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The Analysis of Cyclic Circuits with Boolean Satisfiability

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1 The Analysis of Cyclic Circuits with Boolean Satisfiability
Authors: John Backes, Brian Fett, and Marc Riedel ICCAD ’08 Slide & Present: Chih-Fan Lai Ref: Slide of Timing Analysis of Cyclic Combinational Circuits

2 Outline Introduction Algorithm Proof of Correctness Discussion
Future Work

3 Introduction Combinational Circuits
Output depend on only current input values Must have cyclic topologies?

4 Combinational Circuits
The current outputs depend only on the current inputs. inputs outputs combinational logic Realm of digital design is mature: Combinational Circuit: Circuit does not have any memory, or any internal state. Performs a mapping from boolean inputs, to boolean outputs.

5 Combinational Circuits
Generally acyclic (i.e., feed-forward) structures. x y z c s AND OR XOR

6 Cyclic Combinational Circuits
AND OR Circuit is cyclic yet combinational x a b 1 x c d

7 Introduction Analyzing Cyclic Circuits Ascertain by controlling value
Shares many properties with logic verification SAT-based techniques is more efficient How to analysis Find feedback arc set Add dummy variables Encode entire circuit in terms of ternary-value Form SAT question

8 Introduction Prior and Related Work CYCLIFY
A methodology for synthesize cyclic circuits Build within Berkeley SIS environment Reduce 30% of the area and 25% of the delay Analysis based on BDD

9 Introduction Circuit Model in this Paper Floating-mode Ternary values
{0, 1, }

10 Circuit Model Perform static analysis in the “floating-mode”. At the outset: all wires are assumed to have unknown/undefined values ( ). the primary inputs assume definite values in {0, 1}. a “controlling” input full set of “non-controlling” inputs unknown/undefined output

11 Circuit Model Perform static analysis in the “floating-mode”. At the outset: all wires are assumed to have unknown/undefined values ( ). the primary inputs assume definite values in {0, 1}. 1 ^ OR AND During the analysis, only signals driven (directly or indirectly) by the primary inputs are assigned definite values.

12 Validity of a Cyclic Circuit
Fixed point A state where no further updates of controlling values are possible Invalid For some PI assignment, there are values in the fixed point Valid For every PI assignment, there are no values in the fixed point

13 Objective Convert into an acyclic SAT circuit whose
output is 0 ↔ the cyclic circuit is valid

14 Algorithm Find feedback arc set and cut from the circuit
Convert every gate into dual-rail encoded ternary logic Encoded every PI into dual-rail scheme Add dummy variables at every cut location Set up an equivalence checker for every pair of dummy variables Set up a -checker for every pair of dummy variables

15 SAT Circuits Equivalence checking -checker
Is true ↔ the value assigned to dummies = the value computed by the circuit at the cut location Reach a fixed point -checker Is true ↔ one pair of dummy variables is

16 Example: Break the Feedback Arc

17 Example: SAT Circuit

18 Proof of Correctness Satisfiable → Invalid Invalid → Satisfiable
g1 = 1, value in the circuit are at a fixed point g2 = 1, some of values are Invalid → Satisfiable Has some values at a fixed point g1 = 1 g2 = 1

19 Experimental Results

20 Discussion Feedback provides significant opportunities for optimization Cyclic solutions are not a rarity SAT-based method is faster than BDD-based

21 Future Work Develop specific heuristics for finding smaller feedback arc sets Integrate SAT-based analysis with synthesis

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