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Planning Sub Meet and Confer

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1 Planning Sub Meet and Confer
Strategic Priorities and the Future of Minnesota State University Planning Sub Meet and Confer Members: Michael Fagin,  John Frey, Scott Johnson,  Sean McGoldrick, Carol Stallkamp,   Chris Connolly, Jeff Iseminger, Jim Grabowska, Paul Schwinghammer, Glen Peterson, Maureen Prenn, Lynne Weber,  Gregg Marg, Perry Wood, Cindy Janney, Gael  Mericle, Mark Johnson, Rose Marie Ley Comments? Planning Website:

2 Comments? Planning Website:
Agenda Mission of Planning Sub Meet and Confer Mission Statement of MSU Progress on Current Strategic Priorities Review Proposed New Strategic Priorities Open Discussion Questions or Comments on the Priorities Future Vision of MSU Where will MSU be in 2010 Comments? Planning Website:

3 Comments? Planning Website:
Goals of Open Forums Campus understanding of progress/status on current priorities as a whole Discussion of future priorities Broader discussion of the future of MSU Move Strategic Plan document - out of Draft (Gamma) Planning will draft a summary report to the campus of the thoughts of the campus Comments? Planning Website:

4 Planning Mission Statement
As a body with representation from many facets of the University community, this sub-meet and confer leads the medium to long-range planning of the University from a holistic viewpoint. This committee solicits and reviews reports and proposals from other groups on campus and makes recommendations to the administration with the intention of coordinating the development and implementation of strategic priorities as well as future plans. Comments? Planning Website:

5 Comments? Planning Website:
Mission Statement The Mission of Minnesota State University, Mankato is to promote learning through effective undergraduate and graduate teaching, scholarship, and research in service to the state, the region, and the global community. Comments? Planning Website:

6 Current Priorities Status
Strategic Priorities Current Priorities Status Comments? Planning Website:

7 Comments? Planning Website:
Promote Diversity Provide effective advocacy for diverse populations on campus Help improve communication across campus on diversity issues. The University will establish workshops and mini-grants for faculty to integrate diversity components into their teaching. develop and implement a diversity orientation program for all employees. develop and implement a mentoring program for new faculty. implement the Diversity Recruitment Plan developed jointly by the Office of Admissions and the Office of Institutional Diversity. strengthen the office infrastructure of the LGBT Center to enable their support of diverse populations. Comments? Planning Website:

8 Establish a Distance Learning Plan
Create an administrative structure and process for the development and enhancement of e-learning programs. MNOnline accreditation Develop and implement 3-5 Distance Learning programs. Provide support and incentives for the development and enhancement of distance learning programs. (best practices, GAs, training thru IT, travel support, reassigned time, RIP, and summer stipends) Develop and implement a funding mechanism that provides incentives to colleges, departments, and programs involved in the development of e-learning Distance Education Comments? Planning Website:

9 Review and Enhance Graduate Education
Create funding mechanisms that allow the University to grow and improve select graduate programs. Differential tuition Modify, expand, and create graduate programs. (grow or eliminate based on viability) Revise and simplify existing graduate school policies and procedures to reduce bureaucracy and improve the graduate student experience. Comments? Planning Website:

10 Enhance Academic Excellence in Undergraduate Studies
Enhance Curriculum Increase standards in degree programs Enhance accreditation and program review Clarify admission, retention and graduation standards within majors Develop General Education course content clusters Enhance Faculty Academic Quality Innovative ways to reduce Faculty workload Enhance Student Academic Quality Enhance Academic Advising services Establish Academic Honor Code Enhance funding for Center for Academic Success Establish more student study areas Comments? Planning Website:

11 Develop and Implement Campus-wide Plans
Master Plan Fund Raising Marketing Enrollment Management Comments? Planning Website:

12 Comments? Planning Website:
Master Plan Enhance the pedestrian nature of campus Improve campus to meet student’s needs ( concourse connection between CSU & Library; implement more student lounges ) Provide a variety of residential options Planning for a new "neighborhood" Create a strong sense of place Refine architectural guidelines; campus “entryways” Resolve Stadium Road conflicts and standards with City/County) Comments? Planning Website:

13 Comments? Planning Website:
Fund Raising The University… has identified a comprehensive needs list for a new capital campaign. is reshaping the fundraising roles of directors of development in colleges. is re-establishing a planned giving program. will increase its private support in and subsequent years. Comments? Planning Website:

14 Comments? Planning Website:
Marketing Develop and Implement a Public Relations & Marketing Plan. Initiate an RFP to solicit proposals for a University wide marketing plan. Select a consultant to develop a public relations and marketing plan. Organize discussion groups and open forums to elicit input Comments? Planning Website:

15 Enrollment Management
By 2010… 20% of students will come from outside MN MSU will grow to 15,000 FYE Undergrads will represent 85% of the student population 15% grad MSU will… increase the number of transfer students to no less than 1,000. significantly improve retention and graduation rates. increase the proportion of nontraditional age undergraduate students, international students, underrepresented US ethnic groups, “high ability” students, new freshmen students who rank in the upper half of their high school class and first year students with an ACT score of 21 or higher, contract admissions. Comments? Planning Website:

16 Strategic Priorities Summary
Living document – point to begin Much has been accomplished Funding was critical to the success of these projects Many task forces have developed into permanent committees Questions or comments? Comments? Planning Website:

17 Next Strategic Priorities
Comments? Planning Website:

18 Comments? Planning Website:
Wellness Raise awareness of the cost of illness to the University and work as a university community Review and assess existing programs relating to health and wellness issues for students and employees. Make recommendations that incorporate wellness initiatives into the curriculum and professional development activities. Evaluate support services for wellness initiatives and make recommendations for any needed infrastructure and resources. Comments? Planning Website:

19 Comments? Planning Website:
International Promote study abroad experiences for students and faculty Enrich the multi-cultural environment Enhance services Increase the number of International students studying at MSU Comments? Planning Website:

20 Next Strategic Priorities Summary
These are medium term items Professional Development has been an important goal as well Questions or comments? Comments? Planning Website:

21 Questions for Discussion
Comments? Planning Website:

22 Comments? Planning Website:
By 2010 and beyond, what major directions or changes do you anticipate in facilities, students, mission, program or technical priorities? What will our campus look like? How will our students change? What adjustments should we make to accommodate these changes? What directions in academic programs do you see? New initiatives? Expansions? Comments? Planning Website:

23 Thank You Further comments: Website:
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