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Warm Up When the first world war erupted in Europe in 1914, the United States struggled to maintain its neutrality for three years. Efforts to keep open.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up When the first world war erupted in Europe in 1914, the United States struggled to maintain its neutrality for three years. Efforts to keep open."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up When the first world war erupted in Europe in 1914, the United States struggled to maintain its neutrality for three years. Efforts to keep open American commerce with Europe places American shipping and passengers in danger. Eventually, Germanys policy of unrestricted submarine warfare pulled the United States into the war. The League of Nations was established to mediate future disputes. President Wilson personally negotiated the treaty in Paris, but on his return to the United States he was unable to win senate support for it ratification. What is the main idea of this passage? What are two details supporting the main idea? What is one unfamiliar vocabulary word from this passage?

2 Quote of the Day!!! I am not a product of my circumstances, I am a product of my decisions. What does this quote mean? Why might this person have said this quote? How can you relate this quote to your own life?

3 Objective- SWBAT understand the time frame, and countries involved in World War One.

4 What do you know??? Turn and talk with your table to discuss what you know about World War One

5 In 1914, World War One broke out in Europe
In 1914, World War One broke out in Europe. Many nations around the globe took sides in the conflict. Included were colonies of wars main participants Central Powers- Germany, Austria Hungary Allies- Great Britain, France, and the United States

6 Interactive Picture Take notice of what countries are on both sides.

7 Independent Practice Consult the map on page 656. Answer the three comprehension questions based on the map.

8 Group Work Look at the time line. Write a 5-7 sentence paragraph speculating on which events may have led to the United States getting involved in the war.

9 Closure Based on the time line: 1. Who was president of the U.S. during World War One? 2. What events after the war show that countries were working toward international peace?

10 Read, “Troubles in Europe” Page 658, and answer the following: How did nationalism help lead to war in Europe?

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