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Dr Shegufta Farooq Research Orthoptist Department of Orthoptics,

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1 Allied Health Professionals in Research The Council for Allied Health Professions Research (CAHPR)
Dr Shegufta Farooq Research Orthoptist Department of Orthoptics, Eye Outpatients Bradford Royal Infirmary

2 Education and Experience
Undergraduate Degree: BMedSci Hons (Orthoptics) Employed by University of Leicester as a Research Orthoptist/Clinical Orthoptist (Full time) Part–time PhD course commenced after experience within research unit/ research training as an advanced postgraduate (APG) (Funded by University of Leicester) Built up a good research portfolio and skills as well as maintaining clinical practice as an Orthoptist

3 Education and Experience
Moved to Bradford Teaching Hospitals 2010 Commenced 0.2 wte Research (1 day) funded by Clinical Research Network (CRN) Part-time clinical post Mid Yorkshire hospitals NHS trust 0.4 wte Research (CRN) 0.4 wte Specialist Orthoptist (BTHFT)

4 NIHR National Institute for Health Research
Created in “Best research for Best Health” Represent all publically funded research in UK “Research arm of NHS” To improve health and wealth of nation through research

5 Clinical Research Networks
15 Local networks National coordinating centre Efficient and effective support for initiation and delivery of funded research in the NHS Allocate and manage funding to meet NHS service support

6 Clinical Research Networks

7 Clinical Research Networks
Cardiovascular Disease; Diabetes; Metabolic and Endocrine Disorders; Renal Disorders; and Stroke; • Respiratory Disorders; Ear Nose and Throat; Gastroenterology; Hepatology; and Infectious Diseases and Microbiology; • Anaesthesia, Perioperative Medicine and Pain Management; Critical Care; Dermatology; Health Services and Delivery Research; Injuries and Emergencies; Mental Health; Primary Care; and Public Health; • Children; Haematology; Musculoskeletal Disorders; Ophthalmology; and Reproductive Health and Childbirth; • Ageing; Dementias and Neurodegeneration (DeNDRoN); Genetics; and Neurological Disorders; and • Cancer; Oral and Dental

8 Resources

9 What we do…… Investigation and treatment of defects of binocular vision (how our eyes work together), visual development and eye movement problems Low vision aid services for children and adults with an acquired or longstanding visual problem that prevents normal sight Glaucoma and visual fields clinics and visual assessment of children and adults with learning disability A comprehensive primary school screening programme for visual defects Teach Undergraduate Orthoptic Students/Postgraduate Medical practitioners Patient age range 0 and up!

10 Studies Genetics of Inherited Retinal Disease (Leeds Teaching Hospitals) Development of a paediatric disease-specific measure of Health related quality of life in Amblyopia (University of Sheffield) The quality of life of visually impaired children (Great Ormond Street Hospital /UCL London) Genetics of common and complex strabismus (University of Leicester/University of Harvard) The role of glasses wearing in Amblyopia treatment, a randomised controlled multicentre trial (University of Leicester) The role of feedback in Amblyopic treatment, a randomised controlled trial (University of Leicester) Children and young peoples views on living with impaired sight (Great Ormond Street Hospital /UCL London)

11 Positives Career development/makes you unique CPD/ publications
Role model for others students/ colleagues Bridge between the “Research” and the “real” worlds Gain the confidence of patients – forward thinking Enhance patient attendance Better quality of care Clinician compliments my research role and visa versa Encourages lateral thinking Networking/ new circle of colleagues Raises the profile of your department nationally and internationally

12 Top tips Do “Good Clinical Practice” (GCP) course/Get involved
Network/communication/keep up to date Up to date CV Professional registration Patience – don’t give up and be prepared to wait! Databases/ Electronic Records/ Admin procedures Don’t be afraid to ask questions Make use of what you have around you and expertise in your department and hospital trust Time management/ flexibilty Realistic

13 Thankyou

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