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Chapter 3: The Structures of Metals

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1 Chapter 3: The Structures of Metals
Energy and Packing • Non dense, random packing Energy typical neighbor bond length r typical neighbor bond energy • Dense, ordered packing Energy typical neighbor bond length r typical neighbor bond energy Dense, ordered packed structures tend to have lower energies.

2 Materials and Packing 3.3. Unit cell Crystalline materials...
• atoms pack in periodic, 3D arrays metals, many ceramics, some polymers Noncrystalline materials... crystalline SiO2 • atoms have no periodic packing -complex structures -rapid cooling Oxygen "Amorphous" = Noncrystalline Si noncrystalline SiO2 3.3. Unit cell : smallest repetitive volume which contains the complete lattice pattern of a crystal. a, b, and c are the lattice constants

3 3.4 Metallic Crystal Structures
How can we stack metal atoms to minimize empty space? 2-dimensions • Tend to be densely packed. • Reasons for dense packing: - Typically, only one element is present, so all atomic radii are the same. - Metallic bonding is not directional. - Nearest neighbor distances tend to be small in order to lower bond energy. - Electron cloud shields cores from each other

4 Simple Cubic Structure (SC)
• Rare due to low packing denisty (only Po has this structure) • Close-packed directions are cube edges. • Coordination # = 6 (# nearest neighbors) Atomic Packing Factor (APF) Volume of atoms in unit cell* contains 8 x 1/8 = 1atom/unit cell APF = Volume of unit cell a R=a/2 close-packed directions

5 Body Centered Cubic Structure (BCC)
Atoms touch each other along cube diagonals. Cr, W, Fe (), Tantalum, Molybdenum Coordination # (배위수)= 8 2 atoms/unit cell: 1 center + 8 corners x 1/8 원자의 반지름 : , 최인접 원자간 거리 : a 3 a a 2

6 Face Centered Cubic Structure (FCC)
Atoms touch each other along face diagonals Al, Cu, Au, Pb, Ni, Pt, Ag Coordination #(배위수) = 12 4 atoms/unit cell: 6 face x 1/2 + 8 corners x 1/8 최인접원자간 거리 : 원자 반지름 : a

7 FCC Stacking Sequence : ABCABC... Stacking Sequence
A sites B C sites A B sites C A C A A B C • FCC Unit Cell

8 Hexagonal Close-Packed Structure (HCP)
• ABAB... Stacking Sequence • 2D Projection • 3D Projection Bottom layer Middle layer Top layer c a A sites B sites Coordination # = 12 APF = 0.74 c/a = 1.633 6 atoms/unit cell ex: Cd, Mg, Ti, Zn

9 3.5 Theoretical Density 예제)Cu는 0.128nm의 원자 반지름과 FCC결정 구조를 가지며,
n = number of atoms/unit cell A = atomic weight VC = Volume of unit cell = a3 for cubic NA = Avogadro’s number = x 1023 atoms/mol 예제)Cu는 0.128nm의 원자 반지름과 FCC결정 구조를 가지며, 원자량은 63.5g/mol이다. 밀도를 계산하고 실측치과 비교하여라. n = number of atoms/unit cell=4 A = atomic weight = 63.5g/mol VC = Volume of unit cell = a3 for cubic 16R3√2 NA = Avogadro’s number = x 1023 atoms/mol Cu의 실측치는 8.94g/cm3

10 Densities of Material Classes
In general Graphite/ Metals/ Composites/ metals > ceramics > polymers Ceramics/ Polymers Alloys fibers Semicond 30 Why? Metals have... • close-packing (metallic bonding) • often large atomic masses 2 Magnesium Aluminum Steels Titanium Cu,Ni Tin, Zinc Silver, Mo Tantalum Gold, W Platinum 10 G raphite Silicon Glass - soda Concrete Si nitride Diamond Al oxide Zirconia Ceramics have... • less dense packing • often lighter elements 5 3 4 (g/cm ) 3 Wood AFRE * CFRE GFRE* Glass fibers Carbon fibers A ramid fibers H DPE, PS PP, LDPE PC PTFE PET PVC Silicone Polymers have... • low packing density (often amorphous) • lighter elements (C,H,O) r 2 1 Composites have... • intermediate values 0.5 0.4 0.3 Data from Table B1, Callister 7e.

11 3.6  Polymorphism Two or more distinct crystal structures for the same material (allotropy/polymorphism) Titanium : , -Ti Carbon : diamond, graphite BCC FCC 1538ºC 1394ºC 912ºC -Fe -Fe -Fe liquid iron system

12 3.7 결정계 입방 육방 정방 삼방 사방 단사 3사

13 3.8 Point Coordinates z x y a b c 000 111 3.9 결정학적 방향

14 3.9 결정학적 방향(Miller지수) (a)[100] z (b)[110] (c)[111] (d)[112] (e)[212]
(f)[231] z x y (a) (b) (c) b c (1/2, 1/2, 1) (1/2, 1, 1/2) (d) (e) (f) (2/3, 1, 1/3) Lecture 2 ended here

15 HCP Crystallographic Directions
] uvtw [ ' w v u - a3 a1 a2 z [0001] ) ' v u 2 ( 3 1 - u = ) ' u v 2 ( 3 1 - v = t = ) v u ( + - w = w ' [1210] [2110]

16 3.10 결정학적 면

17 3.10 결정학적 면 특정 면의 밀러 지수를 구하는 법 면이 중심을 지나면 평행 이동
면이 3축과 만나는 점을 구함(x, y, z) 역수을 취함 공통 분모를 곱하여 최소의 정수를 구함 지수는 ( )안에 콤마 없이 표시 z x y a b c z x y a b c 교차점 : 1, 1, ∞ 역 수 : 1, 1, 0 지수 : (110) 교차점 : 1/2, 1, 3/4 역 수 : 2, 1, 4/3 공통분모 3을 곱하면 지수 : (634) z x y a b c 교차점 : 1/2, ∞ , ∞ 역 수 : 2, 0, 0 지수 : (200)

18 3.11 선 밀도 Hexagonal 의 경우 a1 a2 a3 c 교차점 : 1  -1 1 역 수 : 1 0 -1 1 공통분모
z 교차점 : 1  역 수 : 공통분모 지수 : (1011) a1 a2 a3 c 3.11 선 밀도 ex: linear density of Al in [110] direction  a = nm a [110] Number of atoms Linear Density of Atoms  LD = Unit length of direction vector

19 Planar Density of (100) Iron
Solution:  At T < 912C iron has the BCC structure. 2D repeat unit R 3 4 a = (100) Radius of iron R = nm = Planar Density = a 2 1 atoms 2D repeat unit nm2 12.1 m2 = 1.2 x 1019 R 3 4 area

20 Planar Density of (111) Iron
1 atom in plane/ unit surface cell 2 a atoms in plane atoms above plane atoms below plane 2D repeat unit 3 h = a 2 1 = nm2 atoms 7.0 m2 0.70 x 1019 3 2 R 16 Planar Density = 2D repeat unit area

21 Section 3.16 - X-Ray Diffraction
Diffraction gratings must have spacings comparable to the wavelength of diffracted radiation. Can’t resolve spacings   Spacing is the distance between parallel planes of atoms.  

22 X-Rays to Determine Crystal Structure
• Incoming X-rays diffract from crystal planes. detector “1” incoming X-rays reflections must “2” be in phase for “1” a detectable signal outgoing X-rays extra l “2” distance q q travelled by wave “2” spacing d between planes X-ray intensity (from detector) q c d = n l 2 sin Measurement of critical angle, qc, allows computation of planar spacing, d.

23 X-Ray Diffraction Pattern
z x y a b c z x y a b c z x y a b c (110) (211) Intensity (relative) (200) Diffraction angle 2q Diffraction pattern for polycrystalline a-iron (BCC)

24 SUMMARY • Atoms may assemble into crystalline or amorphous structures.
• Common metallic crystal structures are FCC, BCC, and HCP. Coordination number and atomic packing factor are the same for both FCC and HCP crystal structures. • We can predict the density of a material, provided we know the atomic weight, atomic radius, and crystal geometry (e.g., FCC, BCC, HCP). • Crystallographic points, directions and planes are specified in terms of indexing schemes. Crystallographic directions and planes are related to atomic linear densities and planar densities.

25 SUMMARY • Materials can be single crystals or polycrystalline.
Material properties generally vary with single crystal orientation (i.e., they are anisotropic), but are generally non-directional (i.e., they are isotropic) in polycrystals with randomly oriented grains. • Some materials can have more than one crystal structure. This is referred to as polymorphism (or allotropy). • X-ray diffraction is used for crystal structure and interplanar spacing determinations.

26 ANNOUNCEMENTS Reading: Core Problems: Self-help Problems:

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