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Geo-Collaboration Testbed Project

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1 Geo-Collaboration Testbed Project
Merging Information For Visual Decision Making Using the FRWG’s Disaster Dashboard Concept 1/5/2016 Sensitive Information Sharing Environment (SISE)

2 Testbed Project Overview
Problem Statement Prior to, during and after large, regional incidents/storms/disasters, obtaining reliable situational awareness and information is challenging.  Decision makers with both the public and private sectors need the ability to see the big picture.  Public sector agencies cannot provide assistance to the private sector if they aren’t aware of current conditions. Solution Create visual, real-time mechanism to view and collaborate during a regional disaster Merge information from disparate sources & in different formats to provide decision makers a simple view of the big picture so they can make decisions faster 1/6/2016 2016 Fleet Response Working Group Overview

3 NOAA Testbed Project Objectives
Test technology to support collaboration for decision making Participants: SISE Working Group of the AHC Use Case #1: Electric Sector Fleet Movement Gather reactions, recommendations & feedback from stakeholders Timeline: February to March 2016 Technology Partner: StormCenter, Dave Jones 1/5/2016 Sensitive Information Sharing Environment (SISE)

4 Participants

5 Technology In Action: Geo-Collaboration of Public/Private Information w/Vetter Users
Live NOAA Weather Map Info (Public Information) State Emergency Declarations & Waiver Info (Public Information) Live Updates from FLEET-HELP DESK and FRWG Members (Private Information) The SISE allows for multiple layers of data to be shared at the regional, local or national level to support decision makers. This slide show both public information and private sector information being merged together in support of the electric sector’s need to expedite fleet movement across state lines and the state’s desire to have situational awareness with private sector needs during a disaster This capability can: Central state disaster declarations, waivers and other guidance to private sector in a single place Provide contact information Give live update Access to real-time status and directions to private sector business who can provide essential services to citizen and out if region response crews who need fuel, food, hotel rooms, medications, water, building supplies, etc.. …. in the impacted areas Access to live NOAA weather data Access to estimated fleet movement data provide by the private sector so states can understand and support as needed Live Open/Closed Status of Private Sector Businesses Who Supply Essential Services for Fuel, Food, Hotels and Pharmacies (Private Information) Electric Sector Fleet Movement Info (Private Information) Live situational awareness…multiple organizations… decision support

6 Video Overview:
New Disaster Dashboard Technology Tested – During JONAS (1/22 to 1/26/2016) Video Overview: 1/5/2016 Sensitive Information Sharing Environment (SISE)

7 RED states have declared emergencies
GREEN states will have fleets moving through them to support impacted states DOTTED lines indicate “estimated” electric sector fleet movement route information Click on RED states to get disaster documents, waivers, SITREPs, and other data 1/5/2016 Sensitive Information Sharing Environment (SISE)

8 Leveraging Federal Data Sets & Information
This screen was used to determine where flooding was to occur during several rain storms in March Private sector could then use this information to better plan around potential impacts as storm moved eastward.

9 Data Collaboration Sessions Improve Decision Making
During a collaboration session, the session Leader controls the data being shared at first while vetted Followers can interact with each other, ask questions, and also provide more details. Followers can become Leaders too and contribute their own data which can be layered to improve situational awareness and decision support. Data can be in any format. This technology doesn’t replace existing systems, is cloud based, and allows followers to use session data in their own internal decision making processes.

10 2016 Fleet Response Working Group Annual Meeting
Follow Us News & Updates Sector Use Cases 3/23/2016 2016 Fleet Response Working Group Annual Meeting

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