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13.1: Cultures Clash HW: - GR Chapter 13

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1 13.1: Cultures Clash HW: - GR Chapter 13
- School Days of an Indian Girl Reading and ?s due Friday

2 American West Great Plains mix of farmers, miners, and cattle ranchers NAs hoped to maintain tribal traditions transcontinental RR catalyst for much conflict w/ NAs - migrate quickly, cheaply, and comfortably - needed land - killing of buffalo (fashion and sport) - greatest killer of all was disease






8 Pike’s Peak

9 Pike’s Peak = Gold

10 Miners flock to Pike’s Peak and invade Native American Treaty land to mine gold


12 Colorado Springs, at base of Pike’s Peak

13 (65 years after discovery of Gold)
Colorado Springs, (65 years after discovery of Gold)






19 Goes through heart of Indian’s Land
Transcontinental Railroad Goes through heart of Indian’s Land

20 “Cow Catcher”






26 A Necessity of Life for Plains Indians
Buffalo A Necessity of Life for Plains Indians

27 A Necessity of Life for Plains Indians
Buffalo A Necessity of Life for Plains Indians

28 Drying Buffalo Hides


30 Hides of Slaughtered Buffalo

31 Massacre at Sand Creek 800 Cheyenne Indians in SE Colorado Black Kettle, local chief, sought protection for his people 1864: US Army assured them of peace (1851 treaty) - next day Colorado Volunteers surrounded Sand Creek Black Kettle raised American flag  sign of friendship Col. John Chivington, ignored gesture - "Kill and scalp all, big and little," - killed ~400 people(women and children) - scalpings and disembowelments

32 Retaliation NAs agreed whites must be met by force 1866: Sioux warriors ambushed American troops - 81 soldiers and settlers killed 1868 Treaty of Fort Laramie  temporary end to hostilities - US gov’t reaffirms lands of Sioux and Cheyenne Territory - peace short-lived

33 Battle of Little Big Horn
gold discovered in Black Hills of South Dakota - prospectors violated treaty Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse vs. Col. George Custer 1876: discovered NA village (Little Big Horn River) - troops attacked using Gatling guns - 3,000 Sioux warriors all massacred debate in the East - war hawks vs. NA sympathizers

34 Custer attacks Black Kettle’s Winter Quarters

35 Custer’s Army Heads West

36 Sitting Bull

37 Crazy Horse 9.

38 US General George Custer






44 Graves of Custer’s Men

45 Wounded Knee Massacre NAs forced into reservations at gunpoint holy man received “message”  world soon free of white man "Ghost Dance" NA spiritual movement spread 1890: army feared movement  demanded Sioux surrender all weapons - shot rang out (intentional or mistake?) army opened fire almost all 300 men, women, and children were dead

46 Life on Reservations federal policy tribes confined to fixed land plots (reservations) - deprived life on historic land - farm land unsuitable for agriculture and lack of knowledge The Dawes Act goal  “Americanize” NAs (assimilation) and end dependence on federal gov’t each NA family gets 160 acres of land (can’t sell for 25 years) set up schools to teach NA children (attendance required) rest of land sold to RR companies and settlers

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