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The Television Commercial

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Presentation on theme: "The Television Commercial"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Television Commercial
Chapter 19 The Television Commercial

2 Script Assignment Clippers Nose Pouch

3 Script Assignment Heading Commercial Title Client Name Length
Writer Name

4 Script Assignment Keeping Your Nose Content Nose Pouch :30 Baker

5 Characteristics of Good Television Advertising
Appeals to consumers using: Humor Intelligence Charm Emotion

6 Typical Copy/Development Timetable Sequence
Copy exploratory Present ideas to client Revisions Circulate copy for clearance On-air clearance Pre-bid meeting Bid review/award job

7 Timetable (continued)
Preproduction meeting Shoot Post production Rough cut Revisions Final cut Ship date

8 Basic Segments of a TV Commercial
Video Audio

9 Visual Techniques Testimonial

10 Visual Techniques Rotoscope

11 Visual Techniques Stop Motion

12 Visual Techniques Animation

13 Visual Techniques Vignettes and situations

14 Visual Techniques Serials Oldies footage Spokesperson Demonstration
Close-ups Storyline Comparisons Still photos and artwork Slice of life Customer interview Vignettes and situations Humor Problem solution Mood imagery Split and bookend spots Infomercials Combinations

15 Considerations of Planning the Commercial
Cost Medium Talent Use of music Special techniques Time Location Relationship to advertising/marketing objectives

16 Writing the Script Be simple. Use easy-to-remember words. Be brief.
Write copy in a friendly, conversational style.

17 Storyboard Series of sketches showing key scenes developed in the script Two frames per scene Visual Audio

18 Scripting Video Audio 1. Shot Description 1. Audio Description
2. Second shot 2. Second audio

19 Scripting Video Audio 1. MS: Beach Scene 3 people in chairs sitting outside of beach house. Beach blanket in sand. 2. CU: Child digging in sand with ocean background. 3. MS People walking on almost empty beach. A few houses are in the background. 1. Music: In and Under (George Winston quiet jazz) ANNCR: Pawleys is a great 2. Family resort 3. It is nature at its best...

20 Exhibit 19.7 Examples of camera direction

21 To Consider Optical Music Sound Effects (SFX)

22 Common Types of Optical
Cut Dissolve Fade-in Fade-out Matte Super Wipe Zoom

23 Exhibit 19.8 Example of a wipe

24 Ways to Put Music to Work
Backgrounds Transitions Movement Accents New or old music Make new song for a commercial Use licensed music

25 Stages of Producing the TV Commercial
Casting Directing the talent Direct camera person Responsible for the setting

26 Points Addressed in Postproduction Meetings
Direction Casting Location and/or sets Wardrobe, props Product Special requirements Final script Legal issues Timetable update

27 Shooting Steps Pre-light Shooting Wrap Editing

28 TV Production Costs Location or studio Talent Residuals
Special effects Estimate costs Editorial fee cost Recording and mixing

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