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Human Resource Management

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1 Human Resource Management
Session 1

2 HRM Definition HRM is the function performed in organisations that facilitates the most effective use of people(employees) to achieve organisational and individual goals.

3 HRM Process Acquiring Starts with planning Ends with staffing
Developing Employee training Management development Career development Motivating Identifying individual motivational needs of Employees and identifying ways to motivate them Retaining Providing a conductive environment to the employees Nurturing them to make employees feel committed and attached to the oranisation

4 Functions of Human resource management
Managerial Functions Operative Functions

5 Managerial Fuctions Managerial Functions Planning Organizing Staffing
Directing Controlling

6 Operative Functions of HRM
Employment Job Analysis Human Resource Planning Selection Placement Induction Human Resources Development Performance Appraisal Training Management Development Career Planning and Development Organizational change and Development Compensation Management Job Evaluation Wage and Salary Administration Fringe Benefits Employee Relations Motivation Morale Job Satisfaction Communication Grievance and Disciplinary

7 Emerging role of HRM Value of Human Resources Role of HR Executives
Human Resources a competitive Advantage Human Resources accounting Role of HR Executives Service Provider Executive Facilitator Consultant Auditor

8 Personnel Management "Personnel management is the planning, organising, directing and controlling of the procurement, development, compensation, integration and maintenance of the people for the purpose of contributing to organizational, individual and social goals. Edwin Flippo

9 Human Resource Planning
HRP can be defined as the process of ensuring the right number of qualified people, into the right job at the right time to deliver the results in an efficient and effective manner

10 Objectives of HRP To maintain the required quantity and quality of HR required for a smooth & efficient functioning of the organisation.

11 Human Resource Planning Model
Organizational Plans and Objectives Identify future HR requirements Compare with the current HR Inventory Determine the numbers, levels and criticality of vacancies Determine the redundant numbers Analyze the cost and time required for managing the demand Analyze the cost and time required for managing the surplus Choose the resources and methods of recruitment Redeploy Retrench

12 HRP at different planning Levels

13 HRP Process

14 Job Analysis

15 Job Analysis Job Analysis Employment Recruitment Selection
Job Evaluation Job Design Job Enrichment Alternative Work Schedules Training Establishing Formal job requirement On the job Development Appraisal Perform-ance Appraisal Equitable compensation System Job Analysis

16 Process of Job Analysis

17 Job Analysis Methods

18 Job Description


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