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The city of Liverpool Storytelling Pollination of ideas Local people

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1 The city of Liverpool Storytelling Pollination of ideas Local people
Introduction: Brief Overview The city of Liverpool Storytelling Pollination of ideas Local people Fesitval/Brief overview – what/where/when? We have been asked to come up with a theme and create an ident for the Expanded Cinema Festival organised by Three Ply. This will be held in various venues across Liverpool from the 5th September to the 28th September in When creating the ident, we took into account – THE CITY, THE CONCEPT OF STORYTELLING AND EXCHANGING OF IDEAS. And also the demographic which will include locals from the area and moving image practitioners and creatives worldwide. We also understand that the festival will be split into 4 sections, and this has been taken into account when creating our ident. However we will go into that in more detail when showing our aesthetics. Worldwide creatives Four sections

2 Liverpool 2013 Introduction: 3 9 0 390 Expanded Cinema Festival
Cinema / Art / Multimedia Concept/theme – EXPLAIN (sum it up in a sentence to begin with then go on to explain it in detail) this festival is all about light and communication, explain what 390 means, where it comes from, light spectrum The festival will be all about light and how light is used to show us the truth about the world around us. (needs rewording) Light is measured in nanometers and 390 is the fraction when light becomes visible to the human eye, which we found out by looking at graphs such as this one. We implemented this into every aspect of our aesthetics, while staying true to the brief. The 390 Expanded Cinema Festival is a 3 week event aiming to attract moving image practitioners and creatives worldwide, showing the best froms of moving image experiences while showcasing Liverpool as a forward thinking city which is used as a hub for innovation and creativity.

3 Concept: Light Spectrum
Name of the festival

4 Concept: Liverpool and light
For our concept, we looked at light as a form of signaling and communication. Light also is obviously used in cinema. It sends signals to the brain to create images for the viewer. We can relate all of our research and the finalized concept back to Liverpool’s docking history and the idea of connection via light and signals. Hoylake lighthouse was constructed in the early 1700s to facilitate safe access into the anchorage. The Liverpool Overhead Railway was the first railway to use automatic signaling and electric light signals.

5 AESTHETICS – open up with a slide that has a range of our work (posters, flyer, logo, leaftlets)
REASONING/JUSTIFICATION – how does this relate to the concept/theme - INSPIRATION - The logo relates to the prism of light image we are so used to seeing, the shape is reminiscent of a lighthouse (TALK ABOUT THE RELATIONS TO LIVERPOOL) - Visual Style, Typography, Colour, Layout

6 Go through the work individually – posters, stings, trailer, leaflets


8 CONCLUDE – summing everything up, this is how the concept/visuals relate back to the city

9 Venues

10 Introduction – what we’re gonna talk about
Start with this or a sting/trailer?

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