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Overview of Special Education

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1 Overview of Special Education
Mrs. Laura Stephenson Normal West High School

2 Individual Education Plan (IEP)
This is a legal document All teachers are required to follow the plan outlined in the IEP If it isn’t followed, then the school can be taken to due process

3 Qualifying for an IEP Initial referral CARES Standardized testing
IQ Academic Achievement Educational Impact Medical Diagnosis

4 Categories of Disability
Learning Disability (SLD) Emotional Disturbance (ED) Autism (AUT) Cognitive Impairment (CI – 2 levels) Speech/Language Impairment (SLI) Physical Impairment (PI) Other Health Impairment (OHI)

5 Disqualifiers for an IEP
English as a Second Language Non-attendance Environmental conditions

6 IEP Meeting Who is on the team & what is their role?
Special Education Teacher Parent Student General Education Teacher Guidance Counselor Administrator School Psychologist/Social Worker Related Service Representatives

7 IEP Meeting Transition Planning Team Decision!
Guides the IEP – our job is to prepare them for the world after high school Goals must match the student’s stated outcome Team Decision!

8 504 Plan Under Americans with Disabilities Act
Less powerful than an IEP Mainly for students with OHI (ADD/ADHD/mild physical impairment) Accommodations Only

9 Continuum of Services Consultation Co-taught Classes Instructional
LD CI (higher) CI (lower) Outside of the building ALP, SSP, SAVE, Alternative

10 Accommodations Tests read* Preferential seating* Editing assistance
Calculator Extended time * Indicates typical accommodations in elective classes

11 Behavior Improvement Plan (BIP)
Plan to change problem behaviors into positive behaviors Who has a BIP? Data based Roles Consequences

12 Communication Case Manager (always!) Parents Guidance
Assistance Principal (administrator)

13 Graduation By credits By IEP Aging out By credits, then age out

14 Special Programming Summer School Autism Camp

15 Questions?

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