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Alexander’s Empire.

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Presentation on theme: "Alexander’s Empire."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alexander’s Empire

2 Split into four empires

3 Split into four empires – Political legacy

4 Hellenistic Era Means “imitate the Greeks.” Greek culture spread.
Found cities Alexandria in Egypt Follow Greek style and components Art: more realistic Literature Huge libraries in Alexandria and Perganum Apollonius write Argonautica Theocritus – short poems about nature Comedies are not political (Menander)

5 Science/Math Philosophy
Eratosthenes – Round earth. Measured the earth. Euclid – Wrote a textbook about geometry – called Elements Archimedes – Geometry of spheres and cylinders; Discovered value of pi; Displacement; “Archimedes’ screw” Philosophy Epicurus = Epicureanism: free to follow self- interest to be happy. Be free of worry and turmoil. Zeno = Stoicism: happiness by living in harmony with the will of the gods.

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