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Annual Review Meeting OP for Cohesion Policy Funds 2014-2020 Specific Thematic Focus 2 - Review the status and state of play of Smart specialization.

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Presentation on theme: "Annual Review Meeting OP for Cohesion Policy Funds 2014-2020 Specific Thematic Focus 2 - Review the status and state of play of Smart specialization."— Presentation transcript:

1 Annual Review Meeting OP for Cohesion Policy Funds Specific Thematic Focus 2 - Review the status and state of play of Smart specialization strategy in Latvia Riga, 23th November

2 RIS3 monitoring model (+ structured Advisory forums, 2016)
Latvian Science and Innovation Strategic Council Strategic vision, decisions Line ministries [Investment programs; Evaluation criteria; Progress reports, Impact assessment] Ministry of Finance [SF Managing Authority functions, incl. risk management, amendments, conformity control] EU funds Monitoring Committee [oversees SF implementation, confirms evaluation criteria, etc.] Information on OP implementation Reports on implementation of measures RIS3 Progress reports (MoES + MoE) Entrepreneurial discovery RIS3 public discussion platforms  + 11 Thematic Industry Segment Councils

3 Instruments of RIS3 monitoring - I
Extension of data provision Expansion of R&I survey data Development of science information system Thematic studies; Program implementation analysis Better program governance Public discussions (Entrepr.discovery) Implementation control; quality management Analytical capacity building Training Advanced Study programs Research on innovation

4 Instruments of RIS3 monitoring - II
Actions taken/ Work in progress Extension of data provision Thematic studies: R&D ex-post evaluation; WB survey on governance of HEEs Statistics: Survey on Careers of Doctoral Holders; Starting 2017 – expansion of statistical data on R&I IS: IS development + links with Use Science database governance Better program Quality management: EU database experts for research quality evaluation Public discussions: Analytical descriptions of spec.areas; 11 Thematic Industry Segment Councils Training: Work with Latvian School of Public Admin. on Training content (SO 342) Analytical capacity building Advanced Study programs: SO 821 – in preparation Research on innovation: Foresight, SO 111

5 Link between the RIS3 priorities and selection of operations (SO1) (1/2)
Measure Implementation status Compliance with RIS3 Practical research projects Selection of research project applications (decisions on approval/ rejection) until 30th November Two quality sub-criteria foresee to evaluate project contribution to: (1) the project goal with directions of the transformation of economy and at least one growth priority defined in RIS3; (2) how specific project results will contribute to the resolution of the problem/s defined in the RIS3 growth priorities (one or more) Support for postdoctoral studies Submission of research project applications until 30th November Projects shall contribute to achieving RIS3 goals and implementing growth priorities and development of specialization areas (eligibility criteria)

6 Link between the RIS3 priorities and selection of operations (SO1) (2/2)
Measure Implementation status Compliance with RIS3 Innovation grants for students Not yet designed Project criteria shall include evaluation of project contribution to the RIS3 implementation Development of R&D infrastructure in RIS3 areas and institutional capacity development of research institutions Program is approved by the Cabinet of Ministers on 16 August Evaluation criteria foresee that project application shall justify project’s contribution to achieving RIS3 goals and implementing growth priorities and development of specialization areas, including the contribution to creating more jobs for highly qualified workers (eligibility criteria) Support for international cooperation in science and technologies Undergoing public discussion Draft evaluation criteria foresee that project application shall justify project’s contribution to achieving RIS3 goals and implementing growth priorities and development of specialization areas (eligibility criteria)

7 Synergies with other instruments
Mechanism of funding highly ranked Horizon 2020 project proposals that are not funded due to budget exhaustion: measure No measure No measure No MoES is participating in Nordic Council of Ministers’ mobility program for public administration with the project “Baltic -Nordic networking: transfer of good practices on research and innovation policies”. One of its main activity is to share experience among Latvia, Finland and Denmark about R&D policy implementation regarding RIS3.

8 Thank you!

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