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ROLE OF SQA Senthilkumar. R / 12/27/2016 Overview Fundamentals

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Presentation on theme: "ROLE OF SQA Senthilkumar. R / 12/27/2016 Overview Fundamentals"— Presentation transcript:

1 ROLE OF SQA Senthilkumar. R / 12/27/2016 Overview Fundamentals
Examples Two marks Mind mapping Advantages and Disadvantages Puzzles Senthilkumar. R / 12/27/2016 cs414 / SQA / ROLE OF SQA 1 / 14

2 Overview Senthilkumar. R / 12/27/2016 TELNET FTP SMTP DNS TCP UDP IP
Role of SQA Application Protocols Transport Network Physical + Networks data link TELNET FTP SMTP DNS TCP UDP IP ARPANET SATNET PACKET RADIO LAN Senthilkumar. R / 12/27/2016 cs414 / SQA / ROLE OF SQA 2 / 14

3 Cont… Senthilkumar. R / 12/27/2016
This layer provides backbone to data flow between two hosts. This layer receives data from the application layer above it. There are many protocols that work at this layer but the two most commonly used protocols at transport layer are TCP and UDP. TCP is used where a reliable connection is required while UDP is used in case of unreliable connections. Senthilkumar. R / 12/27/2016 cs414 / SQA / ROLE OF SQA 3 / 14

4 Fundamentals Senthilkumar. R / 12/27/2016
TCP divides the data(coming from the application layer) into proper sized chunks and then passes these chunks onto the network. It acknowledges received packets, waits for the acknowledgments of the packets it sent and sets timeout to resend the packets, if acknowledgements are not received in time. The term ‘reliable connection’ is used where it is not desired to loose any information that is being transferred over the network through this connection. So, the protocol used for this type of connection must provide the mechanism to achieve this desired characteristic. For example, while downloading a file, it is not desired to loose any information(bytes) as it may lead to corruption of downloaded content. Senthilkumar. R / 12/27/2016 cs414 / SQA / ROLE OF SQA 4 / 14

5 Cont… Senthilkumar. R / 12/27/2016
UDP provides a comparatively simpler but unreliable service by sending packets from one host to another. UDP does not take any extra measures to ensure that the data sent is received by the target host or not. The term ‘unreliable connection’ are used where loss of some information does not hamper the task being fulfilled through this connection. For example while streaming a video, loss of few bytes of information due to some reason is acceptable as this does not harm the user experience much. Senthilkumar. R / 12/27/2016 cs414 / SQA / ROLE OF SQA 5 / 14

6 Examples Senthilkumar. R / 12/27/2016
TCP – Web, Sending mail, Receiving mail etc… UDP – Video Streaming, Online games etc… TCP + UDP = SMTP (Example : mobile, telephone) Senthilkumar. R / 12/27/2016 cs414 / SQA / ROLE OF SQA 6 / 14

7 Real time examples Senthilkumar. R / 12/27/2016
TCP – is mailing a letter with a return receipt at the post office, except that the post master will organize the letters in-order-of mailing and only deliver them in-order. UDP – is mailing a letter at the post office. Senthilkumar. R / 12/27/2016 cs414 / SQA / ROLE OF SQA 7 / 14

8 Two Marks Senthilkumar. R / 12/27/2016
1. Define TCP and UDP. 2. Explain IP. 3. Define the three states of TCP connection establishment and termination. 4. Difference between TCP and UDP. 5. Define TCP Echo server and client. Senthilkumar. R / 12/27/2016 cs414 / SQA / ROLE OF SQA 8 / 14

9 Mind Mapping Senthilkumar. R / 12/27/2016 cs414 / SQA / ROLE OF SQA
9 / 14

10 Advantages and Disadvantages of TCP
(1) TCP always guarantees three things - your data reaches its destination, it reaches there in time and it reaches    there without duplication. (2) In TCP, since all the work is done by the operating system, so you just need to sit back and watch the show. Even the debugging is taken care of by your OS. (3) It automatically breaks up data into packets for you. (4) It is slower in functioning than UDP DISADVANTAGES OF TCP (1) Since, all the work is being done by your OS, so if there are bugs in your OS, then you will face many problems like problems in surfing and downloading contents from the net. (2) TCP cannot be used for broadcast and multicast connections. Senthilkumar. R / 12/27/2016 cs414 / SQA/ ROLE OF SQA 10 / 14

11 Advantages and Disadvantages of UDP
(1) Broadcast and multicast connections are available with UDP which is not the case with TCP. (2) It does not restrict you to connection based communication model (3) Much faster than TCP DISADVANTAGES OF UDP (1)  There are no guarantees with UDP. It is possible that a packet may not be delivered, or delivered twice, or delivered not in time.   (2) We have to manually break the data into packets Senthilkumar. R / 12/27/2016 cs414 / SQA / ROLE OF SQA 11 / 14

12 Puzzle Senthilkumar. R / 12/27/2016
Match the Following 1. ARPA - CONNECTION ORIENTED 2. DNS - SMTP 3. TCP - HIERARCHICAL DECENTRALIZED… 4. LAN - PACKET SWITCHING 5. MAIL - IP Senthilkumar. R / 12/27/2016 cs414 / SQA/ ROLE OF SQA 12 / 14

13 Puzzle Answer Senthilkumar. R / 12/27/2016
Match the Following 1. ARPA - PACKET SWITCHING 2. DNS - HIERARCHICAL DECENTRALIZED… 3. TCP - CONNECTION ORIENTED 4. LAN - IP 5. MAIL - SMTP Senthilkumar. R / 12/27/2016 cs414 / SQA / ROLE OF SQA 13 / 14

14 Thank You Senthilkumar. R / 12/27/2016 cs414 / SQA / ROLE OF SQA
14 / 14

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