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African Americans and World War II

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1 African Americans and World War II

2 World War II, Over 2.5 million black men registered for the draft One million served as draftees or volunteers Blacks experienced a number of “firsts” Blacks were admitted to the Marines Corp Blacks were admitted to the Army Air Force First black naval officers First black brigadier general United States military remained segregated Segregation also in the blood banks.

3 Four branches of military set quotas set in 1940
In 1940, the military set quotas for Black participation at 10% Black participation in the armed forces never reached 10% December 7, 1941 – Blacks made up 5.9% of the military September 1944 – (peak) – Blacks made up 8.7% of the military

4 The United States Army 75% of Black men who served during WWII served in the Army Units were segregated Only 2.8% of Black soldiers served in combat units Most performed “service and support” duties 15.5% of members in combat support 45.6% of the quartermaster corps 32.3% of all transportation units – the motor pool Black engineers worked on construction projects

5 All Black Combat Units The Army’s all-Black 92nd & 93rd divisions
The soldiers of the 92nd fought with distinction Highly decorated Suffered more than 300 casualties 761st Tank Battalion fought in Europe. 183 continuous days; over 30 major assaults Awarded the Presidential Unit Citation Other units saw little combat or never fought Small units created out of divisions that were disbanded

6 The US Army Air Force 145,000 black men served in the US Army Air Force 600 African Americans flew -- “earned their wings” 150 would earn the Distinguished Flying Cross 66 were killed in action The Tuskegee Airmen -- the 99th Fighter Squadron most highly decorated pilots were “The Black Eagles” Trained at the Tuskegee Institute in Alabama

7 The United States Navy Blacks played a small role in the US Navy Never more than 5% of the entire Navy Blacks did not go to sea – sleeping arrangements? Restricted to shore duty or coastal crafts in harbors

8 African American women
6,200 black women served as part of the Women’s Auxiliary Army Corps They made up 10 percent of the women recruited These women were placed in segregated units

9 Civil Rights Civil Rights groups continued the fight for racial equality The NAACP increased in membership: 50,000 to nearly 500,000 worked with American Jewish Congress The Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) founded in 1942 Black and White Civil Rights activists Advocated nonviolent civil disobedience Held sit ins to protest segregation

10 The Congress of Industrial Organizations
A Labor union that recruited Black workers John L. Lewis s CIO gave Black workers access to skilled positions Motivated in part by idealism Motivated in part by practical realty Prevent Blacks from becoming “scabs” CIO made interracial trade unionism respectable

11 The “Double V” Campaign
Similarities between Nazi racism and Jim Crow These Black leaders saw the war as an opportunity The “Double V” campaign The Pittsburgh Courier February, 1942 Victory against racism at home AND abroad Double V campaign part of the popular culture The glamorous “Double V girl” Double V clothing

12 Winning Civil Rights through mass protest
Black Americans see war as an opportunity American industries producing for the war effort ships, tanks, guns, and other items for defense. Defense contractors refused to hire blacks Despite the need for skilled workers Federal government did nothing to stop the practice

13 A. Philip Randolph Labor leader A. Philip Randolph
Threatens to lead a march on Washington DC Unless FDR banned discrimination FDR met with Randolph in June of 1941 FDR -- Executive Order 8802 banned discrimination in defense industry banned discrimination in the federal government

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