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EuroMed Conference, Rome, Italy 13-15 September 2017 Smart Leadership in Luxembourg by Dr Ursula Schinzel 00352.621.322.543 Unicaf University: Marymount.

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Presentation on theme: "EuroMed Conference, Rome, Italy 13-15 September 2017 Smart Leadership in Luxembourg by Dr Ursula Schinzel 00352.621.322.543 Unicaf University: Marymount."— Presentation transcript:

1 EuroMed Conference, Rome, Italy September Smart Leadership in Luxembourg by Dr Ursula Schinzel Unicaf University: Marymount California University, University of Nicosia, Cyprus, Online Education This "Deco" border was drawn on the Slide master using PowerPoint's Rectangle and Line tools. A smaller version was placed on the Notes Master by selecting all of the elements (using Select All from the Edit menu), deselecting the unwanted elements such as the Title (holding down the Shift key and clicking on the unwanted elements), and then using Paste as Picture from the Edit menu to place the border on the Notes Master. After pasting as a picture, we used the resize handles (with Shift to maintain the proportions) to reduce it to the size you see. Be sure to delete this word processing box before using this template for your own presentation. Leaders must learn lessons from their failures and make sure that they don’t repeat the same mistakes

2 Chapter Overview Chapter 1: Luxembourg Chapter 2: Introduction Chapter 3: Theory: Peter Drucker, Rao and smart leadership, Geert Hofstede and cultural dimensions, Edgar Schein and company culture Chapter 4: Results: Smart Leadership in Luxembourg Chapter 5: Discussion, Implications, Conclusion, My Limitations, Future Research, References

3 Chapter 1: Luxembourg

4 Luxembourg Luxembourg_Film_03_Invest_720P.mp4
Queen Mary II and Marie-Astrid

5 Luxembourg Unitary parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy
Grand Duke: Henri Prime Minister: Xavier Bettel (formerly: Jean-Claude Juncker) Mayor: Lydie Polfer 3 official languages: Luxembourgish, French, German Capital Luxembourg (100,000 inhabitants) Size: 2,586 km2 Resident population total: ±576,000 ±307,000 (53%) are Luxembourgers, ±269,2000 (46%) foreigners Domestic employment was 405,600, comprising 170,200 cross-borders (41.96%): 84,400 from France, 43,100 from Belgium, and 42,700 from Germany. Motto: “Mir wëlle bleiwe wat mir sinn” “We want to remain what we are” Anthem: “Ons Heemecht” – “Our Homeland” (play from )

6 Chapter 2: Introduction

7 Smart and Responsible Leadership
What is Smart Leadership for you? …………………….. Some examples: ……………………..

8 Leadership Definition: “There is only one irrefutable definition of a leader: someone people follow. Therefore, leadership is a relationship between the leader and the led. Unlike management, the leadership relationship cannot be delegated or automated” (Maccoby and Scudder, 2011).

9 Smart Leadership Definition: ?………………..

10 Smart Leadership Definition: ?……………….. Attributes of smart leadership are: have a vision, inspiring people, my own motivation, respect, trust, understanding, empathy, communication, humility, positivity, love, integrity, knowing my team(s), talent and competences, delegation, prioritization, clear objectives, simplify, stop the so-called hard work, creativity, return on experiences, training and coaching, change management, rewarding the job well done, problem solving, empowerment, separation professional life – private life….

11 Chapter 3: Theory

12 Chapter 3: Theory: Peter Drucker, Rao and smart leadership, Michael Maccoby, Geert Hofstede and cultural dimensions, Edgar Schein and company culture

13 Chapter 4: Results

14 Results: Smart Leadership
Integrity Knowing my team Clear objectives Having a vision Love Rewarding the job well done Respect Humility Simplify Stop the so-called hard work Prioritization Separation Professional life – private life Delegation Trust

15 Results: Typical for Luxembourg
Typical for Luxembourg is the multicultural, multilingual and diverse people, the beautiful countryside in the middle of Europe, the trilingual education system, but also its limitations in resources given its small size and its nepotism multicultural multilingual Beautiful countryside In the middle of Europe Trilingual education system Limitation in resources Small size Nepotism

16 Chapter 4: Results: Companies in Luxembourg

17 Chapter 5: Results: Smart Companies in Luxembourg
Belval Plaza Cargolux SES Astra Cactus (supermarket) CFL Multimodal Sports Pour Tous (Ville de Luxembourg) University of Luxembourg Guardian (glass) DuPont de Nemour (Tyvek) Euro-Composites Farge International (yoghurt)

18 Chapter 4: Results: Respondents

19 Quotes Typical for Luxembourg:
R1, 2, 3…: “Peaceful country. High standard of life. Multilingual. Multicultural. Diversity. Cross-borderers, coming to work from the 3 neighboring countries, without speaking all the languages. The small size, and therefore small projects and limitations. The tri-lingual public education system: Luxembourgish, German and French as instruction language. A lot of banks, funds and investment companies and headquarters. Sport clubs, associations, teams. European Institutions.”

20 Quotes – Smart Leadership
‘Train people well enough so they can leave, treat them well enough so they don’t want to.’

21 Quotes – Smart Leadership
Luxembourg is small, really small, approximately 80 km long, 40 km wide. This being often a disadvantage, in the case of smart leadership, it seems to be an advantage. Following some, not all respondents, Luxembourg’s leaders have the ability to take bold decisions, to do bold things, to live their dreams, to realize their futuristic ideas. Big countries cannot experiment in this way. When a Luxembourgish leader makes an error, he causes an uproar, but 3 days later it is forgotten. The USA cannot just go ahead and experiment on ideas. Luxembourg does. Many of these ideas failed, but many others succeeded. One of these ideas is the creation of SES (Société Européenne des Satellites) in Betzdorf.

22 Quotes – Smart Leadership
“PESTLE Political:…Original member of the EU/EC, many EU/EC groups based here, small country surrounded by much more ‘powerful’ countries, often prepares legislation quickly in anticipation of future trends (end of secret banking, domiciliation of companies, tax reform, etc.), former Prime Minister Juncker is now the President of the European Commission Economic:…Niche market, Value added expertise, excellent business conditions in general Social:…Multi-cultural, cosmopolitan, vibrant and active, yet stuck in the past, Technological:…Fibre-optics, aerospace, outer space, efficient and competitive production units, data-centres (or even IT in general)  Legal:…Intellectual Property, same-sex marriage, nationality, but not giving the foreign residents the right to vote Ecological:…just look around you! A lot of green space, movement away from pesticides, etc.

23 Quotes – Smart Leadership
SWOT: Strengths:…Agile, competence-centric, attractive Weaknesses:…’Be careful what you wish for because you just may get it’ regret, poor image, public education system Opportunities:…well-placed to continue being a financial sector. Could even do more Threats:…Other countries have copied Luxembourg’s model References:

24 Chapter 5: Conclusion

25 Conclusion ‘Smart leadership in Luxembourg’ depends mainly on the respondent’s cultural dimensions and his/her value system, and is deeply anchored in Luxembourg’s cultural and linguistic identity in the middle of Europe.

26 My limitations What are the limitations of my research?
As single researcher I cannot cover the amount of 160 researchers in the GLOBE or Inglehart’s WVS. I should hire people to research in Luxembourg and the world (I interviewed 51 respondents). Time limitation (research for a publication, not a lifetime research), more statistics could be made: Mediation, ANOVA.

27 Future Research Future research could focus on CSR Corporate Social Responsibility, and/or Social Psychology.

28 Thank you for your attention! Do you have any questions?
‘Train people well enough so they can leave, treat them well enough so they don’t want to.’ Dr Ursula Schinzel Follow your passions and lead a complete life

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