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Oil Pipeline Optimal Route

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1 Oil Pipeline Optimal Route
Turkana Oil wells to Isiolo Omondi, Steve Conducted & ESRIEA in the period of January - March, 2014 by Omondi Steve

2 Abstract This project demonstrate the use of GIS technique to generate an Optimal Oil Pipeline route from the oil promising Turkana region to Isiolo connecting with the LAPSET Oil Pipeline. The project aims to ensure the generated route has the highest utility to the public, in addition to minimizing harmful impacts to people and the natural environment. Inputs from the pipeline host areas were put through a relative preference of the various factors affecting the route (Weightings) ESRI’s ArcGIS spatial analyst tools were used for data analysis and interpretation Conducted & ESRIEA in the period of January - March, 2014 by Omondi Steve

3 Introduction Route selection is a critical first step in the process of pipeline design and construction and significantly impact the construction and operation of the pipelines. So, effective route selection process is very important for minimizing economic lose. GIS technologies are used effectively in siting oil pipelines corridors. With this study, in Turkana, Samburu, Isiolo counties various thematic layers such as land use, elevation, roads, rivers, water surfaces and protected areas were integrated in route selection using GIS techniques. Using ArcGIS Spatial Analyst module, costs surfaces were calculated and the undulating oil pipeline route was generated. Conducted & ESRIEA in the period of January - March, 2014 by Omondi Steve

4 Introduction cont. The themes and variables used as input in this process mainly address direct construction costs and pipeline efficiency once the pipeline has been completed. Some of the variables examined include; shortest distance from source to destination least grading (removal of trees, etc.) Costs associated with right of way slope of terrain Conducted & ESRIEA in the period of January - March, 2014 by Omondi Steve

5 Introduction cont. number of stream, road, and railroad crossings
existing laws and regulations (wetlands, protected areas, etc.) proximity to population centers and towns etc. utilization of existing utility corridors and easements other engineering factors. Conducted & ESRIEA in the period of January - March, 2014 by Omondi Steve

6 Conceptual Model Geodatabase Pipeline.gdb Classify Weighting Overlay
Source Land Use, Roads, Towns, Rivers, Protected areas, Water bodies, etc Land_Use Classes, Road_Proximity, Rivers_Proximity, Slope of Terrain, source and Destination, etc Generated datasets Thematic Layers Distance Surface Direction surface Least Cost path Algorithm Source point Distance Surface Direction Surface Destination Point Optimum Route Conducted & ESRIEA in the period of January - March, 2014 by Omondi Steve

7 Study Area The study area is selected between the source point of the pipeline i.e Turkna Oil Wells and destination i.e Isiolo covering three counties; Turkana, Samburu and Isiolo. Exhibits rel. flat terrain, low population & underdevelopment Conducted & ESRIEA in the period of January - March, 2014 by Omondi Steve

8 Methodology 1. Rasterization 2. Reclassification
Conducted & ESRIEA in the period of January - March, 2014 by Omondi Steve

9 Methodology cont. 3. Weighting
4. Generation of the cost weighted raster Conducted & ESRIEA in the period of January - March, 2014 by Omondi Steve

10 5. Least cost path generation
Conducted & ESRIEA in the period of January - March, 2014 by Omondi Steve

11 Result Length: 326.576808 Km Road Crossing: 7 River Crossing: 3
Protected Area: 0 Water Body: 0 Conducted & ESRIEA in the period of January - March, 2014 by Omondi Steve

12 Recommendation This process should be taken further to include all the stakeholders in determination of influences of the existing policies. Data to be used ought o be well attributed and ground truthing be carried out for detailed analysis Policy makers in engineering projects should utilize GIS techniques a tool for efficient decision. Conducted & ESRIEA in the period of January - March, 2014 by Omondi Steve

13 Conclusion So far, GIS techniques have been successfully deployed in this oil pipeline sitting process. In this study, by incorporating both the environmental and traditional sets of criteria an optimal route could be achieved. Human, environmental and financial factors have been considered in generating this route. By further incorporating opinions of local community members in weight derivation/ranking the variables, we are able to get a realistic and reliable pipeline route which meets the needs of all concerned parties. Its demonstrated in this paper that, ArcGIS Spatial Analyst module can be used in the optimum route selection of pipeline process to minimize impacts to environmental and costly aspects during construction. Conducted & ESRIEA in the period of January - March, 2014 by Omondi Steve

14 Thank You Conducted & ESRIEA in the period of January - March, 2014 by Omondi Steve

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