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Purple Group Reflection. Term 1

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1 Purple Group Reflection. Term 1
Purple Group Reflection. Term 1. Week 4 Outcome 4: Children are confident and involved learners. NQS 1: Educational program and practice Absolute cracking week of learning activities. On Monday we learnt that Sheshily (our classroom character) landed on MARS, so, we have been learning all about this planet via; discovering hidden clues about MARS around the centre, making red hot pancakes, a data activity about our favourite alien characters and even creating our own Space Ship that we have decided (via group vote) to call; INFINITY AND BEYOND!

2 The children being sprayed with atmosphere!
Sheshily sends some liquid atmosphere down from Mars! Maisie, Jacob and Andre helping to decide, via a tally system, the most popular method of saving Sheshily from the crater! Collecting information and recording the data, the children came to a conclusion that was; The Eiffel Tower! Examining red dust from Mars Baking Moon Rock Cakes for Sheshily – understanding the concept of gravity and the need to be weighed down by something heavy on the Moon! Genevieve and Alice building the Eiffel Tower using blocks. Lucy on the phone to Shona who is Sheshily’s mum Deciphering Alien language for Sheshily

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