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Workshop Forecasting tax revenues

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1 Workshop Forecasting tax revenues
Overview of workshop Iris Claus and Stan Shrosbree 18 April 2016 Apia, Samoa

2 Purpose of workshop Purpose Proposed agenda Comments, questions, suggestions Introductions Taxes are an important source of revenue for the government to finance public spending. Government expenditures involve multi-year programs and projects … requiring medium-term fiscal planning … and for the government to have accurate forecasts of tax revenue collections. In this workshop we will discuss and develop methodologies, strategies and tools for improving tax revenue forecasting. We will focus on how to enhance revenue forecasts by better using the expert knowledge in the tax administration and ministry of finance / treasury.

3 Four main objectives Purpose Proposed agenda Comments, questions, suggestions Introductions Strengthen the collaboration between the tax administration and ministry of finance / treasury Enhance capacity to improve tax revenue forecasts Support peer learning and the formation of professional networks in the region Identify countries’ priority areas for follow-up bilateral technical assistance

4 Four main questions How to manage and improve tax compliance?
Purpose Proposed agenda Comments, questions, suggestions Introductions How to manage and improve tax compliance? How to improve data collection, data quality, data matching, and data sharing? How to improve tax revenue forecasting? How to manage risks to the tax base and tax collections?

5 Format of the workshop Interactive Everyone will be presenting.
Purpose Proposed agenda Comments, questions, suggestions Introductions Interactive Everyone will be presenting. Seeking practical solutions We want to identify specific actions we can take to improve tax revenue forecasting. Collaborative We want to learn from each other. Forward looking We want to develop a plan for improving tax revenue collections and forecasting. Chatham House Rule: What is said in this room stays in this room.

6 Proposed agenda Monday
Purpose Proposed agenda Comments, questions, suggestions Introductions Monday Country presentations: Marshall Islands, Nauru, Niue, Palau, Samoa, Tonga, Tokelau and Vanuatu Dinner Tuesday Compliance strategy Presentations: Vanuatu, Tonga and Samoa Designing a compliance strategy

7 Proposed agenda Wednesday Non-compliance
Purpose Proposed agenda Comments, questions, suggestions Introductions Wednesday Non-compliance Data collection, data quality, data matching, and data sharing Tax expenditures Thursday Tax revenue forecasting Presentations: Samoa and Vanuatu (tax reform)

8 Proposed agenda Friday Risk management Presentation: Tonga
Purpose Proposed agenda Comments, questions, suggestions Introductions Friday Risk management Presentation: Tonga Summary of key issues and next steps Workshop evaluation

9 Comments, questions, suggestions
Purpose Proposed agenda Comments, questions, suggestions Introductions Start at 9:00 Finish at 5:00pm, except Friday (finish at 3:15) Morning tea: 10:30-10:45 Lunch: 12:30-1:30 Afternoon tea: 3:00-3:15 Dinner tonight at 7:00

10 Introductions Who you are Where you work What you work on
Purpose Proposed agenda Comments, questions, suggestions Introductions Who you are Where you work What you work on How long you have been in your current job Where else you have worked What you studied What you would like to get out of the workshop

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