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Cultural Ecology II Semester Social and Cultural Dimension of Conflict

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1 Cultural Ecology II Semester Social and Cultural Dimension of Conflict
Department of Conflict, Peace & Development Studies Rajib Timalsina

2 Fuse both the ideas and the approaches of Natural and Social Sciences
Ecology Culture Cultural Ecology Fuse both the ideas and the approaches of Natural and Social Sciences Culture & Ecology are extremely broad topics by themselves & the nature of their linkage is even broader

3 Conceptual Framework of today’s class
Netting (1977) : “There is only one way to explain what cultural ecology is to show what it is doing.” Organization of Class Background Major Trends Definitions Approaches References

4 Background Julian Steward, Theory of Culture Change, 1955
The first generation of anthropologists influenced by steward & published: Netting, The Hill Farmers of Nigeria, 1968 Roy Rappaport, Pigs for the Ancestors, 1968 Bennets, Northern Plainsmen, 1969 Ratzel’s Claim: reln between Progress and Region Theories in National Securities

5 Major Trends-I Marquette: Cultural ecology is largely an American specially in Anthropology: ……… diverse theories………. **Evolutionism** Functionalism/linear school/ British school of Anthropology Env. Determinism/multilinear/ American School of Anthropology Cultural Ecology is Counter balancing on the idea of cultural diffusion

6 Major Trends-II Hardesty, 1977 & Bennet 1976 Cultural determinism:
Only Culture determines culture Environmental determinism: Env. Determines Culture

7 “Cultural Area” to “Cultural Core”
Major Trends-III Steward, 1977 “Cultural Area” to “Cultural Core” -Productive Strategy/ subsistence pattern -way of production within culture -more associated with physical world “…was seen as having evolved largely in response to the relevant parts of the particular or “effective env.” exploited (soil, climate etc..)…”

8 “Linear” Vs. “Multilinear” Evolution
Major Trends-IV Hardesty, 1977 “Linear” Vs. “Multilinear” Evolution -Multilinear evolution: diverse processes and causes of evolution of culture “…related to idea of cultural core…” (bcz. of multi-existence of different core within a particular culture…”

9 Definitions Steward (1955): “Focus on specific cultures and frequently on specific facets of culture (eg. Production system/cultural core) in specific environments.” McCay (1975): “where human-environment interactions are more or less balanced” Marquettee : recent studies pay attention to communities and setting where env. Degradation & ‘-’ve env. Outcomes occur, mostly in dev. countries

10 {human as cultural bearer}
Def…… Considers how much of culture is adaption to env. Vs. other factors & origin of cultural features related with env. Cultural Ecology = effect of env. Upon culture {human as cultural bearer} Cohen: “Adaptation as organizing principle. Humans after there relationships to a habitat in order to make that habitat more right place to live.”

11 Approaches Rappaport: Culture imposes on nature &
Nature imposes on culture//… leads to adaptation Netting: Hunter and Gatherer Society Cultivators Urban Setting

12 References Netting, R. M. (1977), Cultural Ecology, Illinois: Waveland Press. Hardesty, D. L. (1977). Ecological Anthropology. Toronto: John Wiley & Sons Marquette, Catherine . (1998). “Cultural Ecology”. Retrieved from Accessed on 2013 June 4. The End

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