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Science Project Guidelines

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1 Science Project Guidelines
This is a guide for your science project. It should follow this order. You may use PowerPoint,, or any other digital presentation software. You may have more slides if needed but you may not have less slides. Pictures are a requirement. Show many pictures of you performing the experiment. It’s ok to have pictures of other people for the class presentation. Your teacher will select the best projects to compete at the campus science fair & those students will be rewarded. Science projects must electronically turned in by Oct. 18th. You can bring it on a USB drive or it to your science teacher. Mr. Chase’s is & Mrs. Vasquez’s is

2 Evaporation Race By: Chante’ Hall
Begin with a title slide and your name. By: Chante’ Hall

3 Question Do all liquids evaporate at the same rate?
What is the question you are asking?

4 Hypothesis If I set out equal amounts of water, soda, orange juice, and nail polish remover, then the water will evaporate faster because it is more pure than the other liquids. What is your prediction? Always write the hypothesis in a “If-Then-Because” format.

5 Materials Soda Water Orange Juice Nail Polish Remover Four Test Tubes
Pen and Paper Camera Provide a list of all materials needed to complete the experiment. Pictures of your equipment are a great addition.

6 Procedures Pour the same amount of liquid into each test tube.
Record the beginning volume. Set the test tubes in a dry area at room temperature. Monitor the levels of the liquids for one week. Record the volume at the same time each day. The procedures should be specific, clear, and organized. Use as many slides as needed.

7 Variables Independent Variable: The type of liquid in each tube.
Dependent Variable: The remaining volume of each liquid each day. Control: Water Constants: Air temperature, test tube. The independent variable is the part of the experiment you choose to change. It’s what you are testing. The dependent variable is the result of what you are testing. It depends on the independent variable. The control is the “norm”. It provides something to which you can compare your results to. The constants are the factors that are the same for each trial of your experiment.

8 Results Liquids Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Soda 45 mL
Water 44 mL 40 mL 38.5 mL 37 mL 36 mL Nail Polish Remover 27.5 mL 18 mL 10 mL 4 mL Orange Juice 43 mL 41.5 mL 39 mL Results should be displayed in an organized format. You can use table, charts, or graphs.

9 Pictures Before After Pictures are required to show proof of the conducted experiment. This project should have included a picture for each day. Make sure the pictures are clear and well lit.

10 Conclusion My hypothesis turned out to be incorrect.
When I set out equal amounts of water, soda, orange juice, and nail polish remover, the nail polish remover evaporated faster because it contained acetone. State if your hypothesis was correct or not. Restate the hypothesis with the correct result.

11 Real World Application
This information can be useful if you have a drink but are too busy to drink it in a reasonable amount of time. It would be important to put your drink in a container with a lid to help prevent evaporation. When removing nail polish, it’s super important to close the container or it will evaporate completely in a week and you will need to buy more. That could cost a lot of money. Explain how this information is useful in the real world. Be creative and think of any reason why we would want to know this information.

12 Sources Cited evaporates-so-fast polish-remover-evaporate-faster-then Photographer: Chantelle Hall Cite all your sources. URL addresses, books, and give credit to people that helped. Also give credit to photographers.

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