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Transportation Planning Applications Conference Jeffrey Newman May 17, 2017

2 Motivation Challenges Application

3 Fort Collins Denver Colorado Springs Grand Junction Pueblo

4 Colorado’s 1st Statewide Model
Grand Junction Fort Collins Denver Colorado Springs Pueblo Colorado’s 1st Statewide Model Uses the same framework as DRCOG’s Focus ABM

5 The Long and Short of It Common practice for statewide travel modeling is to use two travel model components: a “typical” daily travel model that includes short(er) and more frequent trips, and an "atypical" travel model that includes long distance trips that are undertaken infrequently

6 Trouble with the Usual Approach
In Colorado, drawing a line between long and short is not easy or desirable CDOT does not want an artificial boundary Solution: just one model to describe both long and short travel 50 MILES Typical days for plenty of people include a commute over 50 miles to Denver. Atypical days can include overnight trips into the mountains much less than 50 miles from home. Drawing an artificial boundary can create problems in modeling.

7 Benefits of the Seamless Approach Simplicity of application
No artificial breakpoint causing “cliff effects” Models regular intra- regional tours of 50+ miles Allows regular travel between MPOs to increase 50 MILES - Although there are no artificial breakpoint causing “cliff effects” in behavior, actual cliffs (i.e. mountains) can and do impact behavior, especially in Colorado. - DRCOG alone spans about 75 miles north-to-south, and over 100 miles east-to-west! - Long distance travel between Front Range MPOs is expected to continue to increase with population and employment growth

8 Challenges of Seamless Approach
Survey data does have artificial break points: Daily diary contains all trips in a particular day, truncated at 3 am Long distance travel log includes only long (50+ miles) trips over 14 days Overnight travel cannot just be discarded or artificially truncated but it doesn’t fit neatly Taking an long overnight trip can impinge on other activity the same day But there still may be some such activity

9 Selected Key Model Changes
Auto Availability Non-closed tours explicitly accommodated Nontraditional (overnight) closed tours Non-closed tours have a different distance profile Need a more detailed destination model with multiple distance segments for reasonable calibration Must accommodate tour legs that occur before the beginning of the day or after the end Daily Activity Pattern Exact Number of Tours Work Tour Dest Type Subtour Generation Tour Destination Tour Main Mode Tour Time of Day Interim Stop Generation

10 Daily Activity Patterns
TOURS STOPS DAP’s in Focus are modeled as 14 joint binary choices Yes or No on having 1+ tours for each of 7 purposes Same for intermediate stops by purpose Unrestricted this gives 214 = 16,384 alternatives, but most are infeasible or disallowed Only 2,080 alternatives that are considered valid, which are modeled by MNL DAPs can be disallowed for a variety of reasons: 1+ tours must exist for any stops to exist, Can’t have more than 3 active tour purposes or 4 active stop purposes, Can’t have a work or school stop unless there is a work or school tour, etc.

11 New Daily Activity Patterns
TOURS STOPS DAP’s for the statewide model add two extra binary choices for non-closed tours: work, and other purposes (social/recreation and personal business; we exclude overnight tours for school, escort, meals and shopping) Again we disallow a bunch of rare or infeasible combination, so we get down to 2,146 alternatives Just 66 more than before Drop Details This could give 4,156 alternatives, but we add yet more restrictions: Only one non-closed tour of any type, Only 2 (not 3) tour purposes allowed when non-closed tours are included, … NON- CLOSED TOURS

12 Data for Destination Choice
Tour Purpose Tour Distance Less than 50 mi More than 50 mi Work/Daily Commute (same day closed tour) Diary Only Work/Other Business Log Only Other Purposes The Daily Diary and the Two Week Travel Log contain overlapping data (in theory), only one or the other should be used for any particular category The Diary was seen to capture daily commuting patterns better regardless of distance The Log has a better picture of non-regular destinations that are within its domain Non-weekday travel is removed from the Log and weights adjusted to be compatible In each “bucket” we only use one category of input data and not both, so as to avoid double-counting.

13 Social/Recreational Destinations
Almost no trips to the plains for recreation trips

14 Social/Recreational Destinations
Model slightly over-predicts travel to Grand Junction

15 Social/Recreational Tour Distance
Hump about 70 miles is an artifact of Colorado geography Relative Frequency (log scale) Distance (mi)

16 Social/Recreational Closed Tours
Relative Frequency (log scale) Distance (mi) Similar distribution, skewed more heavily to short The hump is not just overnight travel

17 Social/Recreational Non-Closed Tours
Relative Frequency (log scale) Distance (mi) Skewed more heavily to long distance Still a notable number of short tours too

18 Social/Recreational Utility Function by Distance
Multi-point piecewise linear (smoothed) function for utility by distance Allows for better calibration over the very wide range of distances Closed Tours

19 Tour Time of Day Closed Tours, Same Day Closed Tours, Span Overnight
Same as the DRCOG model: identify start and end hour for tours, as an MNL of all feasible alternatives Closed Tours, Span Overnight Tours split in two, one starts “before” the travel day with a choice of end times, other starts “after” with a choice of start times. Non-Closed Tours Tour must start “before” or end “after”, not both Di

20 Summing Up Fusing long and short distance travel into a single model has a lot of knock on effects in model development The fused approach has some significant benefits in model application and interpretation Colorado is a good candidate for the fused approach because of its geography We’ll report back more complete results in a future TRB forum

21 Jeffrey Newman Cambridge Systematics Erik Sabina Colorado Department of Transportation David Kurth Jason Lemp Tom Rossi Cambridge Systematics


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