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Integumentary System (page 112).

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1 Integumentary System (page 112)

2 The skin is made of 3 layers
epidermis - in direct contact with the outside environment, lacks blood vessels, produces dead skin cells dermis contains sweat glands, nerves, hair follicles and blood vessels, thickest layer hypodermis (fatty layer) insulates the body, anchors skin to organs

3 Jigsaw Get into a group of 5
Each member of the group will get a different function protection sensory response temperature regulation production of vitamin D elimination of waste They will become the expert in that area. The experts groups will get together and research their function (10 minutes) use page 461 in book Return to your groups and exchange information about your function (notes on page 113)

4 3 things you learned 2 interesting facts 1 question you have
3-2-1 Exit Ticket 3 things you learned 2 interesting facts 1 question you have

5 Integumentary Infographic Poster
Needs to Include information on: 5 functions (5) Bulleted info 3 layers of skin (3) What is a bruise (2) Cuts and how they heal (2) How to keep skin healthy (2) Have a picture for each portion (minimum of 5 pictures) Colored and neat Due Friday 4/15

6 The integumentary system includes all the external coverings of the body, including skin, nails, and hair. The skin interacts with other body systems to protect the body and regulate the body’s internal environment.

7 The skin has five important functions
protection sensory response temperature regulation production of vitamin D elimination of waste. Skin is made of three layers: The epidermis is in direct contact with the outside environment the dermis contains sweat glands and blood vessels the hypodermis (fatty layer) insulates the body

8 Epidermis (outer layer)
Composed of stratified squamous epithelium Lacks blood vessels Nourished by dermal blood vessels – What happens if interference in blood flow occurs? – When/how might this occur? 5 Layers of the Epidermis Stratum Corneum (uppermost)-dead cell layer Stratum Lucidum – dying; not in all body skin Stratum Granulosum – mature cells Stratum Spinosum – maturing cells Stratum Basale/Basement Membrane (innermost) – Also known as Stratum Germinativum Active mitotic layer


10 Most body areas only have 4 layers (corneum, granulosum, spinosum, basale)
Stratum Lucidum is the thickened skin of the palms and soles

11 Dermis (inner layer) Comprised largely of dense connective tissues (ie: epithelial tissues, smooths muscle, blood) Thicker than the epidermis Nerve cell process, hair follicles, sebaceous glands and sweat glands are scattered throughout Dermal blood vessels supply nutrients to all skin cells Basement membranes anchors the epidermis to the dermis and seperates the 2 layers

12 Hypodermis (fatty layer)
NOT a true layer of the skin Found beneath the skin/dermis Masses of loose connective and adipose tissues (fat) that bind the skin to the underlying organs

13 Melanocytes Specialized cells in the epidermis (produce melanin)
Lie in the deepest layer of the epidermis Can be a site of skin cancer Contain long, pigment containing cellular extensions that pass upward between epidermal cells – Extensions transfer melanin granules

14 Melanin Dark pigment that provides skin color
Absorbs UV radiation in sunlight, preventing mutations in DNA of skin cells and other damaging effects

15 Neurons (Sensory Receptors) in Skin
Five basic types exist Pain, light touch, deep pressure, hot and cold

16 Glands Sebaceous Glands Sweat Glands
Secrete oily mixture (fatty material and cellular debris) called sebum through small ducts into the hair follicles Sweat Glands 2 types, help regulate the body’s temperature

17 The skin is made of ____ layers
______________ - in direct contact with the outside environment, lacks _______ _________, produces ______ skin cells ______________ contains sweat glands, _______, hair follicles and blood vessels, _________layer _____________ (fatty layer) insulates the body, anchors skin to __________

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