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Tips for Time Management and Note-Taking

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1 Tips for Time Management and Note-Taking
Patricia Monaghan, B.S. & Sarah Smith, B.a. University of Colorado at Colorado Springs

2 Time Management Organization Skills: Use a Daily Planner Desk Calendar
Make “To Do” lists Assign tasks to days Assign tasks times and stick to those times Attend to most pertinent items first ABC model Daily Planner: Write everything in the planner: tests, HW, holidays, apts. Take it with you where ever you go pick a planner style that works best for you: Day at a glance, week at a glance, month at a glance Desk Calendar: Use in similar way: write all apts just another reinforcement Make “To Do” Lists: Different ways to do it find your own style ABC model: go to next slide

3 ABC Model of “To Do” Lists
Most time consuming items May have more then one step B Items that can be completed in one step, but still take a significant amount of time C Items that can be completed quickly A: have more steps: such as research paper B: can be done in one sitting: read a chapter C: quick items: take a short period of time: may bills

4 Time Management Tips: Do not wait until last minute
When estimating time for task completion, overestimate Know when “your time of day is” Choose a effective place to work

5 Note-Taking Go to class prepared Pay attention to the lecture
Write down: Major concepts Definitions Details, facts, examples Material on chalk/ white board Material repeated or spelled out Go to class prepared: better able to follow the lecture can ask clarification questions Pay attention to the lecture:

6 Note-Taking Develop your own note-taking style:
Start each lecture on a fresh page, with the date Use headings Write on one side of the page Develop a system of abbreviations and symbols Use highlighters Develop own color system Develop own style: fresh page w/ date allows to organize know which lecture is which Use headings: better organized use main, and sub headings when go back, know better what you are talking about Write on one side: Preference easier to flip through pages Develop style of abbreviations and symbols: able to write more quickly and efficiantly make sure it is consistant to ensure understanding Use highlighters: May want to corrispond color with heading type

7 Note-Taking Understanding Notes: Note misunderstood concepts
Write legibly Re-write notes Review notes within 24 hours Use color for emphasis Misunderstood concepts: can go back or ask questions Write legibly: better able to understand later Re-write: esp. if do not write legibly helps solidify information fill in notes, clarify Review: help solidify.

8 Summary Note-Taking Time Management
Use a Daily Planner and/or Desk Calendar Make “To Do” lists Assign tasks days and/or times Note-Taking Things to write down Create your own style

9 Questions?

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