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Explain why people should use their right to vote

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1 Explain why people should use their right to vote

2 Introduction In Scotland people over the age of 18 (16 for Scottish elections), have the right to vote in elections for representatives in Westminster, Scottish Parliament, European Parliament and local councils. Elections give elected representatives legitimacy – this means that people can accept that they rightfully have power because they have been selected by the majority of the people. Governments have a mandate to carry out policies that they have put in their manifestos, because they have been elected by the people.

3 Voting is a privilege People should use their right to vote because this is a privilege that many people in other countries do not have. Around the world many people live under dictatorships where they have no say and no human rights. We should use our vote in order to protect our democracy and our human rights.

4 Helps Prevent Extremism
People should use their right to vote, as if fewer people vote it is more likely that extremist parties such as the BNP will take power. This was seen in the Euro elections of 2009, where two BNP candidates were elected, because so few people turned out to vote.

5 Show the politicians what is important
People should use their right to vote, because if they do not, then they have no right to complain when the government does something that they disagree with. People need to participate in the electoral system and show politicians the policies that are important to them.

6 People have died for our right to votes
People should use their right to vote as many people in the past have fought and died in order for us to have this right. Just over 100 years ago working class men, and all women were prevented from voting.

7 However In recent times there has been an increase in anger at the established political parties of Labour and the Conservatives. Many people are angry at the way politicians have conducted themselves while in power, and many people believe that career politicians have no idea about what life is like for most Britons, especially those who live in poverty. There have been scandals like the MPs expenses in 2009, and the Dolphin Square paedophile investigation, which claims that high level politicians, including a former Prime Minister, have been involved in the sexual abuse, and murder, of children. People are angry, and suggest that voting only helps to legitimate a system which is corrupt. We have seen the growth in smaller “anti-establishment” parties, single issue groups, and “anti-politics” movements such as the one Russell Brand seems to be spearheading. The argument that citizens should vote is less clear cut than it once was.

8 Essay Practice Explain why some people argue that it is our responsibility to vote 6 marks 9 minutes

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