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C. Pommier, E. Dzalé Yeumo Kabore, E. Arnaud, P. Larmande, M. Alaux, H

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Presentation on theme: "C. Pommier, E. Dzalé Yeumo Kabore, E. Arnaud, P. Larmande, M. Alaux, H"— Presentation transcript:

1 Feedback from the RDA and WheatIS recommendations for Wheat Data Interoperability
C. Pommier, E.Dzalé Yeumo Kabore, E. Arnaud, P. Larmande, M. Alaux, H. Quesneville

2 International research partnership for wheat improvement
Created in 2011 G20 Agriculture Ministries Improve food security International framework collaborations wheat improvement The Wheat Initiative members Countries: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Spain, Turkey, UK, USA International organizations: CIMMYT, ICARDA Private companies: Arvalis, Bayer CropScience, Florimond Desprez V&F, KWS UK, Limagrain, Monsanto Company, RAGT 2n Saateen Union Research, Syngenta Crop Protection

3 Wheat Data Interoperability Group WDI
Wheat related data interoperability improvement Building a common interoperability framework (metadata, data formats and vocabularies) Providing guidelines for describing, representing, sharing and linking Wheat related data Contributors Sponsors Active members: Alaux Michael (INRA, France), Aubin Sophie (INRA, France), Arnaud Elizabeth (Bioversity, France), Baumann Ute (Adelaide Uni, Australia), Buche Patrice (INRA, France), Cooper Laurel (Planteome, USA), Fulss Richard (CIMMYT, Mexico), Hologne Odile (INRA, France), Laporte Marie-Angélique (Bioversity, France), Larmand Pierre (IRD, France), Letellier Thomas (INRA, France), Lucas Hélène (INRA, France), Pommier Cyril (INRA, France), Protonotarios Vassilis (Agro-Know, Greece), Quesneville Hadi (INRA, France), Shrestha Rosemary (INRA, France), Subirats Imma (FAO of the United Nations, Italy), Aravind Venkatesan (IBC, France), Whan Alex (CSIRO, Australia) Co-chairs: Esther Dzalé Yeumo Kaboré (INRA, France), Richard Allan Fulss (CIMMYT, Mexico)

4 WDI Methodology Surveys Workshops Implementation
Landscape of Wheat related standards and their use by the community Comprehensive overview of Wheat related ontologies and vocabularies Workshops Recommendations Mappings between different data formats Actions to conduct in order to improve the current level of Wheat related data interoperability Interoperability use cases Implementation Interactive cookbook: recommendations + guidelines A repository of Wheat related linked vocabularies (Bioportal)

5 WDI Guidelines:

6 The deliverables

7 Scope Metadata Ontologies Tools Formats Use case
Data Types, from WheatIS/RDA survey

8 Data Sharing foundations
Metadata Description data Discovery data Depends on data pivot / key ressource Phenotyping data Germplasm / plant material = Metadata Genbank data Germplasm = Data

9 Data Sharing foundations
Compatible identifiers Objects Plant Material Genes Markers Concepts, Observations, Annotations Ontologies Traits / Phenotypes Gene function Process, transformation

10 Data Sharing foundations
Compatible formats File format Repository Analysis software input and output Open APIS Web services

11 Genomic annotations and variations recommendations
Public and private infrastructure sharing data Established Data Formats : VCF, GFF3 Ontologies : Sequence Ontology, Gene Ontology Tools Distributed Centralized Repositories Multiple recognised Autorithies EBI NCBI dbSNP EBI Variant Archive

12 Gene Expression and Maps
Established standard recommendations, metadata and formats MIAME NCBI (GEO)   EBI Array Express +  ENA Plant Ontology, Plant Environment Ontology, etc… Physical Maps FPC format Genome browser format : GFF3

13 Germplams Plant Material identification and description
Genebanks and experimental collections Metadata Format Multi Crop Passport Descriptors (MCPD) Slight Evolutions needed (Permanent UID) Recognized Adoption in progress Mapping to genesys and Grin Global Done in Eurisco ? Open APIs Future perspectives

14 Phenotyping Challenges
Field experiments Controlled environment growth chambers Big Data Variability Heterogenous Volume LIDAR, Imaging  PetaBytes Localised Velocity Phenomobile, Automated greenhouse, field sensors Data files + metadata (germplasm, variables) Emerging Standards

15 Phenotyping WDI solutions
Pivot Object, Key resources identification Germplasm : MCPD Trait, Phenotype, Environment Variables: Ontologies Ontologies Observation Variable = Trait + Method + unit/scale Formalized by Crop Ontology Observation Variables Ontologies Crop Ontology INRA Ontologies Environment Ontologies XEO to be improved and promoted Soil ?

16 Ontologie Repositories Crop Ontology / GnpIS
Crop Ontology and GnpIS websites Dedicated to biologists Excel Input

17 Crop Ontology / GnpIS widget for portal and search form
Open source : Example :

18 Ontologie Repositories Agroportal
LIRMM, Montpellier (Clement Jonquet) Bioportal Instance Expert tools and interfaces Ontologies versionning in owl/OBO Confidentiality Rich Ontology metadata Triple stores API Breeding API ?

19 Phenotyping data sharing WDI solutions
Metadata MIAPPE (Transplant + EPPN) Improvements by a wider audience File format ISA Tab Standard for Phenotyping Investigation/Study/Assay Zip Archive Raw data Elaborated data

20 Data sharing WDI solutions
Open APIs Breeding API: Rest Web Services Json Easy implementation and integration Semantic Web data sharing and exploring AgroLD

21 Data sharing WDI, some tools
Repository data discovery : GnpIS Faceted search engine Distributed (Transplant/ EBI)

22 Data sharing WDI, some tools
GnpIS dataset building Search Criterion Selection

23 Data sharing WDI, some tools
GnpIS dataset building Result visualisation Data and Metadata download

24 Data sharing WDI, some tools
Agronomic Linked Data (AgroLD, RDF/ Triple Store Explore Data Graph navigation

25 WDI Perspectives and proposals
Species Carry on Wheat Extend to Cereals ( e.g rice, sorghum, maize, millet, …) Guidelines dissemination (Workshop, trainings, etc…) Recommended data sharing repositories Workspace Dataset publications (metadata, description, DOI) Recommended Permanent UID providers datacite,, agora, institutes (INRA) ? WG pour les besoins de ce slide ?

26 Aknowledgements

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