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Presentation on theme: "Islam."— Presentation transcript:

1 Islam

2 Islamic symbol The Star and Crescent Moon
You will find the Star and Crescent Moon on many Islamic nation’s flags. 2

3 Islam and Muslims The religion is called Islam.
The people who practice Islam are called Muslims. (It is pronounced Mooslims)

4 Arabia in Mohammed's time
Various tribal religions Jewish communities Christian communities, usually splinter sects

5 Muhammad: The Prophet of Islam
A prophet is a messenger of God. Muhammad was born in 570 AD. His parents died when he was 7. Liked to go off by himself and pray in the desert. He heard the voice of the angel Gabriel telling him to proclaim the one true God. 5

6 Muhammad Muslims do not believe that the face of Muhammad should be shown. He is often depicted as in the picture on the right.

7 Mohammed Born about 570 in Mecca
About 610, claims to receive visions and messages. These collected and written down about as the Koran. Flees to Medina, 622 (hegira) Return to Mecca, 630 Unified Arabia by the time of his death in 632

8 The Five Pillars of Islam
1. Faith: There is only one God, and Muhammad is the Prophet 2. Prayer: Five times a day 3. Sharing: All Muslims pay a tax to help the poor 4. Fasting: Not eating or drinking during daylight during the month of Ramadan 5. Pilgrimage (Hajj): All Muslims want to make a pilgrimage to the Holy City of Mecca once in their lifetimes.

9 Sources of Islamic Doctrine
Qur’an (from root meaning read or study)-Holy book that includes all the messages Muhammad received from God. Hadith (tradition): traditional sayings of Mohammed and other early followers Tradition of the Mahdi Shariah (way): Codified Islamic Law; based on interpretations of the Quran and Sunnah Sunnah- Muhammad’s example for the duties and way of life expected of Muslims

10 The Qur’an Holy Book of Islam Written in Arabic
Muslims believe that Allah revealed the Qur’an to Muhammad. Many Muslims memorize the Qur’an The Qur’an has the rules Muslims live by.

11 The Sunnah In Islam, the Arabic word “sunnah” means the way Prophet Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah, lived his life. Muslims strive to live their life as Muhammad did.

12 A Mosque A Mosque is the place of worship for Muslims.

13 The spread of Islam Inherent appeal Jihad Conversion Incentives Trade
Simplicity Equality Rights for Women High moral teachings Jihad Military skill Good government Tolerance Conversion Incentives Tax on "People of the Book” - Originally Christians and Jews, later Hindus and certain other groups as well. Forced conversion of pagans Trade Indonesia and sub-Saharan Africa

14 The spread of Islam

15 The World of Islam

16 Schism about 700 A.D. Reasons:
Succession to Caliphate (Kalifa, successor; successor of Mohammed) Incorporation of non-Koranic elements into Islam Worldliness of Caliphs, discrimination against non- Arab Muslims Shiites (shia: party or faction) about 10% (mostly Iran) Fundamentalist? Sunnites (Sunna: beaten path) about 90%

17 Effects of Islam Preserve classical learning
Innovations in astronomy and mathematics Link between East and West "Arabic" numbers from India Trigonometry also from India Sanctuary for Judaism

18 Islam Penetrates Europe

19 Islam Penetrates Europe

20 The Islamic World Today
OIL! Sunnite vs. Shiite Secularism vs. Dogmatism Terrorism: Shiite is not a synonym for "terrorist" or "extremist." Israel and the Palestinian Problem

21 The Hajj: The pilgrimage to Mecca

22 Ramadan Ramadan - the most important holiday
Muslims fast from sun up till sundown during the month of Ramadan Ramadan celebrates Muhammad receiving the Qur’an from Allah

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