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International Defence Enterprise Architecture Specification (IDEAS)

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Presentation on theme: "International Defence Enterprise Architecture Specification (IDEAS)"— Presentation transcript:

1 International Defence Enterprise Architecture Specification (IDEAS)
Meeting 02/2007 Record of Decisions 30 April to 4 May 2007 Ottawa, Canada

2 Working Group Participation
Active Nations: Australia Canada United Kingdom United States Observer Organisations: NATO Object Management Group (by MOD Rep) Swedish Armed Forces/FMV Architecture Team

3 Continuing Program of Activities
Develop the IDEAS Model To specify the minimum set of data elements, attributes and relationships needed to support coalition force planning and other coalition operational activities Develop the models for sample planning/coalition activities scenarios Develop the Data exchange specification Specifies the interchange standard for participating IDEAS members and forms the main body of documentation used for configuration management of the data exchange mechanism Develop the Data exchange mechanism Specifies the data exchange format for IDEAS (based on XML technologies (using RDF/RDFS at present)) Co-exists as part of each nations architecture repository solution Develop the repository data exchange mechanism

4 Agenda Monday 30 April 0830 Opening remarks
0845 Welcome – LtCol Gaetan Tremblay Update on National EA Programs Break Review of action items from the March meeting Review Status of IDEAS Model – Chris Partridge and Ian Bailey Lunch Review Status of IDEAS Model – Chris Partridge and Ian Bailey Break CA To Be Architecture Presentation Detailed aims of this meeting 1700 – 1830 Meet and Greet function Tuesday 1 May Welcome/Housekeeping 0845 recap of previous day/ today’s aims 0900 Finalise detailed aims and work packages 1000 Break 1030 IDEAS modeling 1200 Lunch 1300 IDEAS modeling 1500 Break 1530 IDEAS modeling Daily wrap up

5 Agenda Wednesday 2 May 0845 Welcome and Housekeeping
0845 Recap previous day/ aims for today 0900 IDEAS modeling 1000 1000 Break 1030 IDEAS modeling 1200 Lunch 1300 IDEAS modeling 1330 IDEAS modeling / Management meeting (in Parallel) 1500 Break 1530 DODAF and CADM update 1615 MODAF and M3 update Wrap up of days activities Social Event – Dinner at Merlot Rooftop Grill at 1900 Thursday 3 May 0900 IDEAS modeling 1030 IDEAS modeling / Management meeting (in Parallel) 1300 Update on management meeting 1330 IDEAS modeling 1530 IDEAS modeling Daily wrap up Social Event – Visit to the Canadian War Museum Friday 4 May 0900 Finalise IDEAS modeling 1030 Document current status and discuss future work 1300 Agree actions and future schedule Close meeting

6 Review of Action Items from March 2007 meeting
Each IDEAS management rep to continue to liaise with J6 in their nation re actual comms /data transfer needs for real world situations – each to identify a scenario which means something to them so that we can show the IDEAS affect on that. – US have had a meeting with J6 – good interest and wish to be involved, also from HR people who have just started a project on Casualty Management, have briefed Chief of J6 staff. CA have good contact with J6 (unfortunately away this week) and also with G6 re casualty management and have received documents already. UK engagement continuing – J6 have a team working on casualty management modeling. AUS have contacted medical Corp staff and have information coming. J6 staff have been involved in Exercises and should be available to consult after this meeting UK (Ian) to investigate the possible use of a UML profile for IDEAS to enable auto generation of RDF from EA files. – UK circulated a report on this after the last meeting. More information can now be added to that. Now looking at the capability to do this from multiple tools. Some areas for further clarification have been identified. Each nation to discuss the casualty management scenario with their relevant staff to better understand the issues involved – engagement with Health Services staff and J6 staff is generally good and is producing useful supporting information. AUS to reword the OCD draft to include the scenario work and reissue for comment before next meeting. – In progress All to contribute to the OCD content before next meeting. – CA now has data to add from a number of documents – roadmap document in development. Only Sweden has so far provided input UK to continue to tidy up the model, incorporating all of the refinements, additions and changes from this week’s meeting and circulate as V 0.4 – Significant work has been done and one version circulated. Work has been ongoing since and a newer version is now available. This will be adjusted during the meeting and circulated on the last day of this meeting. UK to provide ontological review of the changes developed during the March meeting – Reviewed and adjusted where necessary for discussion at this meeting – minimal adjustment required.

7 Aims of meeting To confirm and agree the changes made to the model at/since the last meeting Identify and prioritise the remaining IDEAS development activities and issues (see list at XXXX.doc) To identify, and initiate development of, a simple demonstrator which can be run on a laptop and used to show results of this work quickly to senior management. Identify the work required to allow the finalisation of a working model and simple demonstrator by the end of the September meeting Agree the baseline for the scope of the casualty management scenario to be addressed, in the light of the input received from the UK J6 and the Canadian J6 and G6 staff, and noting that we do not yet have the data currently being gathered by UK staff in the MEAO (who are documenting the cross national casualty tracking processes, which has not previously been done by any nation), and model those aspects To begin definition of the exchange mechanism, using the M3 model, CADM and the national repository tools. Confirm schedule of activities to April 2008

8 Methodology and Approach
Participants continued the use of Business Objects Reference Ontology (BORO) methodology to clarify concepts Participants continued to: use UML as modeling language, profiled to IDEAS (export to RDF) derive model from agreed operational constructs provide complete semantics Participants will fully document all aspects of the model and methodology for the IDEAS capability

9 National Updates (1) UK US MODAF 1.1 released at beginning April
More capability oriented Metamodel aligned with UML 2.1 NATO adopting metamodel – some changes to support them J6 staff working on modeling of casualty tracking and have a pilot in mind – more detail once officially released Working on SABSA for EA IA Info management people (ICAD) have an ontology pilot using the IDEAS model also work in the logistics area using ontology to align taxonomies Establishing governance for MODAF and M3 SOA related activities getting greater focus, including developing an EA/SOA/IDEAS demonstrator (to be used at CWID 07). Looking at a logical open SOA services construct. US CADM 1.5 and DODAF 1.5 released last week DODAF 2.0 input being sought now – expect about a year effort from here – IDEAS members invited to the workshops. US DOD EA Conf last week – briefings on the web at

10 National Updates (2) CA AUS SW
Stakeholder review of DNDAF V1.0 complete DNDAF official V1.0 to pilot due to happen in next few months. RFP out for EA toolset, expected to have evaluation finished very soon AUS Meetings with J6 – pace of operations, and TS07 planning, is limiting the available time for them to meet and be involved Repository development continuing (Rochade, fed by System Architect) test environment now in place – review about to happen of approach to repository development Mapping SA metamodel and Rochade model for CADM to support XML data exchange between them – ongoing work DSMS upgrade project just starting – v1.5 due out late this calendar year Training course revisions complete, new materials and enhanced facilitator guides now in use Pilot of Diploma course about to occur DAF review planned for Q3/4 07 SW Still keen to be involved in IDEAS as interoperability is key NAF V3 seems to be on schedule – meeting in Brussels next week New CIO Commander Thomas Engevall New temp frame work/directions for EA in SWAF (Mikaels slides)

11 IDEAS Model Status at start of April 07 meeting
Foundation well defined Namespace pattern at initial definition Still need to finalise patterns for Overlap/Event, Time and Tuple Type Data for OCD being defined/incorporated/clarified Common Objects well defined Mapping of national terms to IDEAS terms has progressed facilitated by the namespace pattern Need to define who owns the namespace for each organisation/nation Top level IDEAS context diagram created and described Identified that a common upper level taxonomy will need to be defined for a number of areas of operational data likely to be exchanged via the IDEAS model

12 MODAF Update MODAF v1.1 and M3 v1.1 was released in April 07 with web based documentation. Has incorporated a lot of the NATO requirements – NAF v3 due in December will be an updated version of M3 with SOA related changes. New version is available on Version 2 is due for development and release by mid 2008 Recent work showing human functions in SVs Have a draft Spectrum Management View (for NATO purposes)

13 AUSDAF Update Intent to start a user community forum including industry partners – still planned, little progress due to resource issues With DODAF/MODAF/NAF updates mostly released now planning is in process for a full review and update starting Q3 07 for intended new release in Q1 08 Review will include changes to documentation structure to better align with DODAF/MODAF/NAF chapter structure

14 DNDAF Update Stakeholder review complete and V1.0 formally released.
RFP to choose and acquire EA tools at evaluation stage with result expected by end May 07 Have developed an online tutorial and quick reference guide – about to be published Planning to develop training courses – reusing some of the AUS developed course material

15 DODAF and CADM Update DODAF 1.5 is released
DODAF v2 will be a larger shift towards a net centric framework DODAF V2 development workshops starting soon and will continue over the next 6 months DODAF V2 due for release approximately March/April 2008 All volumes available on CADM v1.5 is released

16 Achievements this Meeting
Clear and confirmed agreement of the areas of the IDEAS work needing review/change/enhancement and of their priorities, to facilitate the definition of future work packages and deliverables. Defined Process, Information Element and Agent patterns Development of test OV 5 and initial experimental data for the casualty management scenario Clarification and confirmation of the patterns documented last meeting, and in the intervening time Initial definition of XML requirements for the casualty management scenario Identification and development of necessary mappings to the foundation model based on analysis of OWL and best practice modeling techniques Information added to the OCD from Sweden (will require review before the next meeting) Development of a draft experiment schedule for the OV5 exchange. Modeling of objects required for the casualty management scenario (more refinement will be required). Good progress on the IDEAS model development as a whole Better common understanding of the future development paths for the individual nation’s frameworks to ensure that structures converge to deliver greater interoperability Review of national frameworks directions for Interoperability

17 WG Decisions Identified and agree the set of issues/areas of the model needing further work. That the IDEAS data exchange will use the XML Syntax (most likely RDF). Use common leverage to get more vendors to be aware/helpful and compliant with Defence organisations requirements. Recognised that the agreement by NATO to use the IDEAS exchange mechanism means that the IDEAS core model will need to grow over time to support the increasing demands of the various allies. (Mikael’s Slides) Confirmed the target set of views for the initial testing of data exchange (testing to be done by UK/US) (OV2, OV3, OV5, OV6c, OV7, SV1, SV4, SV6) and agreed to start on OV5.

18 Actions from WG Meeting
All to continue engagement with J6 staff and with G6/medical or Health Services staff to clarify the casualty management scenario requirements All to provide input to the OCD as soon as possible All to identify other documents that are needed (especially plain English explanations/guidelines to the IDEAS work) and circulate for agreement – volunteers to write the docs required – US (Francisco) will draft object definitions and UK (Chris) pattern use descriptions All management reps to write up an approx one page summary of the way ahead for IDEAS from their nation’s perspective (with any additional comments on issues, way ahead for the architecture frameworks etc) and circulate by early July to allow creation of a strategy paper before the September meeting All – volunteer required to ensure that the Casualty Management Scenario is written up as a plain English ‘story’ to assist with informing others of what we are addressing US to arrange an agenda slot in next years UD DoD EA conference for the IDEAS ‘launch’ UK to provide a copy of the letter sent to UPDM UK will create a collaboration space for the IDEAS members on UK to tidy up the model to complete adjustments made at this meeting and circulate asap UK to put links to national (and NATO) framework sites on the IDEAS website UK to advise hotel and meeting arrangements for the September meeting AUS to provide an updated version of the draft OCD to be put on the IDEAS website

19 Management Meeting 1 It was agreed that
The OCD for the IDEAS work, and other ‘project management’ style documentation for the program of work, should be continued based on the AUS developed draft OCD, with all to add further to the documents before the next meeting The phases to this work have been clearly identified and prioritised into work packages during this meeting. Agreement on a set of deliverables has been reached with the intent being to deliver a majority of the IDEAS functionality by March/April 2008. The casualty management scenario provided by UK J6 staff should continue to be pursued as an example which is valid for all nations and crosses coalition boundaries in the field, therefore providing an appropriate vehicle to demonstrate the IDEAS capability. The IDEAS functionality, once delivered into operational use, will need ongoing maintenance if it is to remain useful. (noting that the current versions of MODAF and NAF Roadmaps specifically state that the IDEAS capability is core and will be used and that there is intent to make the NATO metamodel a STANAG) An ongoing international group should be created to maintain and evolve the IDEAS work and to drive the ongoing evolution and convergence of the national architecture frameworks and metamodels towards a common core Defence Coalition Architecture Framework with agreed national specific extensions. This will reduce costs for all nations over time and support significantly improved interoperability. At the next IDEAS Working Group meeting in September, each nation should provide information on their current and planned architecture development activities, and all should work together to draft the future roadmap for the Defence Coalition Architecture Framework, with clear notes on intended points of convergence. All member nations should take a consistent stance with tool vendors with respect to the need for full compliance with the metamodels.

20 Management Meeting 2 It was agreed that (con’t)
A simple laptop based demonstrator of the IDEAS data exchange be developed as soon as possible. (This is expected to be a subset of the work for the casualty management/tracking scenario) The IDEAS website should be updated more often, and the IDEAS identity marketed to our respective organisations. The launch of the delivered IDEAS functionality be planned for The US DoD EA Conference in Orlando Florida, April 2008, and that suitable marketing material be developed for that – US to arrange an agenda slot at the conference for this. Prior to the launch, a briefing day for all of the national CIOs should be arranged to ensure good takeup of, and management support for, this capability and its ongoing maintenance. The ‘practical EA use in Planning’ tutorial being developed by the UK and Sweden (expected release in October 2007) will be circulated, for information, to the other IDEAS member nations as soon as feasible. Future meetings will continue to be timed, and located, where possible, in close proximity to other activities of interest (eg US DoD EA Conferences) to minimise travel costs for all. The aims of the meeting in Ottawa, the intended aims of the meeting scheduled for London in September 2007 and the future program of work were confirmed. The Chairmanship for the next 3 meetings was passed to Mr Mike Wayson from the US. It was noted that all nations are now working on Federal Government Architecture Frameworks/Reference Models, so the need to integrate the Defence Frameworks with the Federal Frameworks is now a common theme.

21 Aims for London meeting in September 2007
Confirm and agree the developed model Confirm and agree the developed scenario UK to brief on the CWID demonstrator and how it went/lessons learnt Confirm and agree the initial exchange mechanism Identify the priorities and work packages to be completed before the final development meeting in early 2008 Agree the scope of the deliverables for IDEAS release 1, for delivery by end March 2008 Define the marketing materials and activities required for, and before, the launch of IDEAS Release 1 Management meeting to develop the first version of the Defence Coalition Architecture Framework Roadmap

22 Program of Work Schedule
Chair for the next 3 meetings will be Mr Mike Wayson from the USA. 10 to 14 September 2007 London, UK February 2008 Location TBD (possibly US or SW ?) April 2008 (possible) Before or after US DOD EA conf (14-18 April) in Orlando Fl.

23 Things to resolve Equivalence/alias (needs Chris’ input)
Ian’s concerns with fusion approach to end to end agreement (needs Chris’ input) Mailing lists will be developed – core participants as a separate list from ‘other interested parties’ Tools issues – how do we get vendors to co-operate with improving their import export capability, when doing so reduces their product lock in

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