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Vocab List -Makkah/Mecca -Allah -Muhammad -Quran -Islam -Hijrah -Five Pillars, what are they?

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2 Vocab List -Makkah/Mecca -Allah -Muhammad -Quran -Islam -Hijrah -Five Pillars, what are they?

3 World of Islam Life of Muhammad

4 I. Background A) Islamic History not common knowledge
Usually, History is either: Eurocentric Christocentric B) Impact of Islam: 1) 1 billion (1/7th of world) people are muslims 2) ***Saved the works of the Greeks, forgotten during dark ages 3) → Leads to Renaissance 14th century

5 II. Muhammad GUIDING QUESTION What beliefs and ways of life shape the religious traditions of Islam?
Born 570 CE in Mecca, (Arabia) Merchant, married, & disturbed by society 610 CE, while meditating, visited by Angel Gabriel “Recite the word of Allah” -Gabriel Allah = God in Arabic 23 years preached what was told to him Quran - Sacred book gathering his words (words of God).

6 II. Muhammad Depictions of Muhammad are prohibited
Afraid of encouraging the idolization of Muhammad instead of God.

7 III. 5 Pillars of Islam 1) Shahada - Only one God/Allah + Muhammad is Last Prophet Islamic faith recognizes both Jesus & Moses as earlier prophets 2) Salat - Pray 5x times per day facing Mecca obligatory unless too sick / pre-puberty / menstruating 3) Sawm - Month long fast during Ramadan No food/drink/smoking during daylight 4) Zakat - must help poor 5) Hajj - must visit Mecca if you are able 5 pillars interactive textbook slide


9 IV. Quraysh Tribe Muhammad member of Quraysh Tribe
Most powerful tribe in Mecca Kaaba - Temple in Mecca where all Gods had their relics Quraysh Tribe managed the pilgrimage trade in Mecca Pilgrimage = visiting your God ***Muhammad preaches monotheism If only one God exists, all other Gods false → disrupts trade In sum, 622 CE - Quraysh force Muhammad + followers out of Mecca

10 V. Hijra Hijra - Journey from Mecca to Medina
Year 0 in Islamic Calendar Medina - center of new Islamic Empire

11 VI. Taking back Mecca Muhammad - both a prophet and a good military General 630 CE - Islamic community takes back Mecca Destroys all other Idols in Kabaa Islam now both religious and political force Muhammad dies in 632 CE Who will be his successor?! Next time… we find out!!

12 Kabaa Today

13 Daily Quiz 7 1) Christians have the Bible, Jews have the Torah and Muslims have the _______. 2) This journey, from Medina to Mecca, marks Year 0 on the Islamic Calendar. Its called the _______ 3) If you are muslim, you have to pray ___ many times a day, facing ___ 4) Why do Muslims not like any depictions/images of Muhammad?

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