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Structure of the Code – Phase 1

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1 Structure of the Code – Phase 1
Don Thomson, Task Force Chair IESBA Meeting New York, USA June 27-29, 2016

2 The Public Interest Enhance understandability Improve usability
Agenda Item 2-A The Public Interest Enhance understandability Facilitate compliance & enforcement Improve usability Facilitate adoption Effective implementation Consistent application

3 Background January 2013 – Working Group began research
April 2014 – Project approved November 2014 – Consultation Paper issued December 2015 – Exposure Draft (Phase 1) issued April – Comment period ended

4 Respondents to Structure ED 1
Agenda Item 2-A, paragraph 2 Respondents to Structure ED 1 Category Number Regulators and Oversight Authorities 6 National Standards Setters 2 Firms 10 Public Sector Organizations 1 Preparers IFAC Member Bodies & Other Prof. Orgns. 29 Individuals Total (including some collective input) 50

5 Agenda Items 2 and 2-A, paragraph 6
Objectives today Highlight certain structural matters on which input was received & obtain the IESBA's views on the Task Force's preliminary proposals (These proposals are preliminary as the Task Force intends to reflect further on respondents' comments, particularly comments received after the due date and after the in-person Task Force meeting) (The Task Force will in September discuss with the IESBA proposed revisions to the text addressing these structural matters, changes to avoid possible inadvertent changes in meaning, & other wording)

6 Overview of input received
Agenda Item 2-A, paragraphs 3-6 Overview of input received Widespread support for the project & its key features Many helpful wording suggestions, including suggestions to avoid possible inadvertent changes in meaning Many support the proposed timetable but some favor a longer time-frame for completion & final review When the Phase 2 Structure ED is issued, the Task Force proposes making available a complete proposed restructured Code including final phase 1 agreed in principle & phase 2 for Structure & Safeguards

7 Fundamental Principles
Agenda Item 2-A, paragraphs 8-10 Fundamental Principles Emphasize compliance with the fundamental principles in addition to emphasizing the conceptual framework, specific requirements and application material Task Force's preliminary proposals Raise the profile of the fundamental principles in introductory material throughout the Code, reminding users of the overall objective (compliance) and not simply the process Reflect further on the repetition of the requirement to apply the conceptual framework; delete the repetitive banner

8 Agenda Item 2-A, paragraphs 8 and 11
Independence In the independence sections, emphasize the requirement to be independent in addition to emphasizing application of the conceptual framework Task Force's preliminary proposals Raise the profile of the requirement to be independent in introductory material throughout the independence sections, reminding users of the overall objective (independence) and not simply the process

9 Agenda Item 2-A, paragraphs 8 and 12-14
Independence Linkage Don't describe independence as "a measure of objectivity" Extant independence definition better-describes linkage Task Force's preliminary proposals Delete the "measure of objectivity" statement Remove discussion of independence from the objectivity sub-section Repeat the definition of independence in the conceptual framework section, highlighting the linkage to objectivity and integrity, as well as providing a platform to mention professional skepticism in Part A

10 Conceptual Framework - Independence
Agenda Item 2-A, paragraphs 8 and 15 Conceptual Framework - Independence Section 120, The Conceptual Framework, does not clearly communicate its applicability to independence Task Force's preliminary proposals Establish a requirement in s.120 that the framework be applied to threats to compliance with independence standards as well as threats to compliance with the fundamental principles when performing an engagement requiring independence

11 Framework & Specific Requirements
Agenda Item 2-A, paragraphs 8 and 16-17 Framework & Specific Requirements Some confusion about the interaction between the conceptual framework & specific requirements Task Force to consider the need for further clarification Overarching requirement to comply with the fundamental principles and, when appropriate, to be independent Requirement to apply the conceptual framework to address threats Requirement to comply with specific requirements and application material – roadmap from s.120 to sections with these specifics

12 Exceptions to Requirements
Agenda Item 2-A, paragraphs 18-20 Exceptions to Requirements Permitted exceptions don't include "shall" Locate exceptions in or adjacent to requirements Task Force's preliminary proposal Locate exceptions as close to the related requirements as possible With this linkage, reasonable to use "may" to convey permission

13 Disproportionate Outcomes
Agenda Item 2-A, paragraphs and 26 Disproportionate Outcomes Encourage consultation if circumstances in which result of applying requirement disproportionate or not in public interest Discussion belongs in the Code, not the Guide Don't group with ethical conflict resolution Implied PA could decide not to apply specific provisions Task Force's preliminary proposal Return material to the Code; mindful to avoid changes in meaning

14 Ethical Conflict Resolution
Agenda Item 2-A, paragraphs 21 and 24-26 Ethical Conflict Resolution Discussion belongs in the Code, not the Guide ED 1 proposals unduly shortened & altered material Task Force's preliminary proposal Return material to the Code; mindful to avoid changes in meaning

15 Responsibility for Compliance
Agenda Item 2-A, paragraphs 27-31 Responsibility for Compliance Firms & PAs within firms each have responsibilities ISQC 1 requires firms' policies & procedures to provide reasonable assurance that independence maintained Support for further consideration by IAASB's ISQC 1 WG Many not all supported "firm" for ease of reference (400.7) Task Force proposes (but will continue to reflect) Retain "firm", raise its profile in s.400, & include reference in s.120

16 Term "Audit" Used to Include Reviews
Agenda Item 2-A, paragraphs 32-33 Term "Audit" Used to Include Reviews Many not all supported "audit" for ease of reference Alternate suggestion: "equally applies to review" Profile should be raised – not merely a footnote Some favored distinguishing reviews for greater clarity Task Force proposes Continue to deal with both in one section referring to audits Reflect further on "includes" versus "equally applies to" reviews

17 Distinction of Firms & Network Firms
Agenda Item 2-A, paragraphs 34-35 Distinction of Firms & Network Firms Widespread support for distinguishing network firms Some concerns expressed about changes in meaning Task Force proposes Continue to refer separately to network firms Address inadvertent changes in meaning

18 Agenda Item 2-A, paragraphs 36-37
The Title Some favor Code; others standards "Standards" more accepted for independence Several concerned about combining Code & Standards Task Force proposes International Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants including International Independence Standards

19 Non-authoritative Guidance
Agenda Item 2-A, paragraphs 38-41 Non-authoritative Guidance Widespread support for the Guide, but not in Code Non-authoritative guidance has undue weight if mentioned Application material should be in Code, not Guide See discussion of disproportionate outcomes & ethical conflict resolution Task Force proposes Guide to be published with, but not part of, Code "Non-authoritative guidance" reference to be removed from Guide

20 Navigability, including Numbering
Agenda Item 2-A, paragraphs 42-51 Agenda Item D Navigability, including Numbering Parts – raise profile of principles & independence Numbering – some found it clear, adequate, more navigable Alternatives, but no general consensus or clearly better alternative Requirements – many suggested bold for visibility Task Force proposes Parts – names, not A/B/C; remove "introduction" from title of Part A Numbering – unchanged (except drop R & A if bold) Requirements – prefer bold, but recognize Board's past concern

21 Agenda Item 2-A, paragraphs 52-53
Glossary Locate Glossary at the front of the Code Eliminate duplication from Glossary & body of Code The Task Force proposes Include the Glossary at the beginning of the Code Immediately bring the reader’s attention to the definitions Don't remove duplication of important terms in the body of Code Some warrant discussion in the body of the Code

22 Changes in Meaning & Other Wording
Agenda Item 2-A, paragraphs 54-57 Changes in Meaning & Other Wording Helpful input – revising text; discuss in September Public interest – comply with fundamental principles or … Avoid change in meaning; topic noted for Board attention Most accept “may” and “might”; some usage questioned Retain approach; will propose some amendments Most accept "professional accountant" then “accountant” Some confused because not defined; but standard grammar

23 Agenda Item 2-A, paragraphs 58-63
Next Steps September – wording, including changes in meaning December – Phase 2 with complete restructured Code including agreement-in-principle on Phase 1 Early consideration of implementation issues encouraged Matters for Board attention – input on out of scope matters Electronic enhancements and tools – once Code is final


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