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The U.S. Mobilizes for Defense

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1 The U.S. Mobilizes for Defense


3 U.S. Needs More Manpower 5 million men volunteer for the military Selective Service System drafts another 10 mill. U.S. Army Air Corps enlists African Americans for the 1st time

4 Women in the Military 1942Women’s Auxiliary Army Corps (WAAC): volunteered to serve in non-combat positions. July 1943: WAAC becomes Women’s Army Corps; women gain full benefits.

5 Contributions Despite Inequality
“Why die for democracy in some foreign country when we don’t even have it here?” “Just carve on my tombstone, ‘Here lies a black man killed fighting a yellow man for the protection of a white man.’ ” 300,000 25,000 33,000 1,000,000 13,000

6 Factories Help the War Effort
- Factories cease (end) normal production and begin producing war-related products. - Auto factories begin to produce tanks, planes, and boats

7 From “Home Front, U. S. A.” “At the stroke of 12, Way One exploded into life. Crews of workers, like a champion football team, swarmed into their places in the line. Within 60 seconds, the keel was swinging into position… Hull 440 was going up. The speed of [production] was unbelievable. At midnight, Saturday, an empty way- at midnight Sunday, a full-grown hull met the eyes of graveyard workers as they came on shift.”

8 Aircraft & Ship Production, 1939-1945 (in thousands)

9 U.S. Budget Expenditure, 1941-1945 In Billion$

10 New Factory Workers By 1944, 18 million workers in war industries
6 mill. women enter the workforce 2 mill. minority workers enter the workforce

11 Philip Randolph takes on FDR
Minority workers face discrimination Many hired in menial (servant-like) jobs [janitor] Randolph organizes a march on Washington D.C. FDR negotiates w/ Randolph Randolph cancels the march b/c FDR issues an executive order Called for employers & labor unions to not discriminate based on race, creed, color, or nat’l origin.

12 Office of Scientific Research and Development (OSRD)
Started in 1941 to bring scientists into the war effort Developed penicillin, DDT pesticide, improved sonar and radar Manhattan Project begins The development of an atomic bomb

13 Problem: Inflation Increasing war production Fewer consumer products Increasing prices for goods

14 Solution: OPA, WPB, and Rationing
Office of Price Administration: fought inflation by freezing prices on wages, price, and rents. War Production Board: Rationed fuel and materials vital to the war effort (gas, metal, rubber, etc.) Rationing: system set up by OPA Food Metal Shoes gasoline

15 Please WRITE the following questions and answer them for each of the following propaganda posters
What symbols are used in the poster? What do the symbols represent? Who do you think is the intended audience for the poster and what do they want the audience to do?


17 Please answer completely below your notes... What is the message of this WWII poster? Why was this message important?

18 Quote from “The GI War: 1941-1945”
“The civilian went before the Army doctors, took off his clothes, feeling silly; jigged, stooped, squatted, wet into a bottle; became a soldier. He learned how to sleep in the mud, tie a knot, kill a man. He learned the ache of loneliness, the ache of exhaustion, the kinship of misery. He learned that men make the same queasy noises in the morning, feel the same longings at night; that every man is alike and that each man is different.”

19 “Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy”, by The Andrew Sisters
He was a famous trumpet man from out Chicago way. He had a boogie style that no one else could play. He was the top man at his craft, But then his number came up and he was gone with the draft. He’s in the army now. He’s blowin’ reveille. He’s the boogie woogie bugle boy of company b. They made him blow a bugle for his uncle sam. It really brought him down because he could not jam. The captain seemed to understand, Because the next day the cap’ went out and drafted the band. And now the company jumps when he plays reveille. He’s the boogie woogie bugle boy of company b. A root, a toot, a toodlie-a-da-toot. He blows it eight to the bar in boogie rhythm. He can’t blow a note unless a bass and guitar Is playin’ with him. And the company jumps when he plays reveille. He’s the boogie woogie bugle boy of company b.

20 He was some boogie woogie bugle boy of company b
He was some boogie woogie bugle boy of company b. And when he played his boogie woogie bugle He was busy as a busy bee. And when he played he made the company jump eight to the bar. He’s the boogie woogie bugle boy of company b. Andata toodliata-toodliata toot toot He blows it eight to the bar. He can’t blow a note if a bass and guitar Isn’t with him. And the company jumps when he plays reveille. He’s the boogie woogie bugle boy of company b. He puts the boys to sleep with boogie every night, And wakes ‘em up the same way in the early bright. They clap their hands and stamp their feet, ‘cause they know how it goes when someone gives him a beat. Woah, woah, he wakes ‘em up when he plays reveille. The boogie woogie bugle boy of company b. A root, a toot, a toodli-a-da to toot toot toot He’s blowin’ eight to the bar. Yeah, he can’t blow a note if a bass and guitar Isn’t, woah, with him. And the company jumps when he plays reveille. He’s the boogie woogie bugle boy of company b

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