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Present Time Ch. 1.

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1 Present Time Ch. 1

2 Simple Present (1-1) The Simple Present expresses daily habits or usual activities: Ann takes a shower every day. I usually read the newspaper in the morning. I drink coffee daily. My students attend class Mondays through Thursdays. The Simple Present can also express general statements of fact: It snows in Kansas City in the winter. It does not (doesn’t) snow in Houston. Babies cry often. Children require exercise to stay healthy.

3 Simple Present: Affirmative (1-2)
Singular Plural 1st Person I talk We talk 2nd Person You talk 3rd Person She talks They talk He talks It Rains *Notice: The verb after the third person singular has an –s on the ending!

4 Practice! My mother and father __________ (eat/eats) breakfast at 7:00 every day. My mother _________ (drink/drinks) tea with her breakfast. I ________ (take/takes) a bath every morning.

5 Practice! My sister ___________ (take/takes) a shower.
I __________ (study/studies) English with my friends. We _________ (walk/walks) to school together every morning.

6 Practice! Class ___________ (begin/begins) at 9:00 every day.
It __________ (stop/stops) at noon for lunch. We ___________ (eat/eats) in the cafeteria.

7 The Simple Present: Negative (1-2)
1st Person Singular I Do Not (Don’t) Drink Coffee 1st Person Plural We 2nd Person You 3rd Person Plural They 3rd Person Singular She/He/It Does Not (Doesn’t) * Notice: In the 3rd Person singular, there is no –s on the main verb because the –s is part of DOES *Do and Does are called “Helping Verbs”

8 Practice! My mother and father __________ (not, eat) breakfast at 7:00 every day. My mother _________ (not, drink) tea with her breakfast. I ________ (not, take) a bath every morning.

9 Practice! My sister ___________ (not, take) a shower.
I __________ (not, study) English with my friends. We _________ (not, walk) to school together every morning.

10 Practice! Class ___________ (not, begin) at 9:00 every day.
It __________ (not, stop) at noon for lunch. We ___________ (not, eat) in the cafeteria.

11 The Simple Present: Yes/No ?s (1-2)
Do/Does Subject Verb Do You Work Does She They *Note: You still use DOES for 3rd Person Singular!

12 Practice! Make a question out of the following sentences, then answer them. I like tea. She does not like coffee. I don’t speak Vietnamese. Ann speaks Italian. Ann and Tom don’t have pets. Sue has a cold. It rains a lot in April. Frogs don’t have tails.

13 Present Progressive (1-1)
Present Progressive expresses an activity that is in progress (is occurring or is happening) RIGHT NOW. Ann can’t come to the phone right now because she is taking a shower. My students are listening to a lecture right now. My sister is teaching her 4th graders now.

14 Present Progressive: Affirmative (1-2)
Be + Verb + -ing ending Am Is Are

15 Examples I AM teaching. (first person singular)
We ARE teaching. (first person plural) You ARE teaching. (second person singular + plural) They ARE teaching. (third person plural) He IS teaching. (third person singular)

16 Present Progressive: Negative (1-2)
To make a NEGATIVE statement in Present Continuous, just add “not” after the being verb: Joe is talking on his phone. (affirmative) Joe is not talking on his phone. (negative)

17 Practice Turn the following statements into negatives:
Mary and Joe are going golfing. They are moving to Dallas. Sue is at the movies. The dog is barking.

18 Present Cont. Yes/No Questions (1-2)
Be (am/is/are) + Subject + Verb (you just move the being verb BEFORE the subject) Example: The teacher is helping the students. IS the teacher helping the students?

19 Present Progressive Contractions (1-2)
I am – I’m You are = You’re We are = We’re They are = They’re He is = He’s She is = She’s It is = It’s Is not = isn’t Are not = aren’t Am not = CAN NOT CONTRACT

20 Practice John is riding a bike. The students are watching TV.
The dog is barking. The sun is shining. It is raining.

21 Practice Complete Exercises 7 and 10 (on your own), p. 5-7

22 Listening Practice Complete Exercises 6 and 9, p. 5-6

23 Frequency Adverbs (1-3) Are used with simple present (& simple past) to let the listener/reader know how long often an activity occurs I ALWAYS brush my hair in the morning. SOMETIMES I go out to eat. I RARELY forget to grade students’ work. I HARDLY EVER fail students.

24 Positive Frequency Adverbs
Always (100%) Almost always Usually Often Frequently Generally Sometimes Occasionally (50%) *The bolded terms may occur at the beginning or end of a sentence or in the middle of a sentence. The other terms are only used in the middle of a sentence.

25 Negative Frequency Adverbs
Seldom (40%) Rarely Hardly Ever Almost Never Not Ever/Never (0%) *Negative frequency adverbs are placed in the middle of a sentence

26 Adverb location *Bolded adverbs can occur at beginning, middle, or end of a sentence: Usually, I eat outside. I usually eat outside. I eat outside usually. Others can only occur in the middle: I seldom eat outside. Seldom I eat outside. I eat outside seldom.

27 Placement of Frequency Adverbs
If the verb is not be (am/is/are/was/were), the frequency adverb goes between the subject and verb: Karen always tells the truth. Jane seldom misses class. He sometimes forgets his homework. She has never failed a test. If the verb is be (am/is/are/was/were), the frequency adverb goes after be: Karen is always on time. Rick was seldom late when he was in my class. She is occasionally absent from class. Her parents were never around much when she was young.

28 Placement of Frequency Adverbs in Questions
In a question, frequency adverbs come directly after the subject: Do you always eat breakfast? Does she often fail tests? Does he usually come late? Note: we usually use positive frequency adverbs in questions

29 Placement of Frequency Adverbs in Negative Sentences
In a negative sentence, most frequency adverbs come in front of a negative verb: Ann usually does not eat breakfast. Sue does not always eat breakfast.

30 Placement of Frequency Adverbs in Negative Sentences
Always does not come in front of a negative verb. Ann always does not eat breakfast. (BAD!) Always follows a negative helping verb (do/does/have/has) or a negative form of be (is not/are not/am not/was not/were not): Sue does not always eat breakfast. They are not always late for class. He was not always a good student.

31 Avoiding a Double Negative
Negative frequency adverbs (seldom, rarely, hardly ever, never) are NOT used with negative verbs: Anna doesn’t never eat meat. (BAD!) Anna never eats meat. (GOOD) She is not rarely on time. (BAD!) She is rarely on time. (GOOD)

32 EVER EVER is used in questions about frequency. When EVER is used in a question, it means “at any time.” Do you ever take the bus to work? Does she ever miss class? Have they ever been to Chicago? Ever is NOT used in statements: I ever walk to work (bad) I sometimes walk to work/I seldom walk to work/etc. Ever CAN be used with NOT to make a negative sentence: I do not ever walk to work. He does not ever do the dishes. Not + Ever has the same meaning as NEVER

33 Practice I eat breakfast 7 days a week. I _____________ eat breakfast.
Always, Usually, Often, Sometimes, Seldom, Rarely, Never

34 Practice I HATE carrots! I ____________ eat carrots.
Always, Usually, Often, Sometimes, Seldom, Rarely, Never

35 Practice I watch TV in the morning a few times a month.
Always, Usually, Often, Sometimes, Seldom, Rarely, Never

36 Practice 4 out of 5 days a week, I eat lunch at my desk.
Always, Usually, Often, Sometimes, Seldom, Rarely, Never

37 Practice I only flunked one student out of the past four classes I have taught. I ______________ flunk students. Always, Usually, Often, Sometimes, Seldom, Rarely, Never

38 Practice Complete Exercise 16 (#1 only) and Exercise 17, p

39 Singular and Plural (1-4)
Singular = One, NOT two or more One bird (a bird) One tree (a tree) One student (a student) Plural = two or more Birds Trees Students

40 Singular & Plural Plural nouns end in –s Singular verbs end in –s
birdS, treeS, studentS Singular verbs end in –s A bird singS. A tree growS. A student learnS.

41 Singular & Plural A singular verb follows a singular subject.
Add –s to the simple present verb if the subject is: A singular noun: A bird sings. A tree grows. A student studies. He, she or it He sings It grows She studies

42 Practice Complete Exercise 20, p. 13

43 Listening Practice Complete Exercise 21, p. 14

44 Spelling of Final –s/-es (1-5)
Final –s is added to MOST verbs: Visit – Visits Speak – Speaks Say – Says Wait - Waits Ride – Rides Write – Writes Notice: when a verb ends in –e, you just add a final –s at the end

45 Spelling of Final –s/-es
Final –es is added to words that end in: -ch (watch – watches, couch – couches) -sh (wash – washes, wish, wishes, dish - dishes) -s (miss – misses, possess - possesses -x (fix – fixes, mix – mixes) -z (buzz – buzzes, Final –es is pronounced /əz/ and adds a syllable

46 Spelling of Final –s/-es
If a words ends in consonant + -y, change the –y to –I and add – es: Fly – flies Try – tries Fry - fries If a words ends in a vowel + -y, simply add –s: Pay – pays Play – Plays Day - Days Vowels = a, e, i, o, u – all other letters are consonants

47 Practice Complete exercises 23 and 24, p. 15

48 Non-Action (Stative) Verbs (1-6)
Most verbs express actions (jump, run, sing, etc.) SOME verbs express situations that simply exist, not an action in progress We call verbs that express situations non-action (or stative) verbs. Non-action verbs we generally DO NOT use in progressive (-ing) tenses.

49 Non Action Verbs - Examples
I KNOW Mr. Chen. You either have met him or you haven’t – KNOW does not express an action in this sentence I am knowing Mr. Chen. (Incorrect) I am hungry. I WANT a sandwich. You either are hungry and want the sandwich or you don’t – here WANT expresses a desire, NOT an action I am wanting a sandwich. (Incorrect) This book BELONGS to Mikhail. Mikhail either owns the book or he doesn’t – here BELONGS expresses possession, NOT an action. This book is belonging to Mikhail. (Incorrect)

50 Common Non-Action Verbs (see list p. 17)
Hear Exist Prefer See Seem Like Sound Look like Love Believe Own Hate Think Have Forget Understand Possess Remember Know Belong Agree Mean Need disagree Be Want

51 Practice Complete Exercise 28, p. 17

52 Think Think has both an active and a non-active meaning.
When think = believe, it is non-active: I think that grammar is easy. I think the pie is delicious. I think Basset Hounds are the best breed of dog. When think = thoughts that are going through a person’s mind, it is active I’m thinking about grammar class right now. He is thinking about not taking classes in the spring. We’re THINKING about moving. Notice: when active the word pattern is usually be + thinking +about

53 Have (Has) Have also has both an active and non-active meaning:
When have = own or possess, it is non-active Tom has a car. I have two Basset Hounds. My sister has three cats. We have that book in the library When have does not mean own, the meaning can be active: I’m having a good time. She’s having surgery on Monday. The active meaning of have usually occurs in non-formal expressions: Have a good time/bad time Have trouble/a problem Have breakfast/lunch/dinner/a snack Have company Have surgery/an operation

54 Practice Complete Exercise 29, p. 18

55 Practice Use the words in parentheses to complete the sentences. Use the simple present or the present progressive as appropriate.

56 Alice is in her room right now. She (read) __________________ a book
Alice is in her room right now. She (read) __________________ a book. She (like) ____________ the book.

57 Alice is in her room right now. She is reading a book
Alice is in her room right now. She is reading a book. She likes the book.

58 It (snow) ___________ right now. It’s beautiful
It (snow) ___________ right now. It’s beautiful! I (like) _____________ this weather.

59 It is snowing right now. It’s beautiful! I like this weather.

60 I (know) _____________ Jessica Jones. She is in my class.

61 I know Jessica Jones. She is in my class.

62 The teacher (talk) _______________ to us right now
The teacher (talk) _______________ to us right now. I (understand) __________________ everything she’s saying.

63 The teacher is talking to us right now
The teacher is talking to us right now. I understand everything she’s saying.

64 Mike is at a restaurant right now. He (eat) ____________ dinner
Mike is at a restaurant right now. He (eat) ____________ dinner. He (like) ___________ the food. It (taste) ___________ good.

65 Mike is at a restaurant right now. He is eating dinner
Mike is at a restaurant right now. He is eating dinner. He likes the food. It tastes good.

66 Jason (tell) ______________ us a story right now
Jason (tell) ______________ us a story right now. I (believe) _________________ his story. I (think) __________________ that his story is true.

67 Jason is telling us a story right now. I believe his story
Jason is telling us a story right now. I believe his story. I think that his story is true.

68 Look at Mr. Allen. He (hold) _____________ a kitten in his hand
Look at Mr. Allen. He (hold) _____________ a kitten in his hand. He (love) _____________ the kitten. Mr. Allen (smile) ____________.

69 Look at Mr. Allen. He is holding a kitten in his hand
Look at Mr. Allen. He is holding a kitten in his hand. He loves the kitten. Mr. Allen is smiling.

70 Practice Complete Exercise 30, p

71 Short Answers to Yes/No Questions (1-7)
Questions with do/does: Does Bob like tea? Yes, he does. (short) / Yes, he likes tea. (long) No, he doesn’t. (short) / No, he doesn’t like tea. (long) Do you like football? Yes, I do. (short) / Yes, I like football. (long) No, I don’t. (short) / No, I don’t like football. (long)

72 Short Answers to Yes/No Questions
Questions with BE: Are you studying? Yes, I am. (short) / Yes, I am studying. (long) No, I’m not. (short) / No, I’m not studying. (long) Is Jane an accountant? Yes, she is. (short) / Yes, she is an accountant. (long) Are the apples ripe? Yes, they are. (short) / Yes, they are ripe. (long) No, they aren’t. (short) / No, they are not ripe. (long) Short Answers to Yes/No Questions

73 Practice Complete Exercise 32 p

74 Chapter Review Complete Exercises 36 and 38, p

75 Using Grammar in Writing
On a separate sheet of paper, write 4 sentences describing habits/routines you have and write 4 sentences about things the people in this classroom are doing right now. DUE FOR A HOMEWORK GRADE = NEXT CLASS

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