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Tips for surviving freshman year

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1 Tips for surviving freshman year
High School 101 Tips for surviving freshman year

2 Purpose Provide information so that parents can best support their child as they transition from middle school to high school.

3 Housekeeping Bathrooms Water & Eegee’s Itinerary for the Day

4 Who is going to take care of my kiddo?
The Freshman Academy Team: Dean Nourse- AP of the Freshman Academy Kim Thielke- Freshman Academy Secretary Eric Boxley- Freshman Counselor Pat Nugent- Freshman Interventions We have given you a magnet with everyone’s phone number on it. You are welcome to use those numbers whenever you’d like.

5 Who are you and what have you done with my sweet child?
Adolescence can be tough. Social changes… who do I fit in with? Personal changes… who am I and how do I feel about _____? Academic changes… what kind of student am I? Physical changes… what is happening and how do I feel about it? It is very possible that your child will be a very different student next year.

6 14/15 year olds simply can’t do it alone.
Although your kiddo seems more independent, they may need you now more than ever. They don’t know this… they don’t like this… but it’s true  We are a team!

7 Common Misunderstandings
Getting all of my homework done “I can wait until the last minute and get all of my homework done in one night.” Students need to plan ahead for projects and larger homework assignments. Expect up to 2 hours of homework per night. Time management is key.

8 Common Misunderstandings
Late policies “I’m allowed to turn in all of my work at the end of the quarter and still pass.” Teachers have late policies for work. It is a student’s responsibility to get his/her work in on time. It may be accepted late, but it will not be accepted at full credit. Students who are absent (excused) will have one day for every day out to make up work.

9 Common Misunderstandings
Semester versus quarter grading “Don’t worry about my 1st quarter grade. I’ll get a clean slate after the break and then I’ll be ok.” It is very hard to climb out of a deep hole. There can be up to 1000 points in a class for the semester.

10 Common Misunderstandings
It counts now “My freshman grades are not important – colleges really care about senior year and how I finish.” Their permanent record starts now! Their future (college choice, scholarships, etc.) depend on the choices they make as 14 and 15 year olds.

11 Common Misunderstandings
Discipline “I didn’t realize how fast I could earn so many discipline points.” Every infraction is assigned a point value. Students may be suspended after they accumulate 6 points.

12 The Freshman Academy We are a work in progress, refining our vision… always  The bridge between middle school and high school. School within a school. More interventions for success.

13 Freshman Academy Link Crew Freshman Assemblies & Activities RTC

14 Freshman Academy Freshman Recognitions Academic Interventions
Academic Reward Program

15 Reward Program

16 Reward Program

17 Reward Program

18 1st Day of School Drop-Off & Pick-Up Busses Lunch Bell Schedules

19 Bell Schedules

20 Thank you for trusting us with your kids!
Dean Nourse Freshman Academy Assistant Principal

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