 Corn 20 Unicorn 1338 Fruit flies 4

6 Mitosis 2n 2n 2n

7 Mitosis Function: to make new cells for
Fun Fact: Every minute, 30-40,000 dead skin cells fall from your body and have to be replaced. Did you know…. Seventy percent of the dust in your home consists of shed human skin Function: to make new cells for Growth of organism (more bone cells, muscle cells, etc.) Maintenance (replacing old, worn out cells and dead cells like blood cells, skin cells, etc.) Repair (making more skin cells to cover cut, more bone cells to heal a break, etc.) Did you know…. Our eyes are always the SAME size from birth, but our nose and ears never stop growing.

8 Cell Cycle Interphase Mitosis Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase

9 Cell Cycle Checkpoint Checkpoint Checkpoint
What happens if you mess up the cell cycle?

10 Outcome Students will describe the relationship between mitosis and cancer by completing a reading and activity.

11 Interphase “normal” resting phase of cells Chromosomes duplicate
No drawing the phases in the notes

12 Prophase The cell prepares for cell division.
DNA in the nucleus begins to condense.

13 Chromosomes meet in the middle
Metaphase Spindle Chromosomes meet in the middle

14 Chromosomes separate (move apart)
Anaphase Daughter Chromosomes Chromosomes separate (move apart)

15 Telophase Nuclear membrane Two cells start to form Cleavage Furrow

16 Cytokinesis Two identical daughter cells are made

17 Cell Cycle Checkpoint Checkpoint Checkpoint
What happens if you mess up the cell cycle?

18 Outcome Students will describe the relationship between mitosis and cancer by completing a reading and activity.

19 Quick Quiz 2. A team of researchers discovered an enzyme in marine sponges that blocks a certain step of chromosomal separation. Which of these cell processes would be directly affected by the enzyme? 1. A scientist is trying to discover a new treatment to stop cancer cells from dividing. In the cancer cells, which of these processes will stop if the treatment is successful? chemosynthesis mitosis binary fission genetic recombination A. mitosis B. diffusion C. respiration D. photosynthesis

20 Quick Quiz 3. Which of these describes the purpose of mitosis?
4. During cell replication, an error may result in a base pair substitution. Which of these terms describes the change in the base pair sequence? 3. Which of these describes the purpose of mitosis? A. to combine two daughter cells B. to make a chain of identical amino acids C. to produce an identical copy of a cell D. to form daughter cells with half the number of chromosomes A cloning B meiosis C mutation D translation

21 Cancer While the video is playing take a post-it note and write what you already know about cancer!


23 Exit Ticket What is cancer?
Include the following words in your description: Mitosis Checkpoints Growth DNA

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