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Konferencija “Ekonomična potrošnja goriva u Crnoj Gori”

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Presentation on theme: "Konferencija “Ekonomična potrošnja goriva u Crnoj Gori”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Konferencija “Ekonomična potrošnja goriva u Crnoj Gori” Stanje voznog parka lakih motornih vozila u vezi sa emisijama CO2 i potrošnjom goriva Prof. dr Danilo Nikolić Hotel “Podgorica”, Podgorica, 20. novembar, 2015.

2 Global individual mobility

3 Global Energy Consumption


5 Total vehicle fleet Najveći potrošač korisnih proizvoda prerade bafte jeste sektor transporta. Ovaj sektor je u konstantnom porastu, kao što se može vidjeti na primjeru porasta broja motornih vozila u svijetu. Danas ih ima oko 800 miliona, a očekuje se da do 2020.g ovaj broj dostigne nekih 1.2 milijarde.

6 Environmental impact of exhaust emission
Local impact (CO, HC, NOx) posljedice na zdravlje ljudi; izduvna emisija iz vozila čini 70% ukupnih zagađivača u gradskim zonama; smog i smanjenje vidljivosti. Regional impact (SO2, PM, HC, NOx) kisele kiše; vozila doprinose 17,4% emisiji oksida azota i sumpor dioksida šteta po cijeli eko-sistem i materijale. Global impact (CO2, CH4, N2O, PM) globalno zagrijavanje i klimatske promjene; smanjenje ozonskog omotača Kada produkti sagorijevanja izađu u atmosferu oni doprinose raznim negativnim efektima na lokalnom, regionalnom i globalnom nivou. Oksidi azota - Stvaraju fotohemijski smog, kisele kiše i azotne čestice. Uništava stratosferski ozon. Uticaj na zdravlje ljudi - iritacija očiju, grla i pluća. Ugljen monoksid, CO - Uticaj na zdravlje ljudi – smanjuje sposobnost prenosa kiseonika u krvi putem vezivanja za hemoglobin, čime se tkivo lišava kiseonika. Čestice, PM - Smanjenje atmosferske vidljivosti. Doprinose globalnom zagrijavanju. Uticaj na ljude– otežano disanje. Sumpor dioksid, SO2 - Primarni zagađivač koji stvara kisele kiše. Uticaj na zdravlje ljudi - iritacija očiju, grla i pluća. Ugljen dioksid, CO2 - Utiče na stvaranje efekta staklene bašte. Ne-metanski HC-Primarni zagađivač koji stvara fotohemijski smog Metan - Utiče na stvaranje efekta staklene bašte.

7 Typical exhaust emission from Gasoline engine
Na ovom slajdu se vidi sastav izduvne emisije jednog benzinskog tj oto motora. Najveći dio izduvne emisije čine produkti potpunog sagorijevanja, dok oko 1% čine zagađivači. Najveći problemi vezani za emisiju iz ovih motora su emisije CO, HC i NOx.

8 Typical exhaust emission from Diesel engine
Na ovom slajdu se vidi sastav izduvne emisije jednog dizel motora. Najveći dio izduvne emisije čine produkti potpunog sagorijevanja, dok manje od 1% čine zagađivači. Najveći problemi vezani za emisiju iz ovih motora su emisije čestica i NOx. Razlika u izduvnoj emisiji proističe iz činjenice da ova dva motora rade po potpuno različitim principima.

9 CO2 - What is it? Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a non-toxic gas which is produced by natural sources and human activity. Typical process which produce CO2 is burning of fossil fuel. Other carbon emission from engine include CH4 and soot

10 CO2 - What is an issue? It is a non toxic Greenhouse Gas which contributes to global warming Human activity and consequent energy use raise the level of CO2 in the atmosphere. Globalisation has lead to an increase in trade and transport. Reducing CO2 emissions is a global issue and everyone needs to take their respective responsibilities.

11 CO2 - Who produces globally

12 Emission of CO2 in transport sector in EU
CO2 - Who produces in EU While power generation and heating contribute to over 50% of the CO2 emissions, these are areas were viable alternate energy sources with low CO2 emissions exist already today. Emission of CO2 in transport sector in EU (

13 CO2 - Who produces in Montenegro
Emission of CO2 in transport sector in Montenegro (Drugi nacionalni izvještaj Crne Gore o klimatskim promjenama)

14 Factors affecting fuel consumption

15 Fuel consumption vs Vehicle speed

16 CO2 emission vs Vehicle speed

17 Elements determining the environmental impacts of traffic

Energy efficiency – improved IC engine technologies Alternative powertrains – Hybrids, EVs, FCs Alternative fuels – biodiesel, bioethanol, biomethane etc innovation – Effective “at-source” technical measures & operating practices to reduce environmental impact are the best way to reduce CO2 emissions of road transport.

19 Example map of energy flows in a vehicle
Energy efficiency Example map of energy flows in a vehicle

20 Key engine technologies to promote energy efficiency

21 Key vehicle technologies to promote energy efficiency

22 Hybrid and electrical vehicles


24 Alternative fuels Petroleum gas (LPG) - is used to describe a gas produced when refining petroleum, typically supplied as a variable mix of propane and butane. EN 589 / MEST EN 589 Natural gas (CNG) - is used to describe a gaseous fossil fuel consisting primarily of methane.


26 Alternative renewable fuels / biofuels
A number of directives and standards cover biofuels use in the EU including the Biofuels Directive 2003/30/EC Renewable Energy Directive 2009/28/EC Fuel Quality Directive 2009/30/EC EN 228 / MEST EN 228 EN 590 / MEST EN 590 Biodiesel Bioethanol Biogas - is used to describe the gas made in anaerobic digesters or land fill sites typically 65% methane and 35% carbon dioxide, with contaminants Biomethane – is upgraded biogas. the upgrade process removes the contaminants and the majority of the carbon dioxide removed. Biomethane is typically 97% methane, 2% carbon dioxide and 1% oxygen BioDME

27 EU passenger car fleet by fuel type

28 Montenegrin vehicle fleet by fuel type
Potrošnja energenata u drumskom saobraćaju Crnoj Gori, 2013

29 EU passanger car fleet age
Passenger car fleet by country and age, % SHARE / 2012

30 Montenegro passanger car fleet age
Passenger car fleet age in Montenegro % SHARE / 2013

31 Average CO2 of new passanger cars
Diesel creates about 15% more CO2 per gallon. However, many vehicles that use diesel fuel achieve higher fuel economy than similar vehicles that use gasoline, which generally offsets the higher carbon content of diesel fuel.

32 Average CO2 of new passanger cars in EU
Average CO2 of new passanger cars in EU per fuel type CO2/km, (EEA)

33 New registrations projections
Projekcije godišnje prodaje putničkih i lakih teretnih vozila (do 3.5 t) prema vrsti tehnologije do 2050, izvor IEA 2010

34 Possible solutions to lower CO2 in Montenegro regarding vehicle technology
Renewing old car fleet (EURO 6 standard instead of EURO 5) Promoting alternative renewable fiels / biofuels through implementation of EU fuel standards EN 590 and EN 228 Promoting alternative powertrains

Road congestion increases CO2 emissions by 300%. Congestion is responsible for 100 billion litres of wasted fuel in the United States alone and is a source of unecessary CO2 emissions! infrastructure – Adequate investment in new infrastructure to remove bottlenecks and missing links, plus best use of existing infrastructure, are essential to reduce CO2 emissions from road transport.

36 Road congestion increases fuel consumption
(40 tonne truck) Source: VDA, 2000

37 Number of cars by municipality in Montenegro
LDV by municipality in Montenegro, 2013

38 Congestion bottlenecks in Montenegro

39 Podgorica downtown congestion

40 Summertime congestion in Kotor bay
Combination of road and maritime traffic issue

41 Possible solutions to congestion in MNE
reducing the use of private cars improved public transportation system introduction of trams in Podgorica introduction of solar vessels for public transportation in Kotor bay promoting other mobility types eg. walking, bicycle the introduction of vignettes (downtown Podgorica and old town Kotor) carsharing (Podgorica and coastline in summer) bikesharing (Podgorica and coastline in summer) building bypass around the Podgorica and coastal cities

Vehicle taxation Taxes on acquisition Taxes on ownership Taxes on motoring Alternative powertrains incetives incentives – Governments need to encourage faster introduction of best available technology and practices which help to reduce CO2 emissions.

43 Examples of taxes on acquisition in EU

44 Examples of taxes on ownership (annual circulation tax) in EU

45 Examples of taxes on motoring in EU

46 Overview of purchase and tax incentives for EV in EU 2015

47 Possible solutions to lower CO2 in Montenegro regarding tax incentives
Implementing CO2 taxation Implementing incentives for hybrid vehicles Implementing incentives for alternative fuels vehicles

48 DRIVER BEHAVIOUR Driver behaviour – eco driving
Anticipate traffic flow Maintain a steady speed at low RPM Shift up early Check tyre pressures frequently at least once a month and before driving at high speed Consider any extra energy required costs fuel and money Additional tips – eco driving Turn off engine at short stops Do not increase vehicle weight Do not worsen the aerodynamics of vehicles Rarely used assistive devices in the vehicle that consume fuel

49 Questions ?

50 Thank you

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