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GI Inpatient Services post AAU

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1 GI Inpatient Services post AAU
Connect Meeting April 2010

2 Outpatient Services Unchanged Clinics Hemel, SACH, HMH, Watford
IBD nurse specialist Hemel + SACH Urgent reviews – contact sec or IBD nurse

3 Endoscopy services Hemel Watford BCSP OGD/Flexi/Colonoscopy ERCP
Therapeutic endoscopy (stenting etc), PEGs, laser therapy

4 Model for GI services Early involvement of specialists in Emergency care has been shown to improve clinical outcomes Darzi Delivery of high quality acute medical care by specialists



7 Inpatient Care - AAU AAU – Daily am consultant rota for GI opinion (Mon – Fri) Liasion with GI Radiologists - immediate access to cross-sectional imaging (US/ CT) Inpatient Endoscopy list Mon- Fri pm on patients seen in the morning by same consultant

8 Inpatient Care – Cassio Ward
Cassio ward – 19 dedicated GI beds adjacent to Endoscopy Unit Excellent team of nurses specialising in GI disease 5 consultants running monthly rota Junior doc support (3 SpRs, 4FY2s, 3 FY1s) Dietician & SALT support

9 Activity 2009-10 Endoscopy Inpatients 2700 11/list
Inpatient Emergency Admissions 2707 AAU + Cassio Ave LOS (Cassio) 3.5 days Medicine 7.5d CoE 11.5d

10 Team working Upper and lower GI MDTs Weekly Radiology meeting (Hemel)
Monthly Academic GI Meeting – including mortality review Monthly Clinical Governance Meeting

11 Nutrition All PEG referrals (inpatient and outpatient) seen by consultant PEGs inserted within 3 days for IP and 2 weeks for OP Establishment of Nutrition Team

12 Service Development IBD services – National Targets
Nutrition Team – NICE/SHA PEG service – NPSA/CEPOD Out of Hours GI Bleeding Rota – can of worms…………!! - BSG What else would you like?!

13 BUT The elephant in the room………………………………………PCT commissioning

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